Jocelyn Marshall

Revision as of 15:28, 1 September 2017 by Jocelyn Marshall (talk | contribs)

Lieutenant Junior Grade Jocelyn "Jo" Marshall is currently serving as an Operations Officer aboard the USS Gorkon.

USS Gorkon
Jocelyn Marshall
Position Operations Officer
Rank Lieutenant Junior Grade
Species Human
Gender Female
DOB 236902.05
Age 33
Birthplace Volan III
Writer ID G239304JM0
Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons ExtendedService 2011.jpg
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon.png
Orion Syndicate Service Medal.png
Awards ServiceRibbons War of Shadows 2016.png

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Distinguished Service Ribbon
Legion of Merit
Extended Service Ribbon
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon
Orion Syndicate Service Medal
War of Shadows Ribbon

Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
Awards General 1Year.jpg

1-year Member

Top Sim Judge
Badge 1.png
Badge 1.png
Featured Bio Nominee
Badge 1.png


  • Height: 1.72m (5'8)
  • Build: Athletic
  • Hair: Dark Blonde/Brown
  • Eyes: Hazel
  • Length of Hair: Long, Shoulder Length
  • Skin Tone: Lightish
  • Birthmarks, Scars: 3" scar on left bicep, moderate scar on right side of forehead
  • Tattoos/Body Modifications: Brushstroke circle over shoulder
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty):
    • Flannel, jeans, t-shirts, boots
    • Vintage black jacket from Earth with United Kingdom patch on the arm
  • Voice: English accent, gravelly


  • Hobbies: Plays Springball, restores vintage motorcycles and cars, classical music (Earth 1960s through to modern)
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: None of note.
  • Temperament: Doesn't take herself very seriously, prefers to break tensions, will argue her point as good as any. When faced with a challenge, she'll play hard and play to win.
  • Ambitions and goals: Attaining a lead of a department, or a few more pips on her collar.
  • Personal achievements and disappointments:
    • Graduating from Starfleet Academy in the top Engineering bracket.
  • Carriage: When busy, she walks with purpose, woman on a mission. When relaxed, casual and slowed down a notch.
  • Mannerisms: Crosses her arms, leans on one leg, runs her hands through her hair, tends to chew on her lip when she's thinking, kicks boots up on desks wherever possible. She has her hands in her pockets when feeling relaxed.
  • Quarters: Kept tidy, limited personal effects, a springball usually around somewhere. Holoimages of her family, Academy Decathlon team, and her Bajoran Springball team are above her desk.


Growing up on a colony was one of the benefits of being a child of two Starfleet Officers. Jo was born on a starship, then raised on Volan III after the Dominion War. Her parents were deployed as part of Starfleet's ongoing efforts to maintain the demilitarised zone and repair some of the damage that had been caused during the occupation of Bajor. Many Bajorans that Jo encountered had first hand experiences of the war and what it had done to their home and people. Growing up among adults that had seen the end of a war, witnessing many of the problems the Dominion had caused, formed Jo into a well rounded individual from a young age.

Seeing the end of the occupation meant a return to Federation standards of living and the Bajorans cultivated the colony to thrive. Jo enjoyed many pursuits in her young age, including travelling throughout the planet, mountain climbing, surfing and diving, as well as the national pastime of Springball. Once she got a taste for the game, and the intricacies of shots, she was hooked. Playing throughout her school years and through her teenage life, sports and studies kept her busy. She was often seen running from one campus to another with her Springball glove or part of a machine she had disassembled from something. When she could compete on the tournament circuit, she started running competitions professionally, playing for Volan III at the championship matches. There was the initial option of prolonging her foray into professional sports, however the call of a career in Starfleet was too strong.

The interest in engineering she had taken started from a young age, under the influence of her mother and father, both Engineers in Starfleet within specialised fields. Her mother enrolled her in a part-time apprenticeship as she started her middle school years, working for the large mining operation within the mountains. On finishing school for the day, if there wasn't a sports practice, Jo would grab one of the worker shuttle transports to the mines and begin shadowing one of the many mining engineers, usually Bajoran. Within a few months she had picked up the Bajoran language and could work without the Universal Translator. She was a hard worker, being both focused and driven to finding new ways of accomplishing old tasks, and new solutions to recurring problems. Given her first motorcycle at fifteen, the first thing she did was take it apart to see how it all worked, before putting it back together and going for a spin up the mountain paths. This only fueled her drive to find bigger problems, bigger engineering tasks, in which only Starfleet could offer.

