The USS Challenger, an Akria Class Starship, was launched on Stardate 238301.28 under the command of Captain T'Pen, a rookie Starfleet Captain. Before the end of the year, the crew's average sim rate was 182 per month. During the yearly Awards Ceremony, Fleet Admiral Wolf described the vessel as "a bastion of enthusiasm," and the crew as "our most self-motivated crew!" He also said, "Don't 'Challenge' them to a simming-duel unless you're ready to lose your shirt!"
The Challenger Crew Awards For Its First Year
- 1 Staff Award
- Four of 11 Duty Post Awards
- 12 of 56 General Awards
Captain T'Pen
Staff Award
LtCdr Samal Frazier
Duty Post Award
- The Strange Medallion -Fleet First Officer of the Year
General Awards
- The Nebula Bar
- The Silver Palm
LtCdr Toni Turner
Duty Post Award
- Prantares Ribbon - Medical Officer of the Year
General Awards
- Sarpeidon Award
- Kalendra Award
- Scotty Cross
Lt(jg) Shalom Winters
Duty Post Award
- Voyager Medallion - Operations Officer of the Year
General Award
Lt(jg) James Levin
Duty Post Award
- Cochrane Award - Science Officer of the Year
LtCdr Aleana Netal
General Awards
LtCdr T'Preen
General Award
Mr. Heath West
General Award
Major Francis deMarc
General Award
Ensign Lon Elburn
General Award
The above awards represented 22% of the total SB118 awards for 2006