Gwen Gardener

Revision as of 04:46, 25 December 2014 by Gwen Gardener (talk | contribs)


Lieutenant Gwen Gardener is currently serving as Chief Engineer aboard the USS Atlantis.

Stats & Appearance

  • Full Name: Guinevere Aurelia Gardener
  • AKA: Gwen
  • Race:Human/Terran
  • Gender:Female
  • Height: 1.67 Meters
  • Weight: 68 Kilograms
  • Hair: Reddish-Brown (More red than brown)
  • Length of Hair: Moderate, typically down to just above her breast.
  • Eyes: Green
  • Build: Slim
  • Skin Tone: Ivory
  • Birthmarks, Scars:: None
  • Serial Number::AB- 294 - 660
  • Arms:Her arms are well muscled but slim; and her hands are dainty, calloused, and remarkably smooth.
  • Carriage:Usually carries herself with an air of confidence and cheerfulness.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Comfortable, easy to move in, rarely in skirts or dresses.
  • Shoes (When Off Duty):Good Walking shoes or work boots.
  • Handedness:Right
  • Telepathic Status:None


Shar'Wyn Foster

They met during a crisis aboard the Atlantis and worked very closely with one another to cure the Atlantis and the crew. They made fast friends and are now in a romantic relationship. This is significant because Wyn is Gwen's first and only love.

Raj Blueheart

Gwen's first Captain. They met when Gwen first came aboard the Atlantis while the crew was on shore leave on Uzoka Four. Though their contact has been limited Gwen admires his leadership, respects him for it, and would probably follow him to the edge of the stars and back.


Gwen was born and raised in Hong-Kong, China on Terra. Her father was a wealthy American CEO of a major Fashion industry (Gardener Designs) and her mother was a top-rated international super-model. Her parents were never around much as she was growing up, and Gwen was raised mostly by her Chinese nanny, Ying-Li. Gwen's father, Ryan, was assassinated on her thirteenth birthday right in front of her, and she has never looked at her birthday the same way again. Though she and her father were never close he meant a lot to her. Gwen's mother, Stella, sold Gardener Designs for a large amount of money and then died of a brain tumour right after her eighteenth birthday leaving Gwen with her parents combined fortune. After her mother's funeral, Gwen flew to San Francisco to attend Starfleet Academy and she doubled majored in Engineering and Helm/Navigation. She took an elective learning Klingon during her final years at the Academy.

Ying-Li nurtured Gwen's love of machines at an early age and it was because of Ying-Li that Gwen headed for Starfleet in the first place. Gwen decided on her first day at Starfleet Accadamy that she wanted to do more then fix ships, but to fly them to. Though Gwen is better at fixing ships, she is a very capable pilot and will take the helm in an emergency if the need arises.


Gwen has serious intimacy issues that stem from her fear of dying in front of someone she cares about. Because it's hard for her to truly be more then friends with people, she is still a virgin and has never been in any kind of intimate relationship.

Mental issues:Gwen has two mental issues that she knows of, the first being a Loneliness complex, she has a hard time finding and making friends; and the second being an event triggered PTSD, traumatic flashbacks from her father's death haunt her birthdays and reinforce her fear of dying in front of someone she cares about. To this end, anyone who can get her to truly enjoy her birthday will have accomplished an impressive feat indeed.

Hobbies: Gwen spends her spare time tinkering and creating holo-programs because she thinks its fun and sometimes they have more practical applications.

Random Facts: Gwen sometimes takes random hints and jokes literally and turns them into reality via holo-programs. Gwen has developed a strange fascination for arranging, planning, and executing parties.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet First Class 239105.25 Graduated Starfleet Academy Engineer
Ensign 239105.25 - 239108.26 USS Atlantis Engineer
Lieutenant JG 239108.26 - 239110.30 USS Atlantis Engineer
Lieutenant 239110.30 - Present USS Atlantis Chief Engineer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Award History
Ribbon/Award Name Date Posting
Good Conduct Ribbon 239110.30 USS Atlantis
  Genesis Badge 239112.18 USS Atlantis

Holoprogram Archive

These are holoprograms of Gwen's own creation.

SIM Archive

In Chronological Order these sims are the defining moments of Gwen's life and career.

  • SD: 239108.26 Promotions - Gwen's promotion from Ensign to Lt. JG.
  • SD: 239110.19 End Program - Gwen's first kiss with Dr.Shar'Wyn Foster
  • SD: 239110.31 Dinner Time! - Gwen's Promotion to Lt. and Chief Engineer of the USS Atlantis

NPC Listing   ·   USS Atlantis Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Jarred Thoran
First Officer
Mission Specialist
Toryn Raga
Act. Chief Sec. Ofc.
Ilana Ganarvuss
Tactical Officer
Varik Tal'Aura
Chief Engineer
Lael Rosek-Skyfire
Engineering Officer
Ast. Chief Ops Ofc.
Esa Kiax
Medical Officer
Elizabeth Snow
Science Officer
Noa T. Levinson
Science Officer
Thalas th'Koro
Science Officer
Chief of Marines
Amuro McKnight
Kurt Logan
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