Vojana Satscher

Vojana Satscher is a medical officer on the USS Tiger.


  • Full Name: Vojana Minerva Satscher
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant
  • Race: Human (colonist – Bukvan)
  • Date of Birth: 235804.28 at 2021 (Post Academy age: 30)
  • Place of Birth: Bukvan
  • Gender: Female
  • Telepathic status: none (Mind Block)


  • Height: 5’2"
  • Weight: 115
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Length: Half her back
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Skin tone: Purplish
  • Birthmarks, Scars: Too many to mention, growing on a farm with 5 brothers and 4 sisters scars and bruises were normal part of their games.
  • Build: Tiny
  • Face: Open, somewhat circular
  • Eyes: Medium
  • Mouth: Smallish, heart-shaped
  • Carriage: Straight, walk with head up, looking almost ridged.
  • Poses (Hands/Gestures, Feet/Legs, Torso/Head): When turning around always is doing it on her heels, with her toes raised.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Even in her free time, fond of uniform type clothes – was always fond of jumpsuits.
  • Shoes: Standard Starfleet boots. In free time tends to stay in socks only.
  • Voice: Deep and gentle.
  • Handedness: Righthanded, but use both hands and sides with ease.


  • Quarters: Full of flowers, otherwise fairly simple.
  • Favorite Room:Still her room at home!
  • Habits/Mannerisms : When thinking tends to turn inside and look blank.
	                    Open minded tends to be quite cinical.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Christianity brought from Earth home, without a church and priests grew on Bukva into a strict following of Ten Commandments, with only 2 mayor Holidays celebrated (Christmas and Easter).
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Growing/tending flowers and horseriding.
  • Achievements in Life : First Bukvan in Starfleet.
  • Disappointments in Life : Got abandoned by a man she loved for reasons she couldn’t accept!
  • Temperament: Peaceful and mostly gentle - but can get cynically nasty if provoked.
  • Mental problems (complexes and phobias) : Had to attend counseling after one of the first missions where got in possession of mental powers completely strange for her.
  • Physical Limitations : She’s short! So may ask for help in reaching items that are high, or get stuck in turbolift.


  • Marital Status: Single, but involved in relationship.
  • Children: None
  • Parents
    • Father: Franjo Nikola Satscher - breeder famous for his works on migrations and evolutionary changes in animals resettled during creations of settlements on colonized worlds
    • Mother: Marija Katarina - “just” a mother, as she herself tend to say – but just a mother of 10 always tender but strong, who managed both children, house, and farm in a manner of feeding, clothing, washing and overly being able to take care of more than 120 people working and depending on and around farm. Somewhat rigid and conservative raised her children with steel hand.
  • Siblings: 4 sisters & 5 brothers
  • Gordana Katarina: Vojana’s oldest sister, a horse breeder – sadly the only one Vojana is in constant touch with.

Personal History

      Vojana grew up on a space station, almost. Bukva is a farming colony in Kalandra sector on a supply line between Vulcan and Betazed. First few decades’ people lived on a planet, but its long days and nights had a bad influence on health and lifespan. So since colony was flourishing, soon they bought a space station both for living and as trade depot. Youngest of 10, she was never forced to do anything. Growing up always just playing, life was a game for her until she, in the age of 18 realized, she don’t have a clue what she want with her life.

She knew nothing about farming or breeding, and all “posts” on their farm was filled already. Two of her brothers (Marko and Goran) were accomplished farmers, youngest sister before Vojana (Milka) was kind of “ranger”, taking care of forest conservation around their farm, and the hewing down for space. Gordana becoming a wet choose horsebreed to grew animals best for work on a farm, while twins Franc and Franciska were the most famous vets for whole colony. Feeling useless she approached father asking for permission to take a year of sabbatical and travel in search for “herself”, her place in life. Despite with heavy heart he gave her a blessing and finances. In her travels she met young Starfleet officer. He showed her life in Starfleet, teaches her a lot about engineering… but when she decided to join he left her, cause “as both officers they’ll never be together.” After several nights in tears she took a test and was accepted. Her father took it seemingly hard, and didn’t gave her any hint of being happy with her choice until her graduation, when organized a celebration station/colony will never forget.

On academy Vojana was as lost as before, her reluctance to make her choice in life was pushing her professors to the limit. She first majored in HCO (helm, communications, operations), being very active in Sciences. But at the end of second year, made her final decision, and joined Starfleet Medical, where spent two years in specialized classes. As a cadet and resident doctor was stationed for two years on USS Varazdin, from which graduated in 238306.15 and as Medical officer was transferred to USS Independence – A, in command of Rear Admiral Jessa Kyrn Anassasi. As young Ensign, Vojana was quite frightened surrounded with higher, and much higher ranking officers, fearing they may be unwilling to follow her orders, but was very surprised by the fact that everyone listened, without objections.

Chronological History

237805.15 – entered Starfleet Academy in the age of 20

238108.25 – started cadet cruise on USS Varazdin

238306.15 - Graduated from Starfleet Academy

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Ensign 238402.26 - 238408.07 USS Independence-A Medical Officer
  Lieutenant J.G. 238408.07 - 238411.19
  238411.19 - 238501.18 USS Ronin
  238501.18 - 238501.23 USS Independence-A
  Lieutenant 238501.23 - 238505.04 Chief Medical Officer
Award: 238502.10 The Xalor Clan Xifilis Award
  Lieutenant 238505.04 - 238509.01 USS Tiger Medical Officer
  238509.01 - Present Chief Medical Officer

Personal History:

USS Independence – A – MO/CMO

238405.00 - 238408.07 - Ensign

238408.07 - Lieutenant Junior Grade

238501.18 - 238501.23 - Lieutenant Junior Grade

238501.23 – Lieutenant - CMO

USS Ronin - MO 238411.19 – 238501.18 Lieutenant Junior Grade

USS Tiger – Lieutenant -MO

238505.04 - 238509.01 – MO

238509.01 – Promoted to CMO

NPC Listing     ·     Tiger Senior Staff     ·     Crew History
CO: Cpt Sidney Riley   ·   XO: Lt Cmdr Jhen Thelev
SOO: Lt Cmdr Sakorra Reed
CoO: Lt Cmdr Lance Firestarter  ·  HCO: Ens Dean Fielding
CE: Lt Cmdr Nemitor Atimen   ·   EO: Ens Thomas Riley
CoS: Lt David Whale   ·   SO: Lt JG Ashtad Gee
SO: Ens Cole Turner
CSO: Lt Cmdr Darius Clack   ·   Sci: Lt JG Galon Sudra
CMO: Lt Cmdr Solok   ·   ACMO: Lt JG Sasak
MO: Ens T'Reshik
CC: Lt JG Tobias Brel  ·   Coun: Ens S'Peek Avandar
Civ: Greekle   ·   Civ: Sir Kyros Gideon
LOA: Ens Kathalia Goodhart  ·   Ens Lucien Landau  ·  Ens Lukarick Obsidian
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