Zhanyt Lafizatar

Revision as of 10:28, 23 July 2020 by Rich (talk | contribs) (added bio)

Zhanyt Lafizatar is a science officer aboard the USS Veritas.

USS Veritas
Zhanyt Lafizatar
Position Science Officer
Rank Lieutenant JG
Species Mathenite
Gender Female
DOB 2371
Age 31
Birthplace Mathen


  • Name: Zhanyt Lafizatar
  • Birth Year (Age): 2371 (26)
  • Origin Planet: Mathen (later: Zeta Pavlionis)
  • Species: Mathenite
  • Height: 7' 2" (218.4 cm)
  • Weight: 180lb (81.65 kg)

Zhanyt is a very tall dark skinned woman, with a ponytail of rainbow-colored hair that goes down to her back and gold piercing eyes. A lithe woman with moderate musculature, and sharp edged beauty, her most distinctive feature is her tall bunny like ears. Well, that and she's insanely tall.


  • 237106.30 - Born on the planet of Mathen.
  • 237410.22 - Her younger sister, Alannah is born.
  • 238010.12 - Leaves with her parents, as part of the first wave of settlers for Zeta Pavlionis.
  • 238402.12 - Sees a Federation Sovereign-class, is entranced by the beauty of the ship.
  • 238601.04 - Joins an academy that focuses on engineering and science in preparation for joining the Confederacy's military. Her parents mildly disapprove, but understand that this is the best chance for her to travel in space freely.
  • 238804.12 - Her younger sister, Alannah, disappears one day.
  • 238909.04 - Sponsored by the Captain of Starbase 149 as a non Federation human as Zhanyt expresses a desire to join Starfleet, perhaps to find her sister one day.
  • 239306.12 - Graduated, posted as Engineering Officer to the USS Temperance, an Ambassador-class starship on regular transport duty within the Federation Core.
  • 239508.24 - Began Science classes under the LtCmdr there, a Bolian.
  • 239604.04 - With the decommissioning of the USS Temperance due to extreme damage after a cosmic string accident, she was reassigned to the USS Forbearance, a Miranda-class starship, as an Engineering Officer.
  • 239607.04 - Reassigned to the USS Fidelity with the decommissioning of the USS Forbearance. Begins final qualifications.
  • 239701.01 - Awarded for her role in saving the USS Fidelity after a pirate ambush and their chief engineer was killed in action. Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade.
  • 239705.06 - Finishes qualifications.
  • 2397XX.XX - Assigned to the Starfleet Annex on Esperance Station.
  • 2397XX.XX - Assigned to USS Veritas as a science officer.


Zhanyt was born on the Mathenite Homeworld, in southern Rheghenda. Her father was an architect, and her mother was a writer, which made it easy for her to take care of Zhanyt as she grew up. In 2374, her younger sister was born. In 2380, the family took up the offer of the Confederacy to start a new colony and moved to Zeta Pavlionis. While her father was excited to help design a new city to show the potential and wisdom of Mathenites, especially after they had the example of Noria, Zhanyt soon missed the deserts she grew up in.

In 2388 her sister went missing, and while the authorities issued a full search, with the Federation Security detachment in system looking as well, they were never able to find any sign of what happened to her.

Early Starfleet Career

She then decided to join Starfleet, and potentially find her sister. After seeing how hard she worked at what she set her mind to, the CO of Starbase 149 nominated her to join Starfleet.

Her first posting was a rather slow posting, the USS Temperance. On regular ferry duty between the core worlds of Axanar, Bolia and Andoria, Zhanyt began to notice that she was getting passed up on promotions and unable to transfer out. After a few years as an engineer, she asked the Chief of Science for the ship for any advice in expanding her skill set and refreshing her earlier classes in advanced science disciplines. Since there was usually little call for his services, he set up a training program, which she and most of the Science department joined.

However, on 239603.25, the USS Temperance encountered a quantum filament string and was unable to avoid it. It took the combined efforts of the Operations and Engineering Department to get the ship to limp into the Axanar system, and on 239604.04, the ship was written off as too damaged and too old to repair.

USS Forbearance and USS Fidelity

The crew was broken up and sent to various ships. Zhanyt was assigned to the USS Forbearance, a Miranda-class starship on its way to the breakers, as one of the lowest ranking ensigns. The Forbearance was going on a tour of worlds affected by the Dominion War as one last tour, including Starbase 149, letting her briefly visit her home, and this was completed on 239607.04. She was then assigned to the USS Fidelity, a Saber-class starship, part of Operation Safe Harbor, this time to it's science department.

While on the Fidelity, the CO, an Andorian named Kalina ch'Sathir, after evaluating her performance, was working on getting her to Lt. JG, and she likely would have gotten it if they hadn't been hit by a pirate ambush that killed the senior staff except for one Lt. JG who happened to be moving towards the backup CIC.

While she was able to get the ship repaired enough to return to a nearby starbase after a marathon of jury rigging the ship, the Fidelity was judged to need a long enough time in drydock that her crew was reassigned.

However, as a result, she was decorated and promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade.

USS Veritas

In 2397, after finishing her qualifications and a brief stint at the Starfleet Annex on Star Station Esperance, Zhanyt was assigned to the USS Veritas as a science officer under the command of Captain Roshanara Rahman.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Veritas Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Roshanara Rahman
First Officer
Sky Blake
Physician Assistant
Ikaia Wong
Ship's Counselor
Katy Toliver
Science Officer
Zhanyt Lafizatar
Science Officer
2O/Chief Engineer
Wil Ukinix
Engineering Officer
Scotty Reade
Operations Officer
Hannibal Parker
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Lilith Thorne
Dipolmatic Corps
Jansen Orrey
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