Deck 1
- Captain’s Ready Room
- Main Bridge
- Observation Lounge (Briefing Room)
Deck 2
- Captain's Quarters
- Captain's Dining Room
- First Officer's Office
- First Officer's Quarters
- Senior Officers' Quarters
Deck 3
- Docking Ports 1-3 (Port/Starboard/Aft)
- Ward Room
- Diplomatic Suite
- Attaché's Office
- Conference Room
- Officers' Quarters
- VIP/Guest Quarters
Deck 4
- Junior and Senior Officers' Quarters
- Holodecks 1-6
Deck 5
- Junior and Senior Officers' Quarters
- Primary Computer Core
- Gymnasium
- Drill hall
Deck 6
- Primary Computer Core Control
- Cargo Bays 1 & 2
- Upper Primary Computer Cores 1-2
- Upper Main Shuttlebay
- Impulse Engines (Primary and Secondary)
- Science Labs 1-10 (Multipurpose)
Deck 7
- Primary Sickbay
- Intensive Care Unit
- Surgical Suite
- Biohazard Support
- Pathology Lab
- Critical Care Unit
- Morgue
- Chief Medical Officer's Office
- Counsellor's Office
- Science Labs 11-19 (Space & Planetary Sciences)
- Primary Computer Core
- Impulse Engines (Primary and Secondary)
- Main Shuttlebay
Deck 8
- Primary Computer Core
- Junior Officers' and Crew Quarters
- Science Labs 20-28 (Life Sciences)
- Primary Armory
- Main Impulse Engines
- Phaser Range
- Chief Security & Tactical Officer's Office
- Main Brig
- Secondary Weapons Control
- Secondary Armory
- Upper Shuttlebay Maintenance and Support
- Transporter Rooms 1 & 2
Deck 9
- Recreation Deck
- Configurable Living Quarters
- Holodecks 7-10
- Dorsal Docking Port
- Environmental Support
- Transporter Rooms 3 & 4
- Lower Shuttlebay Maintenance and Support
- M/ARA Deuterium Injector Assembly
- 413 Memorial
- Sto'Vo'Kor (Main Crew Lounge)
Deck 10
- Mess Hall
- Secondary Deflector Control
- Configurable Living Quarters
- Deuterium Injector Assembly
Deck 11
- Primary Maintenance Support Center
- Fore Torpedo Bay Control
- Living Quarters
- Hydroponics
- Astrometrics
- Deflector Control
- Secondary Navigational Deflector
Deck 12
- Quantum Slipstream Drive Control Room
- Primary Systems Support Compartment
- Environmental Support
- Living Quarters
- Forward Torpedo Magazine
Deck 13
- Living Quarters
- Deuterium Storage
- Power Distribution
- Chief of Operations' Office
- Forward Torpedo Launcher (1)
Deck 14
- Living Quarters
- Cargo Bay 3 (Primary Cargo Bay)
- Lower Forward Torpedo Bay Control
- Deuterium Storage
- Captain's Yacht Docking Station
- Upper Shuttlebay 2
Deck 15
- Secondary Computer Core Control
- Living Quarters
- Transporter Rooms 5 & 6
- Secondary/Aft Tractor Beam Control and Emitter
- Shuttle Bay 2
- Navigational Deflector
- Main Engineering Upper Level
- Shuttlebay Maintenance and Support
- Upper Secondary Computer Core
- Plasma Transfer Conduits
Deck 16
- Secondary Computer Core
- Primary Shuttle Maintenance Hangar
- Science Labs 29-37 (Physical Sciences)
- Navigational Deflector
- Main Engineering Lower Level
- Chief Engineer's Office
Deck 17
- Secondary Computer Core
- Primary Machine Shop
- Stellar Cartography
- Chief Science Officer's Office
- Science Labs 38-40 (Social Sciences)
- Navigational Deflector
- Aft Tractor Emitter
Deck 18
- Secondary Sickbay
- Main Tractor Beam Control and Emitter
- Environmental Control
- Aft Torpedo Control
- Navigational Deflector
Deck 19
- Waste Management
- Environmental Support
- Aft Torpedo Launchers (2)
- Torpedo Magazine
Deck 20
- Power Transfer Conduit Control Center
- Environmental Support
- Forward Torpedo Launchers (2)
- Torpedo Magazine
Deck 21
- Tertiary Maintenance Support Center
- Secondary Systems Support
- Gravimetric Polaron Generators
- Antimatter Storage Pods
- Forward Tractor Emitter
Deck 22
- Anti-matter Storage Pods
- Antimatter Generator
Deck 23
- Antimatter Injector Assembly
- Anti-matter Storage Pods
- Anti-matter Injection Reactors
Deck 24
- Antimatter Injector Assembly
- Anti-matter Storage Pods