Arthur Summerside

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Member of Amity Outpost


Arthur Summerside


  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Date of Birth: 236005.13
  • Age: 41
  • Place of Birth: Briori
  • Height: 185 cm (6')
  • Hair Color: Brown

Summerside is simmed by Kivik.


Arthur Summerside is a 38-year-old human journalist, whose friends (and enemies) would describe him as persistent and disarming. Born on Briori in the Delta Quadrant, Arthur grew up insatiably hungry for information about his people's unique history - and the remarkable visitors of 2371.

He'd been a youngster, only 11, when the 'Voyagers' had come and revived the 37's, the revered ancestors, and turned the world upside down. Earth was no longer some distant memory; it was real and its people had made contact.

In an effort to keep learning more, Arthur became a journalist and vowed to one day bring more news back to his people. When word of the Federation's return to the Delta Quadrant reached Briori, Arthur was the first to grab a shuttle heading for the new Amity Outpost. Arthur may come across as a bit old-fashioned, and doesn’t hold back in his approach to journalism - or as he puts it, “digging for the truth”.

Arthur is often accompanied by his Talaxian colleague, Pix - who is always armed with his trusty holocam.


Name Ship Posting Relationship Status Comments
Evelyn McLaren Amity Outpost Friendly/Romantic Arthur digs Evelyn. She seems to tolerate him. Maybe something more will come from that.
Wil Ukinix Amity Outpost Frenemies? They both like each other but in a strange semi-adversarial manner. Either way, there's some sort of 'understanding' there.
Kiyaini Ri'zella Amity Outpost Professional Acquaintances Kiyaini is a respectable FNS reporter. That perturbs Arthur, but he still respects begrudgingly appreciates her.
Keehani Ukinix Amity Outpost Mutual Tolerance Despite irking her, Keehani seems to have warmed to Arthur. Summerside thinks this may be some sort of trick.