Carter Greyson

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Ensign Carter Greyson is currently serving as a Engineering Officer aboard the USS Garuda.

Carter Greyson
DS9style-ens gold.png
Engineering Officer
USS Garuda
Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg


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  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 75 kg
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Build: Muscular
  • DOB: 236907.06
  • Age: 32
  • Birthplace: California, USA Earth
  • Serial Number: AZ - 159 -930


Carter grew up in San Jose, California. He felt strongly and passionately about Starfleet since he began reading about the exploits of the various captains. With that in mind, he cast a gaze towards tactical and decided to enter the academy on his 18th birthday. 4 years later, he's a tactical officer with a major in Tactical and minors in Helm/Comm/Ops.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet First Class 239104.01 Graduated Starfleet Academy Tactical Officer
Ensign 239104.01 - 239106.14 USS Excalibur-A
DS9style-ens gold.png
239106.14 - 239110.08 USS Garuda
239110.08 - Present Engineering Officer


Starfleet Academy

During his time at Starfleet, he'd made a few friends. Not as many as he'd like, but just enough to keep him out of trouble.

Kala Maddox

Kala Maddox

Friends throughout their years at the academy, though somewhat distant as they neared completion. He still feels deeply for her, regardless of the fact their love may never advance beyond brother and sister. As of this point in time, he doesn't know what happened to her. Last he heard, she was assigned to the USS Apollo and that was the very last time he'd heard anything.

Agatha Moirrey

Known to Carter and by several others as "Aggie", this impetuous young Terran was always capable of making him laugh and relax when he needed it most. He met her during his academy years, and the two became fast friends after circumstances drove him and Kala apart during that time. She had a knack for stepping in and lending an ear when he was having problems. Since he left, their relationship has withered into non-existence.

USS Garuda

Chythar Skyfire

Chythar Skyfire

These two met during their time on the USS Excalibur-A. While they never served on the same shift for longer than 10 minutes at a time, the shuttle to the USS Garuda was the longest both men had spent in the same room for longer than five minutes prior to their first day together on the Garuda. When Carter's console exploded on the bridge, Chythar was the first on the scene and diligently performed life-saving surgery to stabilize the young ensign. He had no idea that what he was actually doing was saving his future room mate. Once shore leave hit, the two men found that they were assigned to the same room. Carter thinks his infatuation with Chythar may just be a passing phase of hero worship because the doc saved his life, though what he is uncertain of is whether or not he actually is developing a crush.

Nia Calderan

Nia Calderan

"Seriously, be confident! Don’t regret the things you do in life, only regret the things you didn’t." — Nia to Carter.
During shoreleave on stardate 239108.01, these two met for the first time. She had read the reports indicating how Dr. Skyfire had saved Carter's life, and was curious to know whether he would be able to go back on duty. Somehow, his feelings for the good doctor slipped out during the conversation. She advised him to go ahead and ask Chythar directly if he's still pursuing the marine Debra Cross that the doc started to fall in love with just before the transfer.

Raissa Moonsong

Raissa Moonsong
Carter's initial meeting with Raissa was short, abridged. His first actual counseling session with her proved more insightful, and she helped him solidify his desire to transfer to engineering. His incident on the bridge involving the exploding tactical console made it clear that he doesn't belong behind one unless he's fixing it or re-configuring it from an engineering console. Although, he does have strong attractions toward her as well -- similarly to his feelings for Dr. Skyfire which might masquerade as love at first sight. He doesn't know if that's true, or if it just misplaced gratitude.

Tristam Core

Tristam Core
Sometime after his incident on the bridge with the tactical console, it was pointed out to him that his hands were shaking. During a conversation with the captain and the acting chief engineer, the possibility of a permanent transfer to engineering came up followed by retraining, thus allowing him to finish SFA's engineering program with Cmdr. Core as a mentor. This had to be discussed with the counselor, and shortly after his meeting with her he realized he was committed to becoming an engineer.

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Award History
Ribbon/Award Name Date Posting
Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg
Diplomacy Ribbon 239108.02 USS Garuda
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart


Carter Greyson is a PNPC of Chythar Skyfire.

Notable SIMS

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NPC Listing   ·   USS Garuda Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Aron Kells
Chief of Ops
Chief Engineer
Tristam Core
Chief of Science
Alora DeVeau
Ian Dunross.jpg
Ian Dunross
Dir. of Intel.
Quinn Reynolds
First Officer
Roshanara Rahman
Chief of Sec/Tac
Evan Delano
Security Officer
Hanar Tuk
Security Officer
Ryan King
Chief Medical Ofc.
Chythar Skyfire
Raissa Moonsong
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