Cadfael Peters/Professional History: Difference between revisions

(forgot to include whittaker's name in presenting second citation of innovation)
(-duplicated awards & accolades heading)
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<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Career Overview|200|COLOR=Darkgoldenrod}}</h3>
{{heading|Career Overview|Maroon}}
{{:Cadfael Peters/ServiceTable}}
{{:Cadfael Peters/ServiceTable}}
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Current Assignment|275|COLOR=Darkgoldenrod}}</h3>
{{heading|Previous Service|maroon}}
<h3>[[Starbase 118 Ops]]</h3>
See full article -- {{s|Cadfael Peters|Timeline}}
[[Image:Nav-spacedock.jpg|thumb|left|Starbase 118]]
{{:Cadfael Peters/Ribbons}}

* '''Rank''': Lieutenant JG
* '''Duty Posts''': Engineer
* '''Commanding Officer''': Commander {{n|Sal Taybrim}} preceded by Captain {{n|Leo Handley-Page}}

* '''Stardates''': 239204.03 - Present
[[Category:Cadfael Peters]]
<!--:''Full Article: [[Skyfire, Chythar/Biography#Service Jacket: USS Gorkon|Service Jacket: USS Gorkon]]''-->
*239204.03: Transfers to [[Starbase 118 Ops|Starbase 118]] as an engineer under Commander {{n|Leo|Handley-Page}}.
*238204.07: Sustained hearing loss in right ear, first time.
*239204.12: Met Lieutenant {{n|Vance|Sheridan}} for the first time.
*239204.14: Reunited with {{n|Pon Pon}}.
**Annual psychological evaluation with {{n|Vance|Sheridan}}.
**Beginning of friendship.
*239204.29: Received Prometheus Ribbon from Commander {{n|Leo|Handley-Page}} on behalf of his former CO, Commander {{n|Renos}}.
*239206.01: Sustained hearing loss in right ear, second time.
*239207.11: Received [[External Auditory Receptor System|EARS]] implant, right ear.
*'''239207.14:''' Received ribbons from Captain {{n|Leo|Handley-Page}}.
**Prometheus Ribbon (2<sup>nd</sup> Citation)
**Joint Meritorious Unit Award
*239207.18: Met {{n|Richard Matthews}}, {{n|Udas}}, and {{n|Kellan Joran}} for the first time.
*239207.21: First counseling session with {{n|Ashley Deneve|Yael}}.
*239209.10: Caught in another explosion. See {{s|Peters, Cadfael|Medical Record}}.
*239210.10: Treated for injuries sustained during explosion.
**Met {{n|Baylen Anders}} and {{n|Trellis Vondaryan}} for the first time.
**Friendship with Vondaryan begins.
*239212.12: Met {{n|Christen Meyers}} for the first time.
*239212.19: Cadfael accepts a date with Christen.
*239212.20: Presented 2<sup>nd</sup> citation of the Innovation Ribbon by Commander {{n|Sal Taybrim}} & Lt. Commander {{n|Theo Whittaker}}.
{{heading|Mission Logs|darkgoldenrod}}
*'''[[SB118Ops_Mission_Logs/Leo_Handley-Page|The Cuckoo Child]] - 239204.03 - 239204.17:''' Arriving just in time to get punched in the face during riots and landed at Leo's feet. Moments later, he heard a loud ear-splitting scream caused by some sort of demon, he lost hearing in his right ear and collapsed. His balance was once again reduced to shreds, and when shore leave followed he didn't feel the symptoms of BPPV at all.<br />
*'''[[Prometheus Incident/Ops|The Gathering Storm]] - 239204.17 - 239207.04:''' The following mission, an explosion in Engineering caused him to black out as his hearing was once again destroyed. Dr. {{n|Pon Pon}} was able to revive him with a cocktail of drugs, and he accompanied the away team on an away mission. His only major reluctance was to assume the worst, in which case assuming that they'd all been killed after fifteen minutes. He refused to give up on his comatose friend on the ''Victory'' and wasn't about to give up on his colleagues. He managed to stay conscious until the away team returned to the shuttle, then blacked out from the pain as his stop-gap treatment from Dr. Pon Pon failed him, thus slipping into the bittersweet realm of unconsciousness. Once on the starbase, he was moved into the surgical deck for surgery the following morning. His [[External_Auditory_Receptor_System|E.A.R.S]] surgery for his right ear was a success.<br />
