The Spark and the Powderkeg (Ronin)

Revision as of 15:20, 17 December 2023 by Alieth (talk | contribs) (Adding Notable sims - intro and outro - and act 2 and 3 teams and missions, adding some msnpcs and pnpcs)


Commander Karrod Niac is assigned as commanding officer of the USS Ronin, with the objective of reinforcing Starfleet's presence in the Alpha Isles given the growing instability in the region. The Trill is tasked with this position due to the detection of Sencha Radiation in the sector, a dangerous form of radiation that was discovered by one of his former hosts. Their shakedown cruise, however, won't proceed as expected and will lead them to discover that the threat to the region is far more dangerous than anticipated. With a half-refit ship and a crew that has never worked together before, the imminent risk is greater and more acute than any of them expected.


Deep Space 33

Olidra System

Sunjat System

Notable Characters

Senior officers taking part in the mission
Name Position Notes
Karrod Niac Commanding Officer
Toryn Raga First Officer
Ian O'Connor HCO Officer
Kirsty Lee Carpenter Chief of Security & Tactical
C'iri Mingan Hopkins Security Officer LOA starting 240011.10
Maverick Kenmore Tactical Officer LOA starting 24001116
Will Rueka Security Officer LOA starting 240012.07
Kammus Corelli Chief Engineer LOA started 240011.29
Marty Tucker Engineering Officer
Alieth Chief Science officer & 2O
Luxa Lorana Science officer
V'Len Kel Chief Medical Officer
Quentin Beck Medical Officer
Dekas Counselor LOA 240010.22-240012.09
Name Position Notes
Ico Ena Ops Officer Act 3
Name Position Notes
Gaudemus Bail Captain of the S.S. Sabrina's Delight A human freighter captain with a slightly skewed view of the Federation, an insatiable appetite for profit, a unique love for the flask he carries and a rather lacklustre luck.
Sm'uf First Mate of the S.S. Sabrina's Delight Bail's Andorian first officer, sarcastic and annoyed but doomed to serve with his frenemy.
The temporal shipwrecked Unknown A Vulcan male lieutenant, a young female human in civilian clothes, a wounded Betazoid officer of undetermined rank. They wore clothes and uniforms dating from the beginning of the 24th century.

Mission Summary

Click sub-headings below to expand or collapse.

Act One: Once, there was a little ship

On the Ronin

Act Two: Then, there were away teams

On the Rhine

On the Kushiro

On the Ronin

  • Attract the attention of the Sheliak and/or Tholian present in the Olidra system, distract them long enough so that the team Rhine can gather intel data.

Act Three: Finally, there was a retreat

On the Rhine

On the Kushiro

On the Ronin

Notable SIMs

Mission Reports

*  Stardate 240011.14: USS Ronin relaunched following swift transfers across the Fleet
*  Stardate 240011.30: USS Ronin attacked by an unknown vessel during its shakedown cruise

REV SD 240012.17