Missing In Action (Columbia)

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USS Columbia Mission History
Season One
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Act One

After Captain Whittaker goes off grid in his test flight in the Captain's Yacht, USS Kumari, the USS Columbia picks up some sensor readings on a planet that was far off the course the Kumari could have taken. Lt. Commander Jarred Thoran, temporarily in command of the Columbia, has diverted to a planet on the edge of the Sagittarius Reach where there are three possible locations of the whereabouts of Captain Whittaker and companions.

Three landing parties consisting of Commander Shayne, Lieutenant Pran, Counselor Mika and Doctor Saden Lor for team one, Lt. Commander Mirra Ezo, you’ll go with Commander Luna Walker, Lt. Commander Ash MacKenna and Ensign Dakora making up the second team and the third being that of Doctor G’Renn, Lt. Commander Rune Jolara. Commander Tatash and Ensign Pholin Duyzer will beam down to the planet to investigate the trio of signals to determine if they are that ofthe USS Kumari and occupants or something entirely different.

Lieutenants Krindo Pandorn and Na'Lae Mandak will remain on board the Columbia to monitor the teams and the surrounding area for anything that leads to the safe return of Captain Whittaker and the occupants of the Kumari. Are they safe, or will the USS Columbia find something else on the planet?

Act Two

Upon launching of three shuttle craft to begin the search for Captain Whittaker on the planet, the bridge crew of USS Columbia was able to break the pervasive veil of the electromagnetic interference around the planet, using the ship's deflector dish as an EM pulse, to find an artificial energy field that seemed to be a jamming signal of some sort. Lt. Commander Jarred Thoran diverted Doctor G’Renn's team to investigate and possibly disable it. Unable to contact the other shuttles, the Columbia diverted to an asteroid field, where they discover the remains of a Federation vessel, which was odd since there were no other records of any Federation ships other than the already known ones that were there a long time ago. What will the Columbia learn about this new development? The other shuttles seemed to have had a rough ride down to the surface of the planet, but not after taking a few bumps along the way. They now begin to search for the USS Kumari and occupants in earnest.

On the planet, Captain Whittaker was taken captive by taller more robust humans after crash landing the USS Kumari. His companions, Captain's Yeoman Haneer and Security Officer Skalvok are being held elsewhere. Skalvok being severely injured from the crash. Captain Whittaker meets the leader of the humans, Verne. What will be learned by this exchange?

Act Three

The Columbia discovers the USS Belle, a Federation research vessel, in the asteroid field that fell prey to an unknown disaster. Lt. Commander Thoran leads an away team to the other ship. The sole survivor, Lt. Commander Graciela Solis, is found on the bridge. She is treated and brought aboard the Columbia.

Doctor G'Renn's team happens upon a settlement protected by a energy field. After disabling the field the team wanders into the seemingly abandoned town. The group gets into a firefight with a local until he is disabled and captured, but not before injuring Commander Jolara in the shoulder. The group enters a building with an unusual energy source only to be accosted by large humanoids. In escaping the second firefight the group discovers an underground nuclear reactor that seems to be powering the settlement. In an effort to escape the attacking enemies they simulate a reactor overload only to realize that the reactor is actually in the process of melting down.

Commander Shayne's team finds a structure near their landing position and gain entry after speaking with the sole inhabitant, an augmented human named Breno. The massive building is a power plant, though poorly maintained and leaking radiation which is causing members of the team to get sick. Another augmented human named Zufar arrives and quickly kills Breno and orders the away team to leave. They depart and return to the shuttle where Commander Shayne decides to transport with Lieutenant Pran back to the structure to try to discover what is going on. He leaves Mika and Lor to make repairs to the shuttle.

Lt. Commander Ezo's team discovers the captain and others being held prisoner in a network of caves by genetically altered humans who arrived on the planet in the sleeper ship SS Monticello. The leader, Adlynn Verne, confronts the team and threatens them. She orders them to provide information on the USS Kumari to get it working again. The megalomanical Augment wants to use the ship to gain dominance over the other Augment groups on the planet. Ezo and MacKenna devise and execute a plan whereby MacKenna causes an explosion using her mechanical hand to puncture a hypospray with pressurized contents.

Meanwhile the Columbia enters the planet's atmosphere and buzzes the planet's surface as a show of force. They achieve a lock on Ezo's team and beam them away just as the explosion goes off.


Doctor G'Renn's team escapes when their attackers flee the overloaded reactor and the away team uses a local transport vehicle to make for their shuttle. On the way they run into the Vadhavulan that attacked them before. He is briefly captured and then released out of harm's way.

Mika and Lor are able to repair the shuttle for Commander Shayne's team but not before Ensign Lor is spotted by a sniper who opens fire. A local merchant is used by the sniper as a means to sneak a warhead close to the two officers. They barely avoid permanent injury when the bomb goes off. Communications are restored with the ship and they are recalled along with Shayne and Pran.

MacKenna's mechanical hand is a total loss and must be replaced in a delicate procedure by Doctor G'Renn and her team. True to his promise to Verne, Captain Whittaker places a no-contact restriction on the planet to keep others from falling prey to any of the Augments in the future.



Sanara Pran, Security Officer - played by Theo Whittaker

Danni James, Engineer - played by Rune Jolara

Amala Minks, Helm Officer - played by Hal Mika

Vase Opi, temporarily in command of the bridge - played by Jarred Thoran


Adlynn Verne, leader of the tall humans - played by Anath G'Renn

Nahida, resident of Vadhavul - played by Jarred Thoran

Zufar, resident of Vadvahul - played by Jarred Thoran

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