T'Rhiu Andarai

Ensign T'Rhiu Vernek Andarai is a science officer currently serving aboard the USS Darwin-A.


  • Full name: T'Rhiu Vernek Andarai
  • Date of birth (Age): 235607.10 (45)
  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Female
  • Hair color: Dark brown
  • Hair style: Short and ear length
  • Eye color: Hazel
  • Height: 1,84 m (6' 1")
  • Weight: 75 Kg (165 lbs)
  • Physique: Slender build/lithe
  • Skin tone: Pale brown with very subtle pinkish tinge


  • Marital status: unbonded
  • Parents: Antonie Andarai (father - died), Susie Andarai (mother-died), Sotek (adoptive father) and V`Tes (adoptive mother)
  • Siblings: Matak (brother)
  • Children: none
  • Pets: none


  • Habits: Meditation, workout.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: IDIC (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations)
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: learn about human psychology, culture and philosophy
  • Likes: Challenges, both physical and mental; strong tea; the quiet of early morning.
  • Dislikes: Cruelness and warlike oriented behavior
  • Strenghs: Keen intellect and mental discipline
  • Weaknesses: lack of emotion matureness
  • Ambitions and Goals: To continue acquiring and disseminating knowledge.
  • Temperament: Usually calm.


Andarai was a just two years old when her parents died during a failed attempted to transport them down to the Vulcan colony of Cal`Tesh. Both were science officers with great future on Starfleet. After that incident a Vulcan couple offered to adopt and to raise her with them on the Vulcan. Since she didn`t have a close relatives the adoption was granted and the new parents added the name T'Rhiu to her original name, Vernek Andarai. They were conscious of the challenges of raising a human child among Vulcans but at that time they believed that aren`t going to be able to have children.

Andarai grew-up without the proper stimulus of her emotional which was compensated with great mental discipline and career achievements. He learned and embraced a lot of Vulcan philosophy and traditions, but didn`t undergo some of the severe Vulcan trainings. Despite that, since the planet had a gravity pull more severe than Earth, she ended up building a strong and muscular body for a human girl.

T'Rhiu's decision to go into Starfleet was driven by several things. T'Rhiu believed in order to understand the Vulcan culture, its history and future direction, she needed to expand her education to off-world cultures. Starfleet was the most logical place to gain such knowledge, in her mind. Second, her immediate family, V`Tes and Sotek, seemed adjusted to their live on Vulcan, with their new son, Matak whose education started to conflict with her own, since he was native Vulcan. Andarai believed her energies could be re-directed without disruption the family bond and respecting her natural human desire to expand knowledge. Besides, she didn`t want to follow some Vulcan traditions and the pressure from the her Vulcan relatives were starting to get insupportable.

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John Valdivia
Merrick R'Ven
Graeme Cook
Isabel Pond
Jora Kalis
Didrik Stennes
Rendal Rennyn
Randal Shayne
Nicu Icavoc
Kurt Logan
Emery Rhyn
Kael Thomas