Featured Bio Contest

Revision as of 15:10, 13 November 2016 by Brayden Jorey (talk | contribs)

The Featured Bio Contest is an opportunity to recognize our existing members as well as to inspire prospective members to examine our group and join in on the fun. Furthermore, the contest endeavors to encourage current members to explore the SB118 Wiki and learn more about their fellow members and the adventures others have been having across the fleet.

Featured Bio Contest

This Month's Winner

USS Veritas
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Each month, the Featured Bio Contest Team reviews nominated character biographical wiki articles and uses the judging criteria to judge nominees. At the end of the month, one winning article will be selected from the nominees to become the Featured Bio of StarBase 118 on both the SB118 Wiki main page and through the Newsies, Reporter, and Publicity Teams. Featured Bio winners are granted use of special badges that they can then add to their bios. Additionally, a runner up will be chosen as the Featured Nominee for the month and receive an honourable mention on the forum and news as well as a corresponding badge that can be placed on the page.

Featured Articles and Badges

The Featured Bio Contest recognizes three types of featured articles: Featured Bios, Featured Nominees, and Featured Bio Contest Team Members.

Featured Bio of StarBase 118
Badge 1.png
Featured Bio of StarBase 118 (Gold)

A nominee that has been selected by the Featured Bio Contest Team to become the Featured Bio of SB118 for one month.

Featured Bio Nominee
Badge 1.png
Featured Nominee (Silver)

The second place nominee in the final vote count by the Featured Bio Contest Team.

Featured Bio Team Member
Badge 1.png
Featured Bio Contest Team Member (Sapphire)

A biographical article for a character whose writer is a member of the Featured Bio Contest Team and has participated in three rounds of the competition.

Featured Articles may display special badges designating their status. Display of the badges is at the discretion of the individual author, although examples of badge placement are available in the Featured Bio Contest Tutorials.

Rules and Judging Criteria

How to Nominate an Article

See someone's bio on the wiki that you think deserves to be featured on the main page and through our publicity and news teams? Then simply reply to the current month's nominations thread with a link to the article in the Featured Bio Contest forum!

Articles are judged using the judging criteria for the contest. Before you nominate an article, please ensure that it meets the following simple rules:

  1. Nominated articles must be of a player character played by a current and active member.
  2. Nominated articles must be either a primary or secondary player character. PNPCs are ineligible.
  3. All information in the article must be current as of the submission date.

List of Featured Articles

November 2016

Taelon was born and raised in relative isolation in a barren, arid red desert on Cestus II with his mother Azera. While he did receive some education at a school in a nearby colony, the majority of his education came from his mother and in assisting with her scientific research. His mother was often gone for long periods of time and it was during these times that Taelon learned self-reliance and discovered Starfleet.

Tensions with his mother, his primary (an near only) social outlet, became more and more volatile as he grew older and a heated argument in 2388 led him to finally leave and make his way to Earth where he enrolled in Starfleet Academy.

Featured Nominee: Randal Shayne

September 2016

Varaan is an only child who was born in the City of Khir Ahl on Vulcan. His mother was a diplomat and his father was a revered astrophysicist who sat on the board of the Vulcan Science Academy. Varaan always seemed to take a ‘hands on approach’ to learning by taking things apart and putting them back together. Despite this and his relatively low grades, his father used his influence to get Varaan into the more theoretical Vulcan Science Academy program.

However, after a two year struggle at the science academy, a failed Kolinahr attempt, the marriage to his wife and 8 years in the V’shar (Vulcan Intelligence) Varaan finally found his path on Earth at Starfleet Academy and has had a Starfleet career that has led him to the First Officer position aboard the USS Darwin.

Featured Nominee: Brandon Craig

July 2016

Savan is the only child of Vulcan scientists and originally hails from Vulcan. He had a quiet and uneventful childhood until a series of unfortunate and dramatic events were set in motion following Trellium-D exposure that would eventually end with the death of of his father, the breakdown of his mother, and the ‘emotional’ Vulcan living with a half-human relative in Santa Cruz on Earth.

Savan majored in Security, specializing in diplomacy, survival and tactics with a minor in Operations and Communications. Following his graduation from the Academy he was assigned to the Embassy on Duronis II where he continues to serve and was recently promoted to Lieutenant JG.

Featured Nominee: Solaris McLaren

  Hannibal Parker
May 2016

Large, intimidating, and a trained warrior. All are adjectives that could be used to describe Major Hannibal Parker the Marine CO and Chief of Security of the Embassy of Duronis II. Growing up as an overly aggressive and strong child to two loving parents on Earth, Major Parker was diagnosed at an early age of being in possession of a 'fortunate combination of genes and DNA' which his father cultivated into the demeanor of a trained warrior.

Utilizing his skills as a warrior, Parker joined Starfleet in 2387 being assigned to the USS Challenger-A as a tactical officer. During the course of his time as a Starfleet Officer, Parker has served in many roles across several different ships before transferring to the Embassy of Duronis II where he has served for the past four years.

Featured Nominee: Didrik Stennes

  Antero Flynn
February 2016

Brother to seven siblings , Antero Flynn hails from Risa, growing with a playful personality and a motivation to do more with his life when his younger brother's ship is suspected destroyed when it goes missing whilst on a terraforming mission.

Having joined Starfleet Academy, Flynn has an affinity for ship tactics and maneuverability, and signed onto the fleet as a Helm Officer for the USS Colombia, and when transferred to the USS Apollo-A in 2392, he was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. The next year, he would be serving as a Helm, Communications and Operations officer at Starbase 118 and her support ship, the USS Albion.

Featured Nominee: Merrick R'Ven

  Cory Stoyer
January 2016

Born and raised in a place called Georgia in the North American region of Earth, Lieutenant Cory Stoyer began his career with Starfleet as an enlisted non-commissioned officer. Which was something that played in his favor during his time at the Academy. While the other cadets were occupied with what things would be like aboard a starship, Stoyer already knew and chose to spend his time sharing his experince with them.

After graduating the Academy, Stoyer was assigned to the USS Constituition-B where he would serve as an engineering officer for some time before being transferred to the USS Excalibur-A to serve as the HCO officer. After that he moved to the USS Victory for a stint before moving to his current role as the Chief Engineer of the USS Gorkon.

Featured Nominee: Baylen Anders

Badge Further Details
See all the featured articles of 2015
See all the featured articles of 2014
See all the featured articles of 2013
See all the featured articles of 2012
Featured Bio Team Members

Joining the Featured Bio Contest Team

Team members who have actively participated in three rounds of the competition are authorized to display the Featured Bio Contest Team Member badge on their characters' pages.

Interested in becoming a member of the Featured Bio Contest Team? We'd love to have you! Send a private message on the forums to the team facilitator.

Please note, if you wish to join the team you must meet the following requirements:

  1. You must be an active member of SB118 in good standing.
  2. You must be willing to take an active role in not only judging other articles to be featured but also helping other members with constructive feedback on how to improve their articles.
  3. You should be reasonably proficient with using and editing the wiki such that you could assist other members who have questions about it.
  4. You must be willing to forego your own character's article from being chosen as a featured article. It will instead be listed as a Featured Bio Contest Team Member (Sapphire) article.

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