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Crew of the USS Blackwell


Lieutenant Anath G'Renn

Lieutenant Anath G'Renn is currently serving as the chief medical officer aboard the USS Blackwell, one of the ships assigned to the Andaris Task Force, led by Rear Admiral Renos. She graduated the Academy and was posted to the Olympic-class vessel on Stardate 239402.28.


  • Full Name: Anath G'Renn
  • Species: Klingon/Vulcan hybrid
  • Gender: Female
  • Date of Birth: October 28th, 2368
  • Birthplace: T'Paal City, Raal province, Vulcan
  • Telepathic Status: T3


  • Height: 175 cm (5’9’’)
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Build: Average, slightly lean
  • Birthmarks/Scars: None
  • Handedness: Right-Handed
  • Taste in Clothing (off duty): Varied, with a mix of generalized replicated clothing and clothing of sentimental value, of both Klingon and Vulcan origins.


Personality Type: ENFJ (Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Judging)


  • Mannerisms: Very early in life Anath tried to keep her emotional expressions hidden entirely with regular meditations and study. Currently she uses daily meditations to limit the volatility of her emotions but doesn't work to proactively repress any expression or feeling. While she may still claim to be more vulcan than klingon she has abandoned the outward coldness and stoicism that many people expect of vulcans.
  • Routines: Every evening before bed, Anath enjoys a cup of Chamomile tea and reads a section from whatever book she is in the middle of reading (time permitting). Each month she likes to focus on literature from a different culture during her evening reading time.
  • Speech Patterns: While Anath is able to disguise her emotions and keep them from bleeding through her voice, she rarely goes through the effort of trying to hide her feelings.
  • Quarters: Anath prefers to keep her living quarters neat and tidy, keeping her wardrobe and personal belongings well-sorted.
  • Carriage and Posture: Always walks with purpose and sits with her back perfectly straight for the most part, but will relax her posture in a casual atmosphere or when she is in an environment she finds to be relaxing.

Likes and Dislikes

  • Favorite Book: A Cave Beyond Logic, by Ti’Kann
  • Favorite Color: Yellow
  • Favorite Food: Vulcan Pok tar
  • Fears: Abandonment, enclosed spaces, illnesses affecting family and friends
  • Pet Peeves: Inefficiencies, uncooperative technology


Family Background

Anath G’Renn is the middle child of Lyras and T’Shol G’Renn. Lyras is a biochemics expert for the Vulcan Biology Institute, and T’Shol is a former field medic for the Klingon Empire military. The couple first met during a biochemics symposium hosted by the Vulcan Biology Institute, and the unusual sight of a Klingon dedicated to medicine was intriguing to Lyras. The couple married several years later.

The couple's first child, Anath's sister Jolash, was born three years into their marriage. Anath was born two years later and their brother Avarak four years after that. The family has a home in T'Paal City on Vulcan, where Lyras works.


Anath attended the public schools in T'Paal City along with her siblings, and has very fond memories of her earliest years. She enjoyed listening to her father's stories about his struggle for acceptance in the Klingon military as a medic, exploring the area around her home, and playing chess.During these early years her closest friends were a human girl named Alexa Kennedy and her younger brother Avarak.

December of 2380, the G'Renn family took a trip to Terra Nova and explored the once-desolate human colony world. During the fourth day of their trip, Avarak fell ill with an unknown infection and was rushed to a medical center. He died a few days later, with his siblings and parents separated from him by a containment force field. This incident left Anath especially upset, and was the initial catalyst for her considering a career in medicine. She never wanted to see anything like what befell Avarak happen again.

Anath focused more and more on her academics after her brother's death, hoping to apply for and be accepted into Starfleet Academy to become a doctor and help those in need. After finishing her preliminary education, Anath applied to Starfleet Academy and was accepted after passing the entrance exams.

Starfleet Academy

Upon arrival at the Academy, Anath was relieved to learn that her roommate was Alexa Kennedy, who helped her adjust to life on Earth and introduced her to some human culture, specifically baseball. She took a strong liking to the sport and soon became a big fan of the game. However, not all of her Academy and medical school experiences were as cheerful. Her Klingon temper made some enemies, and her unique physiology made typical emotional repression techniques for Vulcans ineffective. Despite the struggle of maintaining composure, she passed her exams and was sent to Starbase 118 for her cadet cruise. She passed with flying colors and, after a farewell to her family, left for the Par'tha Expanse the next day to report to her first assignment.



T'Shol G'Renn

While certainly a Vulcan behaviorally, Anath has never forgotten what she has inherited from her father and often reflects upon his old Klingon sayings and stories of being a field medic.



Anath's relationship with her mother is very strong, despite Anath being forced to provide enough emotional investment for them both. Anath adopted many of her mother's habits that her siblings did not, such as her early adoption of vegetarianism. The general lack of emotional experience Lyras possesses can make empathizing with her emotionally turbulent daughter difficult, but she has adapted as best she can to the unique social consequences of Anath's mixed Klingon and Vulcan natures.


