User:Robin Hopper/sandbox

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Melissa Hopper, circa 2397

Melissa Hopper
Birth Mother, Age 64 | Human

Born in Oregon, USA, on Earth, Melissa Hopper was drawn to space at a young age. She had an aptitude for languages, communication, and politics, and brought those strengths with her to the Federation Diplomatic Corps, in which she served for several years as a staffer before becoming an Envoy. Her placement was at the Federation Embassy on Alpha Centauri IV, also known as Velestus by the Centaurans. It was there that she met her future wife, Ansyra, who worked on interplanetary projects as a terraforming expert.

Several years later, the two married and decided to seek out a quieter life - eventually settling on Theta VII, an old frontier mining and agricultural world, where they oversaw the operations of a large high-tech hydroponic farm estate. There, with some help from 24th century medicine, they also had their two children. Melissa carried Robin and Ansyra carried Kerilyn. The two have always joked about that fact that each sister seemed to take more after their non-birth mothers.
Ansyra Hopper, circa 2398

Ansyra Hopper (nee Keox)
Mother, Age 90 | Centauran

Originally from Velestus (Alpha Centauri IV), Ansyra spent much of her younger days as a professional artist before discovering terraforming later in life, springing from her long-term hobby: gardening. Her work centered around consulting on balancing aesthetic and biological considerations in world-planning initiatives. This work eventually led her to the Federation Embassy, where she joined an interplanetary team of consultants based out of Velestus - a world known for its skilled terraformers.

Eventually, she met Melissa Hopper, who worked as an Diplomatic Corps Envoy at the Embassy. The two would eventually marry and settle down together, choosing to move to the less-intense setting of Theta VII to start their family.

Ansyra's private Centauran name is Kalitikne.
Kerilyn Hopper, circa 2398

Kerilyn "Keri" Hopper
Sister, Age 23 | Human/Centauran Hybrid

When Robin was six years old, her mothers decided they wanted to have a second child. At first outraged by their decision, Robin came around to it eventually - around the time Keri turned three. At that point, Robin decided she was cute enough to be accepted into the family. The two would feud again later, when Robin was in her teenage years, which Keri once described as "exceptionally stupid and awkward". Since then, the two have worked things out (mostly), with Robin attributing much of their improved relationship to the long time she's spent away from home while studying, citing the old adage that 'absence makes the heart grow fonder.'

Keri is currently studying Politics and History at university on Tellar Prime.

Keri's private Centauran name is Zoirana.
Phoenyra Keox, circa 2397

Phoenyra Keox
Grandmother, Age 150 | Centauran

Growing up, Robin always idolized her grandmother as a personal hero. While she didn't fully comprehend Phoenyra's work as a child, she did understand that her grandmother was some sort of scientist and was involved in biological studies and, subsequently, holographic technology development.

Phoenyra lives on Velestus, where she is still affiliated with ongoing research into biological integrations with holographic environments at the Keox Conservatory[1] - an institution named in honour of her accomplishments within the field.

Phoenyra was part of the Centauran-led team that developed the modern Federation Holodeck in the mid-24th century, following up and improving on decades of work into the earlier "Rec Room" technologies, in order to recreate more immersive and lifelike simulated environments.