After her enlistment into Starfleet Academy, Jo was a capable Engineer from the start and learned quickly. She chose to Major in Engineering, specifically Warp Theory, and minor in Operations to coincide with her abilities to multi-task. Taking on board her experience and talent for the work, she was deployed to the Fleet Operations Center to carry on her training while working on some of the most recent fleet vessels and technology in the field. Working tirelessly to prove herself in the Academy's arena, she became one of the leading new Engineers on graduation; a moment she is very proud of. Upon completion of her Cadet Cruise, she requested deployment to Starbase 118 Fleet.

Arriving on the USS Gorkon mid mission, the deployment shuttlecraft Jo was on hurtled through a fissure in space and arrived with the ship on the other side of an alternate universe. They rescued who they could from the alternate USS Triumphant; battled the Jem'Hadar fleet; persevered through months of rationing and cannibalising abandoned vessels for supplies; losing crew members to raids and away team missions, and finally getting home after forging an uneasy alliance with the Romulans. Jo is still feeling the aftershocks of this misadventure and it will no doubt have a bearing on her life in the future.

She plays Springball in her downtime, still trying to find new players to practice with and enjoys enlisting for tournament matches in the Holodeck arenas when on shoreleave. Her foray into the world of motor mechanics lets her enjoy working on Engineering projects on the sidelines, building and riding vintage Terran motorcycles (and sometimes cars) in the Holodeck. When she needs less noise and more centering, she quiets her mind with meditation and yoga. She has maintained the habit of keeping fit from her days of professional sports and holds it a big part of her lifestyle, including cardio training and weightlifting.

She lives for coffee and Bajoran makapa bread, with the crust.


  • Partner: None
  • Children: None
  • Mother: Lt.Cmdr Robin "Wren" Marshall, Volan III
  • Father: Cmdr. Luther Marshall, Volan III
  • Siblings:
    • Older Brother: Lt. Orson "Bear" Marshall, Tactical Officer
    • Younger Brother: Cadet (3rd Class) George Marshall



Caedan Nkai

Caedan and Jo met in the Operations department, him the Chief, her the underling. They developed a taste for going out and partying on shore leave, getting very, very drunk, and garnering a reputation for living it up. Jo considers Caedan to be a close friend and loves his hair.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet First Class 239304.10 Graduated Starfleet Academy Engineer
Ensign 239304.11 - 239310.13 USS Gorkon Operations Officer
Lieutenant JG 239310.13 - Present USS Gorkon Operations Officer

Mission Archive

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
1-year Member 239304.10
USS Gorkon
The 1-year Member award is a length of service award given to those who have been members continuously for one year.
TOSMA 239306.28
USS Gorkon
Given to members who show great dedication in their behaviour and simming abilities. A candidate for TOSMA regularly contributes good, solid ideas to the plot and character development.
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239304.10
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Distinguished Service Ribbon 239310.12
USS Gorkon
Awarded to a person who distinguished himself or herself by extraordinary heroism not justifying the award of a Federation Cross while engaged in an action against an enemy of the Federation.
Legion of Merit 239310.12
USS Gorkon
Awarded to a person who has distinguished himself or herself by exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements.
Extended Service Ribbon 239310.12
USS Gorkon
Awarded to a person who participates in a joint action with an allied or neutral force toward a common goal.
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon 239310.12
USS Gorkon
Awarded to an individual who participates in a mission within an alternate universe.
Orion Syndicate Service Medal 239401.21
USS Gorkon
The Orion Syndicate Service Medal is a campaign service ribbon awarded to an individual who participates in a conflict against the Orion Syndicate.
War of Shadows Ribbon 239401.21
USS Gorkon
The War of Shadows Ribbon is a campaign service ribbon awarded to an individual who participated in the War of Shadows in 2393.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Gorkon Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Quinn Reynolds
2O & Ops. Chief
Jo Marshall
Chief Engineer
Vylaa zh'Tisav
Asst. Chief Engineer
Doz Finch
Sec/Tac Officer
Kestra Nin
First Officer
Samira Neathler
Mission Specialist
Ayiana Sevo
Medical Officer
Nera Ay
Medical Officer
Russell Standish
Chief of Science
Tahna Meru
Science Officer
Science Officer
Vesela Pace
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