Home System
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Home World
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Starfleet Intelligence Files
Planetary Information
- Star: Vulcan (40 Eridani A)
- Planet:
- Class: M
- Official Name: Confederacy of Surak (founded 370 CE)
- Political System: United Federation of Planets (founding member, 2161 CE)
- Indigenous Government: Representative Oligarchy with Feudal and Theocratic elements
- Capitals: ShirKahr, Vulcana Regar
- Dominant Species: Vulcan
- Population: 4.9 billion
- Warp Capable: 320 CE
- Satellites: Vulcan has no moon
- Gravity: 1.4 G
- Year and Day: 250.1/27.6
- Atmosphere: Nitrogen-oxygen, with relatively high levels of argon, radon, and carbon dioxide. Atmospheric pressure rather lighter than Earth; Vulcan's air is thin.
- Hydrosphere: 28% surface water concentrated in two warm seas
- Climate: Arid and hot throughout with little seasonal variation; Vulcan is a desert planet
- Resources: Vulcan's main resource is its science, and to a lesser extent the products of its hereditary and traditional artistic schools. Both have made Vulcan culture one of the most influential throughout the Federation. Vulcan also produces rare minerals and ores, especially trillium.
- Ship Facilities: The main such facility is the Vulcan Space Center, although the cities of Vulcana Regar and Vulcinis both have spaceports and geosynchronous stations capable of spacedock service.
- Points of Interest: Vulcan Science Academy; Mount Seleya; Vulcan's Forge; Temple of Amonak; T'Karath Sanctuary; Fire Plains of Raal