Jovenan (alternate)

Revision as of 19:45, 21 September 2023 by Jovenan (talk | contribs) (mission)
Black hole.png
Alternate Universe
CIC Desdemona
Jovenan (Shint War Alternate).png
Position Science officer (secondment)
Rank Mediator JG
Species Edo
Gender Female
DOB 237310.26
Age 28
Birthplace Rubicun III
Writer ID E239911J11
For the Prime Universe character, see Jovenan.

Mediator JG Jovenan is an Edo Divine Fleet officer. She is currently serving on a secondment as a science officer aboard the CIC Desdemona. Born on the Edo homeworld in 2373, she enrolled in the local University of Lahdin in 2390. Upon graduation with degree in Cosmology, she entered the Divine Fleet Academy. In 2397, she received the commission as Inquirer and was posted to the Divine Fleet Research Institute, earning a promotion to Mediator JG a few years later. In 2400, she was seconded to the Interstellar Fleet ship CIC Desdemona.


  • Height: 157 cm
  • Weight: 51 kg
  • Hair: Blonde
  • Eyes: Green

Early life and education

Jovenan was born on Rubicun III, the Edo homeworld. Her community was also a home to hundreds of Commonwealth refugees and their decendants. Jovenan had very little contact with the realities of the War, owing to the fact that the Edo had been outside the Shint War for its entire duration, although she had heard stories from the refugees. As a small child, she also got to observe how the society on her homeworld changed dramatically, as the Edo organized themselves into one of the few remaining free worlds of the Alpha Quadrant.

In 2390, she was accepted to the University of Lahdin Bachelor Programme in Cosmology, in the neighbouring community. The University, like all schools of higher education on Rubicun, had been founded only a few years before she enrolled there, with much help from the refugees and the Edo God. She excelled in her studies, graduating in 2393.


Divine Fleet Academy

After her graduation from the University of Lahdin, she became interested in the Divine Fleet and the possibility to aid in her planet's preparation to join the war against the Shint. She joined the Divine Fleet Academy in 2393. Her decision to major in science had been obvious to her before applying to the Academy. Already having a degree in Cosmology, she further specialized in the study of theory behind reality altering. She graduated 2397 and was promoted to Inquirer.

Divine Fleet Research Institute

After her graduation, Jovenan was posted to the Divine Fleet Research Institute, the top-most scientific body on Rubicun III and possibly the entire Alpha Quadrant. Her studies in the reality altering earned her a posting in the unit dedicated to the studying the Shint reality weapons. Although they only had a limited access to empirical data from the weapons themselves, the unit managed to improve the Divine Fleet's understanding of the weapons. For her contributions to the unit and the Institute, Jovenan was promoted to Mediator JG in 2399. Due to her assignment to a research body and the fact that the Divine Fleet wasn't in open conflict with the Shint, she had no combat experience and she had never been in a real firefight.

CIC Desdemona

In 2400, the Shint War was reaching its most crucial point as the Commonwealth was predicted to fall within a year. The Divine Fleet decided to take the first steps to joining the war by sending officers to join the Interstellar Fleet ships. Jovenan was one of these officers, and she was seconded to the Interstellar Fleet ship CIC Desdemona.

Both Sides Now
Both Sides Now (Artemis)

Soon after Jovenan joined the Desdemona, Major Didrik Stennes showed information the Interstellar Fleet Intelligence had acquired and informed the crew that they would steal a prismagon, a key component of Shint reality weapons, from a Shint ship. Jovenan was ordered to join a team lead by Lt Colonel Genkos Adea and consisting of Captain Luana Yellir and 2nd Lieutenants Lux, Gila Thevn and Kuva. The team's objective was to study and implement new version of prismic shields, which would hopefully provide the infiltration team some protection from the Shint weapons.[1] Despite the somewhat cold reaction from her teammates to her presence and the bad shape of the scientific equipment in the tactical science lab, the work started off well.[2][3] Focusing on the installing the shield generator to the shuttles, Jovenan worked with Lux.[4]


Service Record
Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 2393 - 2397 Divine Fleet Academy Cadet
Inquirer 2397 - 2399 Divine Fleet Research Institute Science officer
Mediator JG 2399 - 2400
2400 CIC Desdemona Science officer (secondment)


This is not a full list of Jovenan's sims.
