Hey, ya'll this is me, Alyssa, better known as Aly. I Currently live and go to school in Colorado where I am studying to become a special education teacher with a minor in American sign language. Overall I am a huge Star Trek fan, mostly for DS9 and Voyager. I can't wait to sim with everyone here.
Personal Timeline
- Born April 3, 2000
- Graduated high school spring 2018
- Worked my first summer as a camp counselor (summer 2018)
- Started college fall 2018
- Sent in my application on 118 November 29, 2018
- Graduated from the academy on December 10 2018
- Since graduating from the academy I have served on both the USS Montreal and USS Astraeus.
- Switched PC's from Beelam Grog to Sheila Bailey on March 29, 2019
- Worked my second summer as a camp counselor (summer 2019)
- Beelam Grog came back as a PNPC June 11, 2019
- Chen was first used as a PNPC June 11, 2019
- Promoted to Lt. JG with Sheila Bailey on June 27, 2019
- Received the Genesis Award on June 27, 2019
- Went on LOA for a month in August 2019
- Started my second year of college Fall 2019
- September 21 2019, my first sim from Chen's POV
- September 2019: First month I'm proud of being full time
- Got posted to Ops on November 18 2019 due to unfortunate circumstances
Original Banner (Beelam Grog; Montreal)
Ops Banner for Sheila Bailey
My Characters

Sheila Bailey Active PC
Sheila Bailey became my PC after I had to retire Beelam for a while as she was becoming to difficult to write with out a plan/direction for the character. Sheila Bailey has become a character that flirts with woman as a way to make my sims more light and humors. Sheila represents the side of me that is confident and advocates for herself.

Roox Penelope Active PNPC
I have not yet fully figured out this character. She is hyper as well as a day dreamer. If I had to say at this moment in time she would referent my fun loving side.

Beelam Grog Inactive PNPC
Beelam Grog was my original PC. When I started I had no plans for this character but after writing her having her first 'meltdown' I realized she was turning into being an autistic character. After a second 'meltdown' and then a third even worse one involving her hosts I realized with the help of German Galven's writer I had to retire the character for a while. I switched PC's to Sheila Bailey. In early June I brought back Beelam as a PNPC as I felt I could write her better having an idea of what she was facing. Beelam Grog represents the side of me that is unsure and anxious.

Chen Inactive PNPC
Chen has only been written for a few times so far. All I know is that he is a very romantic character; just what I need to keep my other two characters in check. He is the perfect gentleman representing my loving, caring side.
Friends in high places
It's all in the details
A face for the name
It takes two
It's part of the job
OOC Awards
Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon
Genesis Award
239606.27 2019 Award ceremony
With her predilection toward playing characters with traits traditionally considered a handicap, Aly, the player behind Nurse Beelam Grog and Doctor Sheila Bailey, has faced unique challenges in developing her character. She's overcome a great deal with regards to putting her in situations that force change. She's come a long way as a writer and has created a unique backstory that allows others to interact with her character in interesting ways.