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<center><font color=skyblue size=5>'''FNS</font><font size=5> HEADLINES'''</font><br>''Bringing you the latest updates from the Federation News Service''

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<center><small><span class="plainlinks">'''[[Federation News Service/About|About the FNS]] • [[File:Forum.png|20px|link=http://forums.starbase118.net/index.php/forum/511-federation-news-service/]] [http://forums.starbase118.net/index.php/forum/511-federation-news-service/ FNS Forum] •[[File:Twitter.png|30px|link=http://twitter.com/fednewsservice/]][http://twitter.com/fednewsservice/ FNS Data Feed] • [[File:Facebook.png|20px|link=http://www.facebook.com/fednewsservice/]] [http://www.facebook.com/fednewsservice/ FNS on FB] • [[Federation News Service/Join|Join the FNS Team]]'''</span></small></center>
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===<font color=skyblue>Breaking News</font>===
* {{s|Federation News Service|USS Gemini continues search for the missing USS Spartan}}
* {{s|Federation News Service|Starfleet Captain charged with committing war crimes}}
* {{s|Federation News Service|Siege of DSX ends as Maquis leader escapes}}
* {{s|Federation News Service|Laudean Prime Minister kidnapped from Ba'ku}}</onlyinclude>
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===<font color=Blue>&#9632; </font>Politics & Current Affairs===
The '''Federation News Service''' is an independent news agency dedicated to providing citizens of the United Federation of Planets the latest news and stories from across the galaxy. With a rich history that dates back to the founding of the Federation, FNS reporters have covered every major development over the centuries, from the era of the first colonies to the award-winning coverage of the Dominion War.
:* [[Cardassian Union]] apologies for the occupation of [[Rodulan|Rodul]]
:* {{s|Federation News Service|Cardassians seek Starfleet’s help in search for slipstream prototype}}
:* [[Federation News Service/Unidentified illness spreads aboard USS Constitution-B after quarantine breach|Unidentified illness spreads aboard USS ''Constitution''-B after quarantine breach]]
:* {{s|Federation News Service|Colony leader claims diplomatic immunity in arson murders}}
:* {{s|Federation News Service|Starfleet investigates disappearance of a second starship in the Borderlands}}
:* {{s|Federation News Service|Federation ambassador rescued from Petainia rebels}}
:* [[Federation News Service/Rescue mission becomes first contact|Rescue mission becomes first contact; USS ''Victory'' encounters alien race while searching for missing Cardassian starship]]
:* [[Federation News Service/Missing scientists found on research station|Missing scientists found on research station; bodies kept in suspended animation]]
:* [[Federation News Service/2 dead in arson fire aboard USS Columbia|2 dead in arson fire aboard USS ''Columbia''; investigation reveals strife among Pernipia Gamma IV colonists]]
:* Student protests held in Paris as Federation Supreme Court prepares to hear case on civil rights of holographic and artificial lifeforms

===<font color=ForestGreen>&#9632; </font>Trade & Business===
<center>'''Visit our new home:''' <big>http://fns.news</big></center>
:* Federation Transport Union votes to go on strike on eve of 2392. All shipping and transit runs suspended.
:* President Nan Bacco addresses Federation Transport Union; delivers last minute appeal to avert upcoming strike vote
:* Outer colonies grow restless at lack of supply runs; murmurs of secession continue
:* Federation Transport Union strike vote to be held; individual crews already refusing service
===<font color=CornflowerBlue>&#9632; </font>Arts & Culture===
:* {{s|Federation News Service|USS Apollo crew joins in Festival of Diversity celebrations}}
:* ShiKahr Philharmonic Orchestra to premiere Vulcan composer Delvok's rediscovered ''Unfinished Symphony''
===<font color=DarkSlateBlue>&#9632; </font>Science & Tech===
:* A holodeck for the home? Smaller holosuite models debut at trade show
:* [[Federation News Service/Missing starship found 92-years later|Missing starship found 92-years later; vessel caught in apparent temporal anomaly]]
:* New research shows possible link between Irumodic Syndrome and excessive Earl Grey tea consumption
:* Calling all starship buffs: new [[Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards]] technical database revealed
===<font color=goldenrod>&#9632; </font>Sports===
:* Scandal as leaked subspace logs of Ferengi Gaming Commission reveal fixed Parrises squares playoff games
:* The kick is good: Tasmanian Tigers win championship against New Berlin Ibexes in final "miracle minute"
:* Record-breaking night for N'Soya as New Berlin Ibexes win game 6 to tie series with Tasmanian Tigers
===<font color=DarkOrange>&#9632; </font>Travel===
:* Bolivar Narum's travel guide ''A Hike around Andoria'' is recalled due to outrageous amounts of spelling and coordinates errors
:* 3 days, 2 nights in [[Delebi]]: Betazed's culinary capital
:* Take a dive to the [[Poseidon system]]
===&#9632; Editorial===
:* Transport Union strike should be considered a major security issue, not just an economic crisis
:* Is it time to privatize Starfleet? With current forces spread thin, business tycoon Tyson Holt proposes a different approach to defense
:* Commercial [[quantum slipstream]] travel: Does the SS ''Atlantic'' debacle prove the technology is unsafe?
:* Letter from the [[Colonial Coalition]]: Federation Council should curtail foreign aid and focus more resources on member worlds and colonies
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Latest revision as of 05:04, 1 March 2023

Federation News Service

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The Federation News Service is an independent news agency dedicated to providing citizens of the United Federation of Planets the latest news and stories from across the galaxy. With a rich history that dates back to the founding of the Federation, FNS reporters have covered every major development over the centuries, from the era of the first colonies to the award-winning coverage of the Dominion War.

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SD 240203.05 • Sol Sector Edition