Akira class/Primary Science Labs

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Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards


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Akira Class Heavy Cruiser
Commissioned: 2368

Science Labs

ChallengerSciencelab 1 .gif
There are twenty science labs on the Akira Class; five labs are on deck 4 - adjacent to Sickbay, 10 labs are on deck 5, 2 microlabs on deck 14 and 3 multifunction labs on deck 6. The 5 labs on deck 4 are bio-chem-physics labs that can also be reconfigured for Medical labs. The 10 labs on deck 5 are a mixed batch; three are bio-chem-physics, one is an XT (extra-terrestrial) analysis labs, and one eugenic lab. There are two smaller labs on deck 14 are astrophysics/astrometrics and stellar cartography labs. The final 3 on deck 6 are multi-functional labs that can be equipped for various experiments.

Sensor Systems

Long range and navigation sensors are located behind the main deflector dish, to avoid sensor "ghosts" and other detrimental effects consistent with main deflector dish millicochrane static field output. Lateral sensor pallets are located around the rim of the entire starship, providing full coverage in all standard scientific fields, but with emphasis in the following areas:

  • Astronomical phenomena
  • Planetary analysis
  • Remote life-form analysis
  • EM scanning
  • Passive neutrino scanning
  • Parametric subspace field stress (a scan to search for cloaked ships)
  • Thermal variances
  • Quasi-stellar material

Each sensor pallet (twenty-four in all) can be interchanged and re-calibrated with any other pallet on the ship. Warp Current sensor: This is an independent subspace graviton field-current scanner, allowing the Akira Class to track ships at high warp by locking onto the eddy currents from the threat ship's warp field, then follow the currents by using multi-model image mapping.

Stellar Cartography

ChallengerStelar cart.GIF

One stellar cartography bay is located on deck 14, with direct EPS power feed from engineering. All information is directed to the bridge and can be displayed on any console or the main viewscreen. The Chief Science Officer's office is located next to the Stellar Cartography bay.

Black-and-white ship illustrations by Tim Davies unless otherwise noted. Used with permission. All other images are copyright to their respective owners.
REV SD 239705.25