Old Mc Bolen has a farm (Constitution)

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Episode 22


Officers taking part in the mission
Name Position Notes
Jalana Rajel Commanding Officer
Diz'mim Ch'Nilmani First Officer
Laria Herren 2nd Officer/Mission Specialist
T'Ama Comm/OPS Officer
Atan T'Seva Chief Tactical Officer
Lystra Security/Tactical Officer
Mingxing Shimisi Engineering Officer
Kimberly Stapledon Engineering Officer
Eleanor Park Medical Officer
Ba'el Counselor
Indrid Yirah Science Officer
Name Position Played by
Adirim Bolen Founder and Leader of Paoike, Betazoid male Laria Herren
Kiamon Tagus Scientist of Starfleet, Trill male Eleanor Park
Evangeline Dodson Inhabitant of Paoike, Human female T'Ama
N'Veri Child, Kameryan/Ular, agender Jalana Rajel
coming soon

OOC Briefings

Old Mc Bolen has a farm

Paoike Colony on Drever IV is in a pickle. Less than ten years ago the colony was founded by Adirim Bolen. Things went well until recently. Without any change to care, environment and such their crops have begun to get sick and die which limits their food supplies. That is particularly bad because the farms are what keeps them fed. This is just the beginning. Once the crops get sick the livestock can't be fed, which will take away that food supply as well. So they asked for a specialist to check on the issue and that specialist has asked Starfleet for support. The specialist has determined that the issue is localized to this village and its vicinity, it also is not bacterial or a virus. So we can exclude a planet wide pandemic. The orders include that while we are there to have a look at the infrastructure and general state of the colony, but our main focus will be the issues at hand. [1]


  • Planet: Drever IV
  • Colony: Paoike
  • Age of Colony: Less than 10 years
  • Size: Less than 100 inhabitants
  • Leader: Adirim Bolen

Act 1

The Constitution Crew ends their shoreleave on Arentis and returns to the Constitution, where they are informed of the new mission, while being en route to the Drever System.

Tasks given to the Departments

  • Science
    • Inform the botanists and ask them to join to check on the plant life
    • Scan the location for composition, contamination, pollution and the like.
  • Medical
    • Inform the Vet to check on the livestock
    • Check on the inhabitants to make sure that they are alright.
  • Counseling
    • Have a look around, talk with the people see how they are doing, provide comforting words. Check for distress, anxiety and the like.
    • If anything more serious seems to be brewing let Jalana know.
  • Engineering and Operations
    • Have a look at their equipment, see if anything is broken, needs replacement or repairs and what we can provide to help out there.
    • Don't offer improvements or over the top replacements. As a private endeavour there are no freebies without cooperation by the colony or the need for it. The leader should take care of that part.
  • Security and Tacical
    • Find out about recent events, possible enemies and such. Ask around the village, see if any of the inhabitants have something to say that can be brought to Mister Bolen.
  • Laria
    • Have a look around the place
  • Contact person or udpates from the teams
  • Jalana and Diz'mim
    • Meeting with Bolen and the Scientist

Act 2

Act 3




  1. "(Old Mc) Bolen has a farm (Mission Start)", Commodore Jalana Rajel, USS Constitution-B), SD240103.10