User:Genkos Adea

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USS Excalibur-A
Genkos Adea.png
DS9style-cmdr teal.png
DS9style-blank teal.png
Genkos Adea
Position Second Officer / Chief Medical Officer
Rank Commander
Species Betazoid
Gender Male
DOB 236906.24
Age 32
Birthplace Dekoa, Betazed
Writer ID User: Genkos Adea
Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards General Pathfinder 2015.png
Awards General 1Year.jpg
Awards DutyPost PrantaresRibbonAward 2011.jpg
Awards General SheathedSword 2011.jpg
Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
Q Award.png
O'Brien Award.png
Awards General 3Year 2011.jpg
Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Orion Syndicate Service Medal.png
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingSilver 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg
Maiden Voyage Ribbon.png
Project Capstone Ribbon.png
Warp XV Drive Pioneer.png
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons DepartmentChief.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Legacy Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingGold 2011.jpg
Genk1 1.gif

Genkos with his sword cane, courtesy of Jo Marshall


A label made by Jo Marshall after the Sikuna mission

Halloween Avatars Gorkon 2018 Genkos.png

Genkos' award winning 2018 Halloween Avatar, designed by Jo Marshall.


A badge from the Skarbek mission, courtesy of Jo Marshall


Genkos' badge for winning the December 2395 Quote of the Month competition, courtesy of Jo Marshall


Genkos' badge for winning the May 2396 QotM competition, courtesy of Jo Marshall

Halloween Avatars Gorkon 2019 GenkosAdea.png

Genkos' award winning 2019 Halloween avatar, designed by Jo Marshall

QOTM November1 2396.png
QOTM November2 2396.png

Genkos' badges for winning the November 2396 QotM competition, courtesy of Jo Marshall


Genkos' badges for winning the March 2397 QotM competition, courtesy of Jo Marshall

Genkos Awards2020.jpg

Genkos Adea's 2020 Awards Ceremony Avatar


Genkos 'Archerified' by Jo Marshall

Genkos illustrated.png

Genkos, in illustrated form... Center Genkos' Discord avatar, courtesy of Aine Sherlock Center Genkos' 2021 Ressie award, for forgetting to put the right ship in his location tags Center Genkos as a Rick & Morty character, courtesy of Jocelyn Marshall

Publicity Team
Badge 1.png
Halloween Avatar Contest Winner
Badge 1.png
25th Anniversary
Badge 1.png
Badge 1.png
Awards Ceremony Nominator Elite
Badge 1.png
SOTFA Taskforce Commendation
Badge 1.png
SOTFA Ship Commendation
Badge 1.png
Excellence in Training
Badge 1.png
FNS Editor
Badge 9.png
To Boldly Go
Badge 1.png
Badge 1.png
Community Outreach Badge
Badge 1.png
Awards Ceremony Nominator Legendary
Badge 1.png
Chat Trivia Participant
Badge 1.png
Commemorative Coins
Per Aspera Ad Astra Commemorative Coin.png 25th Annual Awards Attendee Commemorative Coin.png
Player Achievements
Friends in high places
What's up, doc?
Penny for your thoughts
Follow up appointment
A head full of dreams
Take a deep breath for me
Speak your mind
It's all in the details
A face for the name
Data hound
Detail oriented
News Hound
Two heads are better than one
Helping hand
I heard that
These things happen
It's part of the job
Press F to Honor
Look who's talking
First Star on the Right
Man on a mission
It takes two
Subspace Communicator
Captain Proton to the Rescue!
Holy dArtagnan!
Event Oriented
Beam me down, Leana!
This is Not a Drill
Sweet Child O' Skarbek
Player Achievements
It's on the house
What do you want to do tonight, Brain?
Back to the past
Special Guest Appearance
Too Cool for School

Commander Genkos Adea is currently serving as the Chief Medical Officer and Second Officer aboard the USS Excalibur-A.


  • Weight: 6'11"
  • Weight: 210 lbs
  • Hair: Dark brown, short but wavy.
  • Eyes: Black

Player Details

  • Name: Elliot
  • Lives in: Kent, UK
  • Money Job: Tickets for a theatre/cinema/concert hall
  • Love Job: Apart from this? I work as a theatre director.



Clockwise from top left

Player Character - Genkos Adea

PNPC - Gnaxac - a Ferengi engineer aboard the Gorkon

PNPC - Kafkazet - Zaranite physiotherapist aboard the Gorkon.

PNPC - Rumi - a Zaldan geneticist aboard the Gorkon, dating Laxe Adea

PNPC - Laxe Adea - Genkos' mother

PNPC - Shryv ch'Thorlles - an Andorian Ops Officer


Alternate Version - Genkos Sim/Skarbek

OOC Activities

  • Publicity Team
  • FNS Writer
  • History Team
  • Mentor
  • Poll of the Month Facilitator



  • Laxe Adea - Genkos' mother, currently aboard DS224
  • Tillul Sim - Genkos father, currently in prison on Betazed
  • Rumi - a Zaldan geneticist, dating Laxe Adea


  • Gnaxac - a Ferengi engineer aboard the Resolution
  • Kafkazet - Zaranite physiotherapist aboard the Resolution.
  • Shryv ch'Thorlles - an Andorian operations officer aboard the Resolution
  • Dr. Faa - a Vulcan Medical Ethics professor at Betazed's Academy campus
  • Iefyr Farrel - Acting Chief of Science aboard the Resolution
  • Sornax - the Resolution's junior counsellor


  • Anselm - a Da'al terrorist engineer, wife of Wyse, captured by the Klingons but currently in Da'al prison
  • Gabbro - the newly minted head of the Skarn, a race of telepathic and telekinetic rock people in the Briar Patch
  • CloQ, of the Q Continuum
  • R'Mira - the Klingon communications officer of the IKS qor’Du, a ship from a hundred years past, stuck in a time loop with the Resolution, and now in the present.


  • Rebecca Thornton - sister of Arlo Thornton
  • Vedek Ishi Aba of the Bajoran Assembly


  • Virgil Hawkins - Human security officer, eaten by nebula crabs aboard the Njörðr
  • T'Yuu - Vulcan engineering officer, melted in an attempt to cure Rushton's syndrome aboard the Njörðr
  • Caldor - Romulan scientist, devoured by a giant fish on Væron
  • Wyse - Da'al terrorist engineer, blown up in the destruction of The Ship Formerly Known as IKS K'mpirmag
  • Lo'Thar - Sau Commander, stabbed by his second in command.
  • Moparu Jirsam - member of the Bajoran Resistance during the Cardassian Occupation

Genkos' Forum banner by the great Alieth

Signature Adea resolution.png

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