Valcarian Core Worlds

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Par'tha Expanse

An antiquated region bordering the outlier areas of the Deep Core, the Core Worlds were some of the most prestigious, well-developed, well-known, and heavily populated planets in the galaxy. One of the Core Worlds is the Valcarian homeworld and the area where they first developed space travel, before the invention of superluminal engines and exploration of wider and more distant regions.

Valcarian Empire

Par'tha Expanse

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The Valcarian Republic therefore was born in the Core Worlds and spread out over their known galaxy.


Star System Major Worlds Importance Sector Indigenous Species
Adril system Adru homeworld, medicinal exports ? Adruan
? Dinemma House of Iatys throneworld ? ?
Lirassuus system Lirassan manufacturing, military Uarissa Sector n.a.
Renaaran system Renaar manufacturing, military, trade Renaaran Sector Renaaran
Valcari system Valcaria homeworld, political center Uarissa Sector Valcarian