Yogan Yalu (né Verso, born 15 April 2362) is a male joined Trill officer in the Federation Starfleet, currently holding the rank of Ensign and serving as medical officer aboard the USS Atlantis.

USS Atlantis
Yogan Yalu
Position Medical Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Trill
Gender Male
DOB 236204.15
Age 39
Birthplace Sarajevo, Earth
Writer ID D238804DS0
Under construction


  • Height: 183cm
  • Weight:
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Grey
  • Build:


  • Family
    • Aydam Verso (father)
    • Haned Jurea (mother)
    • Nedal Verso (brother)
    • Kejana Verso (sister)


Yogan Yalu was born Yogan Verso in Sarajevo in 2362. His father Aydam was an agriculture scientist and his mother Haned was an administrator in the Trill Diplomatic Corps, working within the diplomatic mission on Earth. He has two younger siblings, Nedal and Kejana, also born on Earth. His childhood was mostly happy and without major incident, but being the only Trill child in a community of mostly humans gave him a sense of self-exceptionalism that would take years to grow out of.

After the Antwerp Conference bombing and the attempted coup d’état on Earth in 2372, Haned and Aydam brought their young family back to the relative tranquility of the Trill homeworld. They resettled in a provincial town on the foothills of Bes Manev, and 10-year-old Yogan found it difficult to adjust from the excitement of living in a major urban center on an alien planet. It was, however, his first real opportunity to learn about the customs and history of his own people, particularly the practice of joining, which was not discussed openly during the family’s years on Earth.

After completing his secondary education in 2381, Yogan enrolled at the University of Chi’tar, completing premedical studies with a minor in linguistics in 2386. While he intended to continue on to medical school, his plans were put on hold when he was accepted into the Initiate Program, and became a candidate for joining. After a difficult four years as an initiate, the Symbiosis Commission approved Yogan for joining. While waiting for a symbiont, he accepted a one-year fellowship in critical care and emergency medicine, about which he became deeply passionate.

Finally, in 2392, Yogan was joined with a 362-year-old symbiont called Yalu. He spent much of that year adjusting to life as a joined Trill, but in early 2393, he applied to Starfleet Medical Academy to complete his studies. Moving back to Earth after 20 years wasn’t exactly the homecoming he might have hoped for, but he excelled in medical school and graduated in 2397.


Career history


Foxtrot Protocol (239705.11 - )

Service history

Below you'll see a table which contains images for rank pips - you can change the word 'Gold' for 'Red' or 'Teal' or one of the other colors listed earlier to match your duty post. More instructions about how to use the service record template can be found at Template:Service Record.
Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 2393 - 2397 Starfleet Medical Academy
Ensign SD 239706.07 - Present USS Atlantis
Medical Officer

Awards and service ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
  • (We've gone ahead and filled in your first service ribbon: the Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon. As you complete missions and continue to serve with the fleet, you'll earn additional awards and service ribbons that you can post here, with the date you got them! For full instructions on how to add more awards and service ribbons, check out Template:Ribbons Display.)
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Year or Stardate
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

Sim Archive

Replace the links below with links to your own SIMs that you find memorable or are important to your character - you may want to add more as your time with the fleet goes on! You can find a complete archive of sims here at the SIM Archive.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Atlantis Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Jarred Thoran
First Officer
Mission Specialist
Toryn Raga
Act. Chief Sec. Ofc.
Ilana Ganarvuss
Tactical Officer
Varik Tal'Aura
Chief Engineer
Lael Rosek-Skyfire
Engineering Officer
Ast. Chief Ops Ofc.
Esa Kiax
Medical Officer
Elizabeth Snow
Science Officer
Noa T. Levinson
Science Officer
Thalas th'Koro
Science Officer
Chief of Marines
Amuro McKnight
Kurt Logan
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