2009 Address

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2009 State of the Federation Address

Stardate: 2386001.06 (6 January 2009)

Valued Members & Friends of the UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek PBeM Role Playing organization,

The year 2385 has been one of growth & renewed hope.

At the end of 2384, a year of changes, our State of the Federation Address identified advertising and recruitment as our most essential priority in achieving our goals for subsequent years. We are, therefore, pleased to announce that the advertising team's improved activity and continued efforts have allowed us to increase fleet membership. As a result of this growth, the Executive Council was able to launch Sidney Riley, Cura Assanti and Ben Walker as new Captains in 2385, thus, increasing the size of the fleet back to eight active vessels. Moreover, we have high hopes of being able to commission a further new Captain and starship very early in 2386.

The new ideas and new directions that these new commanding officers bring to the Captains's Council has been complimented by the retirement of two of UFoP: Starbase 118's Greats. After a combined service of over 16 years in the fleet, Rear Admiral Jessa Kyrn Anassasi and Vice Admiral Hollis Calley stepped down from active service so as to concentrate on new priorities in their lives. Their respected departure was recently honoured at the 2385 Staff Awards ceremony where they were both presented the Kathryn Janeway Award. Rear Admiral Jessa Anassasi joined the fleet in 2378 and served on a number of vessels before taking command of the USS Independence from which she trained and launched Captains Kare'en, Mar and Riley. Vice Admiral Hollis Calley became a member of our community in 2376 and commanded both the USS Kodiak and USS Ursa Major from which he launched Fleet Captains Hebron and Hutton, Commodore Rhys and Captain Hurne. Indeed, both Admirals leave behind a mass of senior officers whom they have trained and inspired throughout the years. Both Flag Officers led by example for many years and retired from active service in the same way: departing amicably and gracefully, making room for the next generation of commanding officers. We wish both these giants of UFoP: Starbase 118 all the best for their new endeavours.

This departure has allowed us to move up a number of senior Captains into new roles of responsibility for the coming year. We are, therefore, very pleased to welcome newly promoted Commodore Rhys Bejain and Fleet Captain T'Pen to permanent seats on the Executive Council along with Captain Idril Mar taking over as Captain-at-Large to the EC and Captain Daydan Taboo becoming the magistrate for the next sitting of the Captains's Council. This means we once again have a fully manned Executive Council in place with a lot of renewed energy, new ideas and new direction. In 2386, we hope that everyone in the fleet remains aware that they may approach the EC at anytime for help, guidance and advice. Indeed, all EC members are here to help, both in times of difficulty and throughout times of enjoyment and growth. We advise and guide the fleet's Captains and first officers but are also the first point of call for any member of the fleet that has an issue with the command staff on their assigned starship.

Other exciting developments in 2385 saw a lot of our vessels being manned by new crews working together creatively for the first time. These crews have spent a lot of time and energy gelling together. Experienced officers have come together with new members of the fleet and everyone has grown together as both they and their ships survive difficult encounters for the first time. These new friendships and new directions give all of us renewed hope for the coming year. In addition to this, our growth continues to be documented and recorded for prosperity on the the fleet's wiki pages. These continue to improve thanks to the combined efforts of the fleet's members coming together and joining forces to record a wealth of exciting information. Indeed, http://www.wiki.starbase118.net now houses 3.987+ individual articles thanks to everyone in our online community being able to unite and co-create, add to or edit any page on the Wiki. Nobody needs anyone else's permission as long as their contributions are positive and constructive. Moreover, 2385 saw our wiki administrators introduce an inspiring new initiative whereby contributors' best articles may be recognised and rewarded. Known as "Featured Articles," these pieces are selected if they exemplify our community's very best wiki work - featuring high standards of writing and presentation. Indeed, the content of a featured article is always of a quality that can be held up as an example for people trying to develop other articles of a similar theme. It should, therefore, be: well-written, comprehensive and accurate; contain images and other media where appropriate to the subject; include relevant links to other articles; and, be of suitable length whilst staying focused on the main topic and without going into unnecessary detail. So, make sure you get involved in 2386; start recording your character's experiences or your crew's adventures and, perhaps, you will one day create a featured article that could be chosen as our Article of the Month and displayed on the front page of both the wiki and the main members' area website.