* '''[[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Leo Handley-Page|Never Mix Your Drinks]] - 239207.04 - 239210.11''': Cadfael makes a discovery about Golden Dew being explosive when mixed with terraforming chemicals. Once again caught on the receiving end of an explosion and sustained a concussion when a sticky-bomb went off.<br />
*'''[[SB118Ops Mission_Logs/Leo_Handley-Page|Dish Served Cold]] - 239210.11 - 239212.07''': Cadfael is asked to help out with engineering a concussion burst field, torpedoes, and mines to incapacitate the ''USS Stormcrow''. Later, detects a bio-hazard which has affected 25% of the ''Albion''. When they return home, he brings his homework to the table.
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Previous Assignments|275|COLOR=Darkgoldenrod}}</h3>
===Before & During Starfleet Academy===
[[Image:Academy.jpg|thumb|left|Starfleet Academy]]
: ''Full Article: None at this time<!--[[Skyfire, Chythar/Science Degree|Skyfire, Chythar: Academy Transcript]]-->
* '''Rank''': Cadet
* '''Major''': Engineering
<!--* '''Minor''': Medicine-->
* '''Stardates''': 238701.01 - 236912.14
*236701.01: Born in Shrewsbury, England, {{ma|Earth}}.
*238701.01: Applies to [[Starfleet Academy]].
*238704.07: Cadet Cultural Exchange Subspace Friend Program (hereafter referred to as CCESFP) links him up with Trill Cadet [[Sevo, Ayiana|Ayiana Yorval]].
**Receives Ensign commission to the USS Victory as engineering officer.
**Receives Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon.
**Assigned to beta shift out of space dock.
[[Image:Victoryrefit02.jpg|thumb|left|USS Victory]]
* '''Rank''': Ensign - Lieutenant JG
* '''Duty Posts:''' Engineer then Chief Engineer<br />
* '''Commanding Officer''': Captain {{n|Nugra}}
* '''Stardates''': 239109.30 - 239202.23
<br / ><br />
**Receives Ensign commission to the {{USS|Victory}} as engineering officer.
**Receives Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon.
**Assigned to beta shift out of space dock.
*239109.30: Assigned to Alpha shift where he meets {{n|Ayiana|Sevo}} for the first time face to face.
*239112.16: Sustained hearing loss in left ear because of ruptured eardrum.
*239201.07: Treated for hearing loss. See {{s|Peters, Cadfael|Medical Record}}.
*239201.09: Promoted to Chief Engineer.
**Promoted to Lieutenant JG and awarded ribbons by Commander {{n|Nugra}}.
***Innovation Ribbon
***Purple Heart
***First Contact Ribbon
***Explorer's Ribbon
*239202.23: Transfers to the {{USS|Darwin|A}} as an engineer under Commander {{n|Renos}}.
{{heading|Mission Logs|Darkgoldenrod}}
*'''[[Choices (Victory)|Choices]] - 239111.10 - 239201.05:''' Cadfael transferred to alpha shift just in time to assist the away team in placing a few bombs. A grenade exploded nearby his location, rendering him half deaf during this away mission. They were rescued in the nick of time, and transported to the ''Lady Adventure'' for medical treatment because the ''Victory'' was out of range. When he got back aboard the ''Victory'', he was treated by Dr. {{n|Talia|Kaji}} for all the injuries he received both during the mission and the shoddy treatment at the hands of incompetent medical staff of the ''Adventure''.
*'''[[Prometheus Incident/Victory|What Happened At Luxix III]] 239202.01 - 239202.23:''' When he was helping with the Sunak, a weapon blast went off next to his left ear, thus resulting in the hearing loss. Even after receiving corrective treatment, he still had to rely on lip-reading and had to watch his balance to make sure no recurring problems happened as a result. He'd watched his best friend, Ayiana, recover from a coma and confessed his feelings to her before he was transferred to the ''Darwin''.
[[Image:USSDarwinA.jpg|thumb|left|USS Darwin-A]]<br/>
* '''Rank:''' Lieutenant JG
