Varik Tal'Aura

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USS Chin'toka
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Varik Tal'Aura
Position Tactical Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Rekarian
Gender Male
DOB 236704.13
Age 34
Birthplace Thalaeh, Rekar III
Writer ID A239709VR0
Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon

Academy TranscriptMedical Record

USS Chin'toka-logo.png
User Page

Ensign Varik Tal'Aura (born 236704.13) is a Rekarian Tactical Officer currently serving aboard the USS Chin'toka.

Biographical Data

Basic Info

  • Full Name: Varik Rllaillieu Tal'Aura
  • Goes By: Varik
  • Species: Rekarian
  • Date of Birth: 236704.13
  • Place of Birth: Rekar III
  • Age: 30
  • Gender: Male
  • Languages Known:
    • Federation Standard
    • Rekarian (Fluent)
    • Romulan (Fluent)
    • Cardassian (Conversational)
  • Telepathic Status: T0


  • Height: 6'2" (1.87m)
  • Weight: 185 lbs
  • Hair Color: Dark/Black
  • Length of Hair: Short/Wavy
  • Eye Color: Dark Brown
  • Eyebrows: Pointed
  • Build: Lean
  • Skin Tone: Slightly Tanned
  • Birthmarks, Scars: None
  • Tattoos/Body Modifications: None
  • Handedness: Right


  • Father: Vrax Tal'Aura
  • Mother: Toreth Rllaillieu
  • Siblings: Rhiana Rllaillieu Tal'Aura (Sister), Aerv Rllaillieu Tal'Aura (Brother)
  • Marital Status: Single

Personal History

Early Life

Varik was born to Vrax Tal’Aura and Toreth Rllaillieu on stardate 236704.13 in the town of Thalaeh on Rekar III. Thalaeh, which in the native tongue means ‘hill’, was a predominantly Rekarian town of approximately 125,000 set upon a large plateau. The town’s natural defenses made it a strategic point of interest for the Rekarian military which maintained an installation there, of which Varik’s mother, Toreth, was the commander. Toreth hailed from a cadet branch the Romulan House-clan Rllaillieu whose members had settled on Rekar III after its integration into the Romulan Empire. Despite their intermingling with the native Rekarians, members of the Rllaillieu clan on Rekar III were proud of their heritage and many maintained their Romulan appearance through selective mating practices. Varik's father, Vrax, was a member of the Rekarian House-clan Tal'Aura which could trace its lineage back to the crash landing of the Tra'Vey on Rekar III and the first contact between the native Rekarians and proto-Romulans. Since then, members of the Tal'Aura clan have frequently been found in positions of political power. Several years before Varik's birth, Vrax was appointed prefect of Thalaeh and its surrounding territories. An arranged political marriage was negotiated by the respective families and the two were joined in union.

The first child to come of this union was Varik, followed three years later by his twin siblings Rhiana and Aerv. All three had fairly typical upbringings for privileged members of Rekarian society. Varik attended the local schools while receiving private tutelage at his family's estate. While not the most academically gifted child, he worked hard and took his studies seriously. When he was 17, he attended the Rekar III Institute for four years and accepted an attaché position within the Rekarian Diplomatic Service. It was the first step for members of his House-clan that sought a political career, a sort of Rekarian cursus honorum.[1] As the eldest child, he was expected to serve for several years within the Diplomatic Service before taking a position either in the military or in local government.

Coming of Age

In 2387, the Hobus Supernova had sent shockwaves through the entire quadrant. With the Romulan Empire in disarray, the Rekarians were now a fully independent power and sent out diplomatic missions to surrounding star systems. Varik accompanied several of these delegations and attended a handful of diplomatic conferences. Still considered a youth by Rekarian standards, he found the work to be dull and repetitive and craved excitement.

Starfleet Academy

Service Record

Ranks & Postings

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
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Cadet, Fourth Class 239209.01 - 239309.01 Starfleet Academy
Tactical Major
Helm/Navigation Major
Com/Ops Minor

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Cadet, Third Class 239309.01 - 239409.01
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Cadet, Second Class 239409.01 - 239509.01
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Cadet, First Class 239509.01 - 239708.31
239708.31 - 239709.08 USS Centris-A
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Ensign 239709.08 - 239709.18 USS Atlantis
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Tactical Officer
239709.18 - Present USS Chin'toka
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Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Year or Stardate
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

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NPC Listing   ·   USS Chin'toka Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Aine Sherlock LCDR FO 0002.png
First Officer
Aine Sherlock
Ens T'Ama.png
Chief of Operations
Ensign Xiron.png
Acting Chief of Eng.
Ghee’looth Xiron
Is'Kah Ensign.png
Acting CTSO
Sylvie Doucet Ensign.png
Asst. CMO
Sylvie Doucet
Leenaya Edrei Ensign.png
Medical Officer
Leenaya Edrei
Kim stapledon final.png
Chief of Science
Kimberly Stapledon
Skye Shepherd Ensign.png
Science Officer
Skye Shepherd
Alexander Brodie
TacSec Officer
Seleya of Khanda
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  1. The cursus honorum was the sequential order of public offices held by aspiring politicians in the Roman Republic and the early Roman Empire. See cursus honorum at Wikipedia.

REV SD 239709.23