- "“Never be cruel. Never be cowardly. Remember, hate is always foolish and love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind." - 12th Doctor.
- “I am pleased to see that we have differences. May we together become greater than the sum of both of us.” - Surak.
Hello there!
My name is Michelle and I write to you from the cold North of Denmark. I'm in my 30ies, happily married for close to a decade and I have a son named Alexander (4 years old). (Do not tell my husband, but I suggested the name because of Alexander, Son of Worf.)
LT Gila Sadar
Medical Officer
USS Artemis-A
Gila Sadar is my first - and only, thus far - Player Character in the Fleet, and the one I completed my Cadet Cruise with. She's a socially anxious ex-historian, who left her home planet in search of acknowledgment and belonging. She's hoping to find that in her new life as a member of Starfleet, though she's still struggling to acclimatize to the radically different way all these aliens think.
I've simmed as Gila since June 2023 aboard the USS Artemis-A as one of their Medical Officers.
Just Gila Things:
1) She prefers adressing people with their titles and surnames regardless of her relationship with them, as this is the custom among Mizarians.
2) She's accustomed to talking about the Mizarian culture and society, since her species is as rare as it is, but will clam up if 'she', specifically, is the topic.
3) She's a bonafide workaholic. Good luck getting her out of Sickbay.
PO3 Xandeus Filistrien
Signals Analyst
USS Artemis-A
Nadevia Virtavi-Yaros
StarFlirt Representative
USS Artemis-A
Gila Thevn
Alternate Universe Gila
Sent back to her own universe
Dominion Soldier
Likely deceased
Gaire Unem
Crashed Orion Engineer
Would-Be Empress of Meirash
Killed during her War
Legend O'Connor
Crashed Smuggler
Alive and likely causing trouble
Joined SB118 / Graduated from Academy: 240006.13 / 240006.25
Writer ID: A240006GS1
SIM Example: "Anesthezine-Neurozine-Relorazine. Now, 3 Times Fast!", USS Artemis-A, Stardate 240007.04
I grew up in a - comparatively - dysfunctional childhood home, but I lacked for nothing, and my family is extremely close. We often get together once a week for family dinner with my parents, my siblings and my nieces and nephews. I also live across the street from my parents, so I functionally have two kitchens. Nice!
I became a 'nerd' at age 12 by becoming initiated into the local 'weeb'-environment, and as such, most of my nerd-interests were centered on the Asian sphere for most of my formative years. This led my childhood dream to be becoming a professional translator of Japanese video games. I have completed 3/4 of a Bachelor's Degree of Japanese Studies, but questionable politics in my country made it borderline impossible for me to get a job with it, so I switched gears to become a teacher.
Apart from anime and videogames, my wide interest in all things Nerddom include, but are not limited to: Doctor Who, Fantasy books, TTRPGs (D&D, ATLA:Legends, STA, CoC, VtM5e, etc.), boardgames, the Sims and SO MANY MORE THINGS.
I first got interested in Star Trek in the latter part of the 2010's when I dipped my feet into playing Star Trek: Online, and while playing it, I started watching The Original Series on a whim. Now, I have watched everything in release date up until the beginning of Season 4 of DS9 and Season 2 of Voyager.
What I love most about Star Trek is the message of hope, unity and a better tomorrow, as well as the creativity and amazing characters. Star Trek and Classic Doctor Who live in the same area of my heart, and thus, I know I'm a Trekkie for life.
Favorite Trek Things
Favorite Star Trek Show: Deep Space 9
Favorite Character: Odo
Favorite Captain: Christopher Pike
Favorite Ship: USS Enterprise-D
Favorite Species: Cardassians
Favorite Episode: "The Quickening", Deep Space 9 Season 4 Episode 24.
I'm part of the illustrious club of Wiki Ghosts, where membership hinges on the frankly obscene amount of time one spends roaming the SB118 Wiki. This has, naturally, ended with me joining Wiki Operations as well. Beyond that, I've served as the Artemis' Mission Archivist since July 2023 and am the nagging WikiMom who beats all the Captains over the head with a stick until they either update their Crew Histories or let me do it for them. Thank you to all of you for your patience, by the way!
- For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Neelix Award
2401 USS Artemis-A
Awarded to officers who go above and beyond the call of duty by displaying additional, Out of Character commitment. This includes assisting fellow officers in need of simming assistance, facilitating Out of Character discussions with the crew, maintaining wiki articles, and more.
Quark's Bar
2401 USS Artemis-A
Awarded to members who are regularly active on the chat room, and forums, and have been supportive and involved in conversations enhancing the overall community experience with activities like keeping a quote thread up to date, consistently nominating simmers in the Appreciations forum, starting engaging chat discussions, attending chat events regularly, or being a helpful presence for new players.
1-year Member
2401 USS Artemis-A
Awarded to those who have been members continuously for one year.
Service Ribbon
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
240006.25 Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Innovation Ribbon
240009.03 USS Artemis-A
As Gila: Awarded for spearheading the synthesization and deployment of a new anti-knockout gas.
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal
240009.03 USS Artemis-A
As Gila: Awarded for being present during the Artemis' altercation with Suliban pirates.
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon
240101.19 USS Artemis-A
As Gila: Awarded for being present during the Artemis' encounter with the CIC Desdemona.
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon
240105.24 USS Artemis-A
As Gila: Awarded for being subjected to time shenanigans at the hands of CloQ.
Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal
240109.08 USS Artemis-A
As Gila: Awarded for fighting against the Borg incursion during Frontier Day.
Frontier Day Ribbon
240109.08 USS Artemis-A
As Gila: Awarded for being present during the Frontier Day Crisis.
Medical Science Ribbon
240109.08 USS Artemis-A
As Gila: Awarded for her work with Anti-Borg medicine during Frontier Day.
Medical Science Ribbon
240111.19 Amity Outpost
As Gila: Awarded for her work on Anti-Borg science and medical technology during Frontier Day.
UFP Medal of Freedom
240111.19 Amity Outpost
As Gila: Awarded for her participation in crashing the USS Kitty Hawk in a way that didn't destroy Luna.
Captain's Commendation
240111.19 Amity Outpost
As Gila: Awarded for her service under Cpt. Rahman during Frontier Day.
Changeling Campaign Ribbon
240201.27 USS Artemis-A
As Gila: Awarded for combatting the Changeling infiltrators during Frontier Day.