* '''Duty Posts:''' Engineer
* '''Commanding Officer''': Commander {{n|Renos}}
* '''Stardates''': 239202.23 - 239204.03
*239202.23: Transfers to the {{USS|Darwin|A}} as an engineer under Commander {{n|Renos}}.
*239203.02: Received [[External Auditory Receptor System|EARS]] implant, left ear.
*239203.22: Met Doctor {{n|Pon Pon}} for the first time during a shared experience of a temporal anomaly.
*239204.03: Transfers to [[Starbase 118 Ops|Starbase 118]] as an engineer under Commander {{n|Leo|Handley-Page}}.
{{heading|Mission Logs|darkgoldenrod}}
*'''[[Prometheus Incident/Darwin|The Lost Souls]] 239202.23 - 239204.03:''' His balance was still off, and he relied on lip-reading for a large portion of his job. His balance was also still off because of the fact that he was still feeling symptoms from BPPV. He had to ask Dr. {{n|Ilyazi|Malon}} to get [[External_Auditory_Receptor_System|E.A.R.S]] surgery on his bad ear to hopefully alleviate the balance problem. The surgery was successful, then he had to assist the ''USS Dunbar'' with repairs and somehow phased into a time space anomaly. After spending a large portion of his time phased in between worlds, when he finally did get back into real time he didn't feel like he got anything done. He was ordered to a physical that never happened, then shipped off to Starbase 118 Ops.
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Awards & Commendations|275|COLOR=Darkgoldenrod}}</h3>
{|style="max-width:800px;border:grey solid 2px;background:#000;"
!style="color:white;background:maroon;font-size: 120%; width:800px" | [[File:Starfleet instructor.png|20px]] Cadfael Peters Awards History [[File:Starfleet instructor.png|20px]]
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" style="vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse" width=100%
! colspan=100% style="background:#343434; color:#fff;" | [[File:Starfleet instructor.png|20px]] Service Ribbons [[File:Starfleet instructor.png|20px]]
! style="background:#c4bfb8;" width=100px; |Ribbon
! style="background:#c4bfb8;" |Name of Award
! style="background:#c4bfb8;" |Ceremony
!style="background:#fff;" colspan=100%|239212.20 -- [[Starbase 118 Ops]] -- Commander {{n|Sal Taybrim}} & Lt. Commander {{n|Theo Whittaker}}
! style="background:#000;"|{{Ribbons|Innovation Ribbon|100|2}}
! Innovation Ribbon (2<sup>nd</sup> Citation)
! [ Awards Richly Deserved]
!style="background:#fff;" colspan=100%|239201.25 -- [[Starbase 118 Ops]] -- Captain {{n|Leo|Handley-Page}}
! style="background:#000;"|{{Ribbons|Prometheus Ribbon|100|2}}
! Prometheus Incident Ribbon (2<sup>nd</sup> Citation)
! rowspan=2|[ Pip Pip Pips]
! style="background:#000;"|{{Ribbons|Joint Meritorious Unit Award|100}}
! Joint Meritorious Unit Award
!style="background:#fff;" colspan=100%|239201.25 -- [[Starbase 118 Ops]] -- Commander {{n|Leo|Handley-Page}}
! style="background:#000;"|{{Ribbons|Prometheus Ribbon|100|1}}
! Prometheus Incident Ribbon
![ No Fanfare]
<!--! rowspan=1|[ Perks of the Job] <!--As written by Commander Renos, but it will be presented by Leo.-->
!style="background:#fff;" colspan=100%|239201.25 -- {{USS|Victory}} -- Commander {{n|Nugra}}
! style="background:#000;"|{{Ribbons|Innovation Ribbon|100}}
! Innovation Ribbon
! rowspan=4|[ Time for Ribbons and Promotions!]
! style="background:#000;"|{{Ribbons|Purple Heart|100}}
! The Purple Heart
! style="background:#000;"|{{Ribbons|First Contact Ribbon|100}}
! First Contact Ribbon
! style="background:#000;"|{{Ribbons|Explorer's Ribbon|100}}
! Explorer's Ribbon
! style="background:#fff;" colspan=100%|239109.16 -- Starfleet Academy -- Academy Commandant
! style="background:#000;"|{{Ribbons|Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon|100}}
! Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
! Received during graduation
[[Category:Chythar Skyfire|Cadfael Peters|Professional History]]