It is always important to our community that players from different vessels in the fleet come together to collaborate on projects such as the Wiki. This continues the camaraderie that we have long had on our online forums, tutoring at the academy and easily available transfer ystem. Unfortunately, however, 2385 was a little slow for some of UFoP Starbase 118's fleetwide Teams and Guild. Like the wiki and the forums, these taskforces are of paramount importance because they allow members to interact throughout the fleet and to make friends across different starships. With the renewed hope that we have found in 2385, we hope that 2386 will allow the fleet's taskforces to grow further in new directions. In 2386 the Readers' Guild intends to build on the new hope that is running throughout the fleet and is already looking towards strengthening their group and bringing back its core. Any telepaths or empaths should contact Lieutenant Commander Devar (USS Eagle) directly in the hope of bringing new and old reader characters together. Moreover, we hope that all the other teams and guilds will soon follow suite. Achieving a flourish of activity in these fleetwide taskforces is one of our priorities and hopes for 2386 and we invite all of you to once more get involved as much as you can. To find an area of interest be sure to check: http://www.starbase118.net/members/taskforces/guilds/ & http://www.starbase118.net/members/taskforces/teams/ ) In coming together from our different vessels we can return our guilds and teams to their former glory and reenforce our co-operation as a fleet and community.

One team that could still use yet more new helpers and new ideas to help the fleet grow is still our advertising and recruitment team. Attracting a wave of new officers to the fleet is essential if we are to continue growing and allow everyone the chance to move up through our ranks. We hope that all members of UFoP Starbase 118 with some spare time will try to be involved and ensure our time gets out there.

Across the board, the majority of our Captains have reported to us that they have identified the goal of solidifying their own Starship's command staff base as their priority for 2386. They will be looking at organizing, structuring and strengthening their new command teams to lead our community forward in its growth. There will, therefore, be plenty of opportunities for all members of the UFOP: StarBase 118 community to share out tasks and responsibilities in 2386. Whether it be on a starships or within our fleetwide taskforces, we encourage you all to pull together, invite friends and get involved as we continue in our renewed growth and build on the hopes and dreams that we established over a decade ago.

With best wishes for 2386 and with our warmest regards, we leave you all with the words of the American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

"Look not mournfully into the past, it comes not back again. Wisely improve the present, it is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future without fear and with a manly heart."

The UFOP: StarBase 118 Executive Council


The Fleet presently consists of:

  • USS Challenger, Akira Class: Fleet Captain T'Pen
  • USS Discovery-B, Ronin Class: Captain Tyr Waltas
  • USS Eagle, Intrepid Class: Captain Daydan Taboo
  • USS Independence-A, Prometheus Class: Captain Idril Mar
  • USS Indria-A, Nebula Class: Captain Cura Assanti
  • USS Ronin, Akira Class: Captain Ben Walker
  • USS Tiger, Steamrunner-Wolverine Class: Captain Sidney Riley
  • StarBase 118 Ops, Trojan Class Space Station: Fleet Captain Rocar Drawoh

EC Members:

  • Fleet Admiral Tristan Wolf (Magistrate)
  • Fleet Captain Rocar Drawoh (Senior Member)
  • Commodore Rhys Bejain (Junior Member)
  • Fleet Captain T'Pen (Junior Member)
  • Captain Idril Mar (Captain At Large)

CC Voting Members:

  • Captain Daydan Taboo (Magistrate)
  • Fleet Captain Rocar Drawoh
  • Commodore Rhys Bejain
  • Fleet Captain T'Pen
  • Captain Idril Mar
  • Captain Tyr Waltas
  • Captain Ben Walker
  • Commander Sidney Riley
  • Commander Cura Assanti
  • Captain Steve McCall (Retired CO)
  • Captain Robin Phoenix (Retired CO)

CC Observing Members:

  • Cmdr. Samal Ezra Frazier
  • Cmdr. Francis deMarc
  • Cmdr. C'elest Moranta
  • Cmdr. Sam Perkins
  • Cmdr. Toni Turner
  • Cmdr. Varaan (Retired CO)
  • LtCmdr. Alista Devar
  • LtCmdr. Eskyys
  • LtCmdr. Delinda Sharee
  • LtCmdr. Jhen Thelev
  • LtCmdr. Danny Wilde

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