USS Tiger

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The USS Tiger was reassigned to Starbase 118 on stardate 237808.31. One of only a few Steamrunner Class ships, and the first Steamrunner-Wolverine class in the whole of Starfleet, the Tiger is designated as the primary Search and Rescue (S.A.R.) vehicle for StarBase 118 and surrounding areas.

When not on a specific assignment, the Tiger usually patrols sector 118 and neighbouring areas. The ship does not have one particular commander, but is usually assigned rotating senior staff from amongst the personnel of Starbase 118, on a monthly or bi-monthly basis.

The Steamrunner class, although normally being categorised as escort ships, join the Defiant class ships as being amongst Starfleet's most powerful military vessels. At Wolf 359, the USS Steamrunner (which was still not fully built, and was operating at around 40% efficiency) showed its might against the Borg, scratching up several important kills. The success of the vessel so impressed Starfleet Command, that they immediately drew up plans to build three more Steamrunner class ships: the Tiger, the Horatio and the Yamato.

The Tiger will remain based out of StarBase 118 as a S.A.R. for a probationary period, before being assigned a permanent senior staff and becoming an active member of the base's fleet.

USS Phoenix-CUSS TigerUSS Wallace

Ops-icon.gif StarBase 118 Ops Amity-icon.gif Amity Outpost Denali Station.png Denali Station
Luna-icon.gif USS Artemis-A Galaxy-icon3.gif USS Astraeus Akira-icon2.gif USS Chin'toka
Galaxy-icon1.gif USS Constitution-B Sovereign-icon2.gif USS Gorkon Khitomer Small Icon.png USS Khitomer
Stargazer-icon1.gif USS Octavia E Butler Akira-icon1.gif USS Ronin Excelsior-icon1.gif Starfleet Vessel Register
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StarBase 118 Fleet