Latest revision as of 02:39, 26 May 2022

Crew of Starfleet Corps of Engineers Special Assignment

LtCPeters Gold 2399.png

Lt. Commander Cadfael Peters

Career Overview

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 4th Class 238701 - 239109 Starfleet Academy
Major: Engineering
Minor: Helm, Communications & Operations
Cadet 3rd Class
Cadet 2nd Class
Cadet 1st Class
Ensign 239109.30 - 239201.07 USS Victory
239201.07 - 239201.25 Chief Engineer
Lieutenant JG 239201.25 - 239202.23
239202.23 - 239204.03 USS Darwin-A
239204.03 - 239302.03 Starbase 118 Ops / USS Albion
239302.03 - 239307.30 Assistant Chief Engineer
239307.30 - 239603.06 Utopia Planetia Fleetyards Research & Development
239603.06 - 239606.14 Embassy of Duronis II / USS Thunder-A
Tactical Officer
Lieutenant 239606.14 - 239610.28 Classified Classified
239610.28 - 239701 Project Capstone
USS Juneau
Chief Operations Officer
239701 - 239707.01 USS Braveheart Engineer
Lieutenant Commander 239707.01 - 239712.26  
USS Juneau
Chief Engineer
239712.26 - 239908.31  

USS Chin'toka

Chief Helmsman
239908.31 - 239911.27 Chief Engineer
239911.27 - 240105.30  

USS Astraeus

240105.30 - Present Starfleet Corps of Engineers
Special Project

Previous Service

See full article -- Timeline

Awards & Accolades

Note: For OOC awards, player achievements, and badges, click here.

Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239109.16
Starfleet Academy
Graduated Starfleet Academy.
Innovation Ribbon 239201.25
USS Victory
Commander Nugra
Purple Heart 239201.25
USS Victory
Commander Nugra
First Contact Ribbon 239201.25
USS Victory
Commander Nugra
Explorer's Ribbon 239201.25
USS Victory
Commander Nugra
Prometheus Ribbon 239204.29
Starbase 118 Ops on behalf of Commander Renos
Participated in Phase II
Prometheus Ribbon 239207.14
Starbase 118 Ops
Participated in Phase III.
Captain Leo Handley Page
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 239207.14
Starbase 118 Ops
Captain Leo Handley-Page
Innovation Ribbon 239212.20
Starbase 118 Ops
Cmdr Sal Taybrim & Lt Cmdr Theo Whittaker
2nd Citation
Innovation Ribbon 239303.20
Starbase 118 Ops
Commander Sal Taybrim
3rd Citation
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon 239303.20
Starbase 118 Ops
Commander Sal Taybrim
Innovation Ribbon 239605.20
Duronis II Embassy
Rear Admiral Toni Turner
4th Citation
Maiden Voyage Ribbon 239601.21
USS Juneau
Captain Oddas Aria
Project Capstone Ribbon 239601.21
USS Juneau
Captain Oddas Aria
6 phases
Warp XV Drive Pioneer 239601.21
USS Juneau
Captain Oddas Aria
Legion of Merit 239601.21
USS Juneau
Captain Oddas Aria
Orion Syndicate Service Medal 239601.21
USS Juneau
Captain Oddas Aria
Purple Heart 239601.21
USS Juneau
Captain Oddas Aria
2nd Citation
Maiden Voyage Ribbon 239707.20
USS Juneau
Captain Oddas Aria
2nd Citation
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal 239710.28
USS Juneau
Captain Oddas Aria
Diplomacy Ribbon 239710.28
USS Juneau
Captain Oddas Aria
First Contact Ribbon 239712.30
USS Juneau
(in Absentia)
Captain Oddas Aria
(2nd Citation)
Explorer's Ribbon 239804.14
USS Chin'toka
Captain Mei'konda Delano
2nd Citation
First Contact Ribbon 239804.14
USS Chin'toka
Captain Mei'konda Delano
3rd Citation
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal 239804.14
USS Chin'toka
Captain Mei'konda Delano
2nd Citation
Good Conduct Ribbon 239804.14
USS Chin'toka
Captain Mei'konda Delano
Par'tha Expanse Colonization Ribbon 239808.28
USS Chin'toka
Captain Mei'konda Delano
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 239808.28
USS Chin'toka
Captain Mei'konda Delano
2nd Citation
Lifesaving Ribbon 239808.28
USS Chin'toka
Captain Mei'konda Delano
Legion of Merit 239808.28
USS Chin'toka
Captain Mei'konda Delano
2nd Citation
Department Chief Ribbon 239812.18
USS Chin'toka
Captain Mei'konda Delano
First Contact Ribbon 239905.23
USS Chin'toka
Captain Mei'konda Delano
4th Citation
Explorer's Ribbon 239905.23
USS Chin'toka
Captain Mei'konda Delano
3rd Citation
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 239909.24
USS Chin'toka
Captain Mei'konda Delano
Explorer's Ribbon 239909.24
USS Chin'toka
Captain Mei'konda Delano
4th Citation
Good Conduct Ribbon 239905.23
USS Chin'toka
Captain Mei'konda Delano
2nd Citation
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 239912.31
USS Astraeus
Captain Mei'konda Delano
3rd Citation
Legacy Ribbon 239912.31
USS Astraeus
Captain Mei'konda Delano
Innovation Ribbon 239912.31
USS Astraeus
Captain Mei'konda Delano
5th Citation
Starfleet Medal of Valor 239912.31
USS Astraeus
Captain Mei'konda Delano
Medical Science Ribbon 240005.27
USS Astraeus
Captain Mei'konda Delano
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 240005.27
USS Astraeus
Captain Mei'konda Delano
4th Citation
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 240005.27
USS Astraeus
Captain Mei'konda Delano
2nd Citation
Diplomacy Ribbon 240005.27
USS Astraeus
Captain Mei'konda Delano
2nd Citation
First Contact Ribbon 240010.03
USS Astraeus
Captain Mei'konda Delano
5th Citation
Explorer's Ribbon 240010.03
USS Astraeus
Captain Mei'konda Delano
5th Citation
Good Conduct Ribbon 240010.03
USS Astraeus
Captain Mei'konda Delano
3rd Citation
Romulan Campaign Medal 240103.17
USS Astraeus
Captain Mei'konda Delano
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon 240103.17
USS Astraeus
Captain Mei'konda Delano
Leadership Excellence Ribbon 240103.17
USS Astraeus
Captain Mei'konda Delano
Starfleet Investigation Ribbon 240105.28
USS Astraeus
Captain Mei'konda Delano