Jolash G'Renn

The relationship between Jolash and her little sister Anath has always been a complicated dynamic, with several high and low points throughout their lives. Sometimes entirely inseparable. Distant and cold at other times. Occasionally actively hostile towards one another. However, the two siblings have always managed to put aside whatever differences are plaguing them at any given moment when one is in need of the other's support and understanding.


Avarak G'Renn

Avarak was the closer of Anath's two siblings and was her closest friend and confidant during her early life. His death on a family trip still haunts Anath and was the driving force in her decision to pursue a career in medicine.



Anath is very fond of her sister's only child, Rol'Q. She enjoys watching his curiosity about the world around him grow and often made a point of returning home as much to see him as to see her parents and sister, if not even more so for Rol'Q.


Alexa Kennedy
Best Friend

Alexa Kennedy is Anath's absentee best friend, semi-sibling, and fellow Starfleet officer and a friend since childhood. The daughter of two Starfleet officers, Alexa moved to Vulcan at age five with her parents' reassignments and quickly made friends with Anath due to their shared plight of being non-Vulcan children among an overwhelmingly Vulcan peer group. Alexa's choice to join Starfleet prompted Anath to follow suit and study medicine at Starfleet Academy. Alexa was assigned elsewhere in Starfleet as an engineering officer, but remains in regular contact with Anath.



Savok is the child of one of Lyras’ biologist co-workers. The two would often spend time together, and he helped Anath with her studies in botany. Savok currently travels from world to world aboard a Vulcan science ship as one of their science officers.


Thordic Sende Ulthex Ferentis

Anath’s first encounter with Ferentis was not what many would consider a strong foundation for a friendship. When the engineer’s attempt to help in sickbay led to a crate of equipment being misplaced, Anath used the reptilian engineer as a metaphorical punching bag to let out her pent-up frustrations. Ferentis seemed to be very understanding of her need to let off some steam and has become one of the officers that Anath is the closest to on the ‘’Blackwell’’.


Jora Kalis
Colleague and Possible Friend

Doctor Jora was the other member of the sickbay senior staff to serve with Anath during the trial by triage that was her first shift in sickbay. The two soon began meeting outside of sickbay and have enjoyed a variety of activities together, from playing chess while sharing memories of home to watching a baseball game on the holodeck.



  • Vulcan: Learned during her childhood. The language that Anath uses by default.
  • Klingon:Learned during her childhood. She has some trouble with the ‘Q’ and ‘H’ sounds.


  • Federation Standard: Learned at Starfleet Academy and from Alexa Kennedy.
  • Trill: Learned at Starfleet Academy.


Starfleet Records

Service History and Service Ribbons

Starfleet Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet First Class 239402.27 Graduated Starfleet Academy Medical Officer
Ensign 239402.28 - 239407.12 Andaris Task Force: USS Blackwell Medical Officer
Lieutenant (Junior Grade) 239407.12 - 239412.06 Andaris Task Force: USS Blackwell Medical Officer
Lieutenant 239412.06 - Present Andaris Task Force: USS Blackwell Chief Medical Officer
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Silver Palm 2394
Andaris Task Force
Awarded to a simmer who has consistently boosted the morale of his/her crew.
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239402.27
Starfleet Academy
Awarded upon graduation from Starfleet Academy.
Maiden Voyage Ribbon 239405.01
USS Blackwell
Awarded for participating in the maiden voyage of the USS Blackwell.
Medical Science Ribbon 239407.12
USS Blackwell
Awarded for research into curing the plague on the mining planet Debin VII.

Other Starfleet Records

Starfleet Academy Transcripts:

Starfleet Medical Record:

Andaris Task Force Mission Logs:

Notable SIMs

  • 239402.28: Anath reports to the bridge and meets her new CO, FO and a handful of the crew for the first time. She starts to form her first impressions about the people she will be serving with on the USS Blackwell.
  • 239404.11: Ensign G'Renn reflects on personal memories of upbringing and her childhood while sharing a lunch with Lieutenant E'riQ at the Mystic Gardens.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Columbia Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Theo Whittaker
Executive Ofc.
Jarred Thoran
Chief of HCO & 2XO
Randal Shayne
Diplomatic Ofc.
Mirra Ezo
Intel Ofc.
Na'Lae Mandak
Intel Ofc.
Talos Dakora
Acting Chief Sec
Chief Tac
Krindo Pandorn
Chief Engineer
Luna Walker
Chief Science Ofc.
Ash MacKenna
Chief Medical Ofc.
Anath G'Renn
Medical Officer
Saden Lor
Dir. Behavioural Sci.
Rune Jolara
Hal Mika
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REV SD 239503.22