Noa T'Nessa Levinson

Revision as of 20:44, 8 April 2020 by Noa T'Nessa Levinson (talk | contribs) (Replacing Service History table with new template.)

Ensign Noa T'Nessa Levinson is currently serving as a Science Officer aboard the USS Eagle.

USS Eagle
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Noa T'Nessa Levinson
Position Science Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Human (3/4) / Vulcan (1/4)
Gender Female
DOB 237310.04
Age 28
Birthplace Starbase 295
Writer ID E239701NL0

Academy Transcript

Player Achievements
Friends in high places
What's up, doc?
Penny for your thoughts
It's all in the details
A face for the name
That was awkward


  • Height: 1.62m / 5'4"
  • Weight: 54kg / 119 lb
  • Hair color: Dark Brown, almost black
  • Hair length: Mid-back, straight
  • Hair style: On-duty, usually tied back to a ponytail. Off-duty, alternating between loose (more common) and ponytail.
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Build: Slim



Melody Delri'ise
A tactician with hidden depths

Noa and Melody met during their first shore leave aboard the USS Eagle. Noa caught Melody in the Eagle's Astrometrics lab, conducting unauthorized scans. Instead of turning Melody in, Noa joined her and helped with the scans. During that time, she also learned of Melody's history as a science officer.


Quentin Collins
Direct superior and scientific colleague

Being Noa's direct superior onboard the USS Eagle, Quentin and Noa were bound to meet at some point since her arrival. They indeed met on the bridge during the Eagle's capture of Admiral Valcose and Sikes. They met on a more official capacity during shore leave, and after the briefing on the Ringworld, Quentin had a breakdown - one which Noa managed to handle fairly well, considering it happened so quickly.


  • Parents:
    • Father: Ilay Selok Levinson (Half-Vulcan, half-Human)
    • Mother: Nirit Levinson (Human)
  • Sibling:
    • Aviv Turik Levinson (Younger brother)
  • Grandparents:
    • Paternal grandmother: Lodzhal of Vulcan (Vulcan)


Noa was born just a couple of months before the Dominion War began, on Starbase 295, a starbase in Federation space, close to Earth, with her parents stationed there.

Following the Dominion War, her parents were reassigned to Earth, and as such moved to their old family home at Tel Aviv, Israel, where Noa was raised.

During her childhood she was also taught Vulcan logic and emotional suppression.

Due to her shared heritage, Noa is fluent in Vulcan, Hebrew and English.

At the Academy, Noa focused on the Sciences, primarily Astronomy and Physics. She also focused on programming, especially holo-programming, a subject she greatly enjoyed.


General behavior, dressing style and personality

  • General demeanor while on-duty and during official events: Noa tends to keep a stoic, Vulcan-like demeanor, tinted with the slightest amount of emotion. She does let it drop a bit when regulations tend to be less strict, however. She tries her best to hold it, although stress causes her to drop it in varying levels.
  • General demeanor while off-duty: Noa acts much less stoically than the average Vulcan. While she does show a certain level of composure, she allows herself to show her emotions to much more of an extent.
  • Taste in clothing (on-duty): Noa keeps her uniform perfectly by-the book at all times - the Combadge is placed perfectly, the jacket is closed exactly to the border between the grey upper part and black bottom, pips (when there's more than one) are perfectly aligned with each other and placed just in the right position - everything's perfect, much more than what even the strictest officer would require.
  • Taste in clothing (off-duty): Noa's attire is simple, yet somehow fits together at the same time, all while looking good. Her clothing is plain and simple - mostly just plain shirts, pants and skirts. For occasions that require more official attire, she does have more presentable clothes, which she doesn't really wear unless she has to.
  • Diet: Noa is an omnivore, which differs from the usual Vulcan vegetarian lifestyle. Her reason for that is simply because she finds the vegetarian lifestyle restrictive.

Noa generally appears competent when it comes to her fields of study, but is shy to an extent - while it's easy for her to talk about work to people, she finds it hard to engage in small talk with others.

She has a deep appreciation to Vulcan culture, values and philosophy. However, almost every full-blooded Vulcan, with the exception of her paternal grandmother, treated her rather condescendingly, as if they're questioning her life choices that steered her away from being a model Vulcan - including her omnivore lifestyle, hair length, and use of emotions. This resulted in her aiming to evade any contact with anyone who looks Vulcan, when the option exists. When there's no choice, her stoic demeanor kicks in instinctively, regardless of the situation, although some emotions may escape her attention.

Due to her experience with Vulcans, she also has similar issues with counselors - her counselor at the Academy was a Vulcan, and was no different than any Vulcan she met before. This experience led her to thinking any counselor would criticize her like Vulcans criticized her, although she tends to be much more offensive during sessions.


  • Reading - Noa usually tends to read when off-duty:
    • Noa always stays updated on the latest scientific articles - especially in the fields of astronomy and physics, but she reads any kind of scientific fact that catches her eye.
    • Noa enjoys reading 20th century Earth science fiction - from Niven's Ringworld to Asimov's Foundation.
  • Programming - Noa minored in programming at the Academy, and enjoyed studying it greatly. She enjoys two subjects in particular:
    • Noa enjoys creating LCARS interfaces of various complexity, and sometimes tends to break PADDs - evident by at least four PADDs from her Academy time, whose LCARS systems were either completely corrupted or a sufficiently buggy program was running on, causing them to be unusable.
    • Noa studied holoprogramming, and tends to create programs that vary from various recreations to programs featuring various randomized elements.

ID Card


Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet First Class 239701.06 Graduated Starfleet Academy Science
Ensign 239701.06 - Present USS Eagle Science Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
  • (We've gone ahead and filled in your first service ribbon: the Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon. As you complete missions and continue to serve with the fleet, you'll earn additional awards and service ribbons that you can post here, with the date you got them! For full instructions on how to add more awards and service ribbons, check out Template:Ribbons Display.)
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239701.06
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 239702.07
USS Eagle
Awarded to the entire Eagle crew for the cooperation with the Marine unit aboard Starabase 821 in order to arrest Admiral Valcose.

SIM Archive

  • New Arrival - Stardate 239701.08 - Soon after arriving aboard the USS Eagle, Ensign Levinson realizes she may have stumbled upon some deep trouble, so she did what every fresh Ensign would do - head for the Bridge.
  • Title of Second SIM - (Stardate and brief description of what happens)

NPC Listing   ·   USS Eagle Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Kali Nicholotti
Chief Sci Ofc.
Alora DeVeau
Science Ofc.
Medical Ofc.
Noemi Lim
Medical Ofc.
Elor Letek
Tomas Falt
Chief Engineer.
Eng. Ofc.
Jackson Tanner
Chief Sec Ofc.
Alexander Williams
Tac. Ofc.
Tholin ch'Clex
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