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[[Nemesis-The Trial]]
[[Nemesis-The Trial]]

=====The Trial=====

((Star Fleet Medical))
::The trip back to Earth was uneventful.  Kays spent the whole time studying about the serum.  She wasn’t an expert on it but she now knew more about the serum than most of the doctors in Star Fleet.  She could now confidently argue for the serum, but the serum didn’t need protecting, Paul did.  As soon as they arrived on Earth a security contingent met them and took Diamond into custody.  Kays went with Lynn as she went to have her physical, both as a friend and lawyer.  When they were finished Kays went to check on Diamond in his holding cell.::
Kays: Hi there stranger, how are you doing?
Diamond: Hanging in there.  ::looking around his cell:: Nice place huh? 
I can relax, they bring me meals, and I don’t have to do anything.  Kind of like when we were on Injerra.  ::looking back at Kays pleading:: Get me out of here, please.
Kays: I will don’t worry.  I just came from Lynn’s physical and it looked good for us.
Diamond: How is she?
Kays: Well, I’m not a doctor, but she looks fine to me.
Diamond: Good.  I hate the thought of putting her through any more intrusions for me.
Kays: Don’t worry, she understands.
::Just then the door to the cell opened and a Guard entered.::
Guard: Excuse me but they are ready to begin.  Please follow me.
Kays: ::To Diamond::  You ready?
Diamond: ::standing up:: Let’s do it.
:: They followed the guard out of the room and through endless hallways and into a large chamber.  At the front of the chamber was a large desk facing them with 5 high-back chairs behind it.  In front of the chairs were nameplates reading Weber, Neumann, Muncie, McGee and Blatz.  They were ushered to a table near the front and sat down.  As Kays read the padd that was on the table Diamond looked around the chamber some more. 
Somewhat center, in front of the large desk, stool a podium that
Diamond figured was for testimony.  Directly behind them was the gallery, which was quickly filling up.  As he scanned the people coming in, he recognized some of his shipmates including Lee, Erin and Nurse Brown.  He also saw MacKenzie, Frink and Quinn taking their seats as well.  Then he caught the sight of his parents as they entered the room.  They saw him, smiled and waved, and headed for the seats directly behind him.::
Diamond: Mom, Dad, it’s great to see you.
M. Diamond: It’s good to see you too.  Are you ok?
Diamond: Yes mom, I’m fine.
D. Diamond: Wish it were under better circumstances.
M. Diamond: Daniel, stop that.  ::to Diamond:: Don’t mind him son, he just doesn’t think::
Diamond: Don’t worry about it.  Come here I want you to meet someone. ::taps Kays on the shoulder:: Mom, dad, this is Himoana Kays, my good friend and lawyer.  Himoana, these are my parents, Margret and Daniel
All Three: Friend?!?
Kays: Nice to meet the two of you.
M. Diamond: The feelings mutual.
Guard: All rise, the tribunal is now in session, Admiral’s Weber, Neumann, Muncie, McGee and Blatz residing.
::Everyone stood as 5 officers entered the room and went to the chairs in the front.  Each took their place and then sat down.  Admiral Blatz took charge of the proceeding.::
Blatz: Be seated. ::everyone sat down:: Dr. Paul Diamond, please stand.
:: Diamond and Kays stood:: You are charged with Endangering the well fare of a patient to advance your own.  Do you understand this charge?
Diamond: Yes sir I do.
Blatz: And how do you plead?
Kays: He pleads Not Guilty
Blatz: ::To Kays:: And you are?
Kays: Ensign Himoana Kays, his lawyer.
Blatz: Very well, plea entered.  You may be seated. ::Both sat.  The admiral picked up a padd and read it.:: Ms. Kays, we received the depositions you sent to us and read them and they match the records we obtained from the Nemesis’s computer memory. ::looking up at Diamond:: We still have a couple of questions to clear up before we render our verdict. Captain Rice, if you please come forward?:: From the gallery an officer stood and walked to the podium.:: Captain, as a Star Fleet Officer, you have already sworn to tell the truth.
Rice: I understand.
Blatz: As a teacher here at SF Medical, you have examined Ensign Lynn?
Rice: I have.
Blatz: And what were your findings?
Rice: Ensign Lynn is in perfect health.  I did a molecular scan, bone scan, and brain scan and found no abnormalities.  There were no signs of foreign agents in her systems at all.
Kays: ::standing up:: Admiral, if I may?  :: Blatz nodded:: Doctor, have you read Dr. Diamond’s report on the serum he used?
Rice: I did.
Kays: And in your examination, did you find any long-term effects on the patient?
Rice: No I didn’t.  Like I said, she is in perfect health.
Blatz: Thank you doctor, you may step down. :: Rice went back to her seat.:: Dr. Diamond, will you please come forward? ::Diamond went to the podium:: Dr., as a Star Fleet Officer, you have already sworn to tell the truth.
Diamond: I understand.
