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This notice was placed here by Sky Blake, so go bug her to finish the page if nothing's happening.

Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code KLNG
Federation Status Allied
Planet of Origin Qo'noS
Encountered Encountered by the USS Enterprise (TOS: Errand of Mercy). First encounter on Earth in Broken Bow, Oklahoma (ENT: Broken Bow)
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N
List of Named Klingons

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Klingons are a warrior people, originating on the planet Qo'noS. Proud, aggressive and with an almost religious regard for tradition and honour, Klingons have had a military orientation as far back as their historical records show, and their warlike attitude make them a power to be feared and respected on a galactic scale.

Home System

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Home World

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See also: History of the Klingon Empire, Destruction of Praxis

The Klingon Empire is rich in intrigue and political history and is centered around the planet Qo'noS (pronounced 'Kronos'), which is almost invariable referred to as the Klingon Homeworld. The Klingon Empire was founded approximately 1,500 years ago by the revered warrior Kahless the Unforgettable. He finally unites the Klingon people after killing his evil tyrant brother Morath with the Klingon sword of honour, known as the Bat'tellh.

From the 21st Century to 2369, a period which includes the disastrous first contact between Humans and Klingons in 2218, the High Council assumes complete rule in the Empire. However, in 2369, a clone of Kahless is produced by the monks of Boreth, using blood from a religious relic, and is hailed as the original Kahless. Although this claim is quickly disproved, the clone is recognised as rightful heir to the throne and installed as the ceremonial Emperor of the Klingon People.

By this time, the Klingon Empire is at peace with the Federation - a startling departure for a naturally warrior race. However, the circumstances that causes the end of hostilities are as much about economic realities as they are about peaceful intentions.



The Klingon forehead is a major distinguishing feature of this race, consisting of a ridged, bony pattern. This pattern is different for every Klingon, and is as distinguishing as fingerprints.



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In common with many races in this sector of the galaxy, Klingon DNA is compatible with that of Earth humans, and crossbreeds, although are rare, are not unknown. This is due to their common origin four billion years ago when a humanoid progenitor race seeded a Class-M planet with their own DNA.

Klingons have a bony backbone resembling that of a dinosaur runs up and down their spine. They cannot cry, even if they wanted to - they have no tear ducts. Klingons have enhanced senses - three of them, acute taste, smell, and vision, are genetic, but the third, combat reflexes, is learned from childhood, and is therefore second nature to Klingons. They are larger than Terrans with a greater percentage of their body weight being muscle.




There is no equivelant to the devil in Klingon mythology, although a beast known as Fek'lhr is believed to guard the underworld of Gre'thor. According to myth, ancient Klingon warriors slew their gods a millenium ago. They were apparently more trouble than they were worth. Klingon tradition holds that "A Klingon is a man the day he can first hold a blade".

Klingons believe that they have the instinctive ability to look an opponent in the eye and see the intent to kill.



Klingons are a warrior race who hold personal and family honor above all else. A Klingon ritual is the R'uustai, or bonding ceremony, in which two individuals join families, becoming brothers and sisters. The Klingon Empire is composed of hundreds of family lines, commonly referred to as Houses. A family line may be considered as a Major or Minor House depending on its size, wealth and political influences within the Klingon Empire. A family line is not necessarily composed entirely of blood relations; if a line is open, it will occasionally adopt new members if they have skills, contacts or material goods that will bring honour, fame or fortune to the House. While the customs for ratification vary from line to line, generally any family member can sponsor another individual for adoption into his house line. If the newcomer is ambitious, the offering of handsome gifts and bribes when requesting adoption with a line could offer many benefits in return.


See also: Klingon rituals
  • Klingon tradition holds that a Klingon who dies by their own hand will not travel across the River of Blood to enter Sto-Vo-Kor.
  • If a Klingon warrior strikes another with the back of his hand, it is interpreted as a challenge to the death.
  • Klingon warriors speak proudly to each other - they do not whisper or keep their distance.
  • Standing far away and whispering are considered insults in Klingon society.



Starfleet Intelligence Files