Invicta Expedition

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The launch crew of the Invicta Expedition.

The Invicta Expedition is one of four deep space exploration missions launched in 2392 by the United Federation of Planets, at the direction of Federation President Nan Bacco to recapture the spirit of Starfleet's early five-year missions of the Constitution class.

The mission involves the Cardiff class USS Invicta, accompanied by three escorts: the USS Garuda, the USS Mercury, and the USS Tiger-A. The Invicta departed on its mission from Astrofori One in the Menthar Corridor, heading farther out into the frontier, away from the Federation and Cardassian Union.

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USS InvictaCardiff class
GarudaLargeLogo.png Galaxy-scale.png
USS GarudaGalaxy class
Mercurylogo.png Oracle-scale.png
USS MercuryOracle class
Tigerlogo.png Prometheus-scale.png
USS Tiger-APrometheus class