Blatz: Doctor, I have only one question for you.  Why did you abandon standard medical practices and use your own concoction in your efforts to save Ensign Lynn?
Diamond: When Ensign Lynn arrived in Sick Bay her internal systems were already 95% assimilated.  All other options were no longer going to work.  I knew my serum was her last resort.
McGee: Didn’t Commander Frink give you an order NOT to save any assimilated crewmembers?
Diamond: His orders were for fully assimilated members, she still had some humanity left.
Neumann: I read in her deposition that she would rather die then become a drone, why didn’t you heed her wishes?
Diamond: I resent that question sir.  Like all doctors present, I took an oath to protect and safeguard life, not take it.  I knew of her wishes and I felt that I could save her.
Blatz: You still haven’t answered my question doctor, why didn’t you follow procedure?
Diamond: If I may speak candidly? ::Blatz nodded:: Admiral, as you know, in space we are faced with treating sick and wounded patients that we were not trained for at the Academy.  At times we have to come up with different, sometimes unorthodox treatments to save these patients.  Soon these treatments become standard for all of us.  That’s how we grow as a medical profession.  This was one of those times.  I felt that I had to do everything in my power to save her, even if Star Fleet didn’t approve.
Blatz: Would you have let another doctor use the serum on you?
Diamond: In a heart beat.
Neumann: Would you do it again if faced with the same situation?
Diamond: If it would save a life, defiantly
Blatz: Very well then.  ::Looking at the other officers:: I believe we have all the information we need to decide.  This tribunal is adjourned until we reach our verdict.
::As they stood to leave, the gallery stood.  Everyone filed out of the chamber murmuring to each other as they went their separate ways.  Kays, Diamond and his family were shown into a room to talk privately.  When the door was closed, Diamond’s mother hugged her son tightly.::
M. Diamond: I’m so proud of you son.  I don’t care what those Admiral’s say, you saved that woman’s life and that’s the bottom line.
Lt. Diamond: Thanks mom, I appreciate the sentiment.
D. Diamond: If they find you guilty, what will happen then?
Kays: I looked into that.  There are a number of avenues they can take. 
The best-case scenario is he will be thrown out of Star Fleet but keep his medical license.  The worst-case, stripped of his degree, his rank, and thrown out of the service.  There won’t be any prison because he didn’t harm anyone.
D. Diamond: If that happens, he still has his schooling and can still do research can’t he?
Lt. Diamond: Yes dad, but no one will want to touch me.  Everyone would ask themselves if my research is for them, or me.
M. Diamond: Not everyone dear.  I know of a place that would hire you in a heartbeat.
Lt. Diamond: You do? Who?
M. Diamond: My hospital.  I’m the new head of administration and can hire and fire at my discretion.  If you lose your license to practice medicine, you can run our research department.  If you don’t, then you can head up the Emergency Department.  Either way, you win.  And if they decide to keep you, the offer still stands.
Lt. Diamond: ::surprised:: Wow, I don’t know what to say, except thanks.
M. Diamond: You could say that you’ll take it.
Kays: No disrespect, but, let’s wait until we hear their verdict.
D. Diamond: I agree with her, let’s not dig our graves before his career is dead.
M. Diamond: Daniel that was a rotten thing to say!
D. Diamond: You’re right dear, sorry son.
Lt. Diamond: That’s ok dad I knew what you meant.
Guard: ::Opened door:: They’re ready for you.
D. Diamond: Already?  Is that good or bad?
Kays: I’m not sure.  It only means that they probably had their minds made up before hand.
Lt. Diamond: ::standing up:: Let’s go in and get this over with.
:: They left the room for the court room and took their seats. 
Everyone stood as the Admiral’s filed in and re-took their seats and then sat down.::
Blatz: Dr. Diamond, after considerable consideration we have come to a decision.  Is there anything you would like to say before we render our verdict?
Diamond: ::standing up:: Yes sir, there is. :: Diamond walked over to the podium again and stood there collecting his thoughts.::  Sir’s, I understand that you have to look out for the welfare of all Star Fleet personnel under all of the doctor’s care that are serving out there, not just one.  And I also know that the saving of that one does not give me a “Get out of jail free” card.  But I wouldn’t be doing my job as Chief Medical Officer if I didn’t explore every avenue available to me, tried or experimental, to save a person’s life.  If I didn’t and I played it safe, then I would be guilty of these charges. :: turning to the gallery:: Out here I see fellow crew member’s, officer’s that I’m proud to have served with and call friend’s, colleague’s, and family,  and if I hadn’t done what I did, I would have let all of them down, not just Ensign Lynn. ::turning back to the front:: You asked me if I would do it again if I had to and once again I say yes.  Not because I saved her life, but because it was the right thing to do. 
:: Applause rang through the court room, lead by the crew of the
Nemesis.  Admiral Blatz had to hit her gavel a few times to restore order.::
Blatz: Order, order.  Any more out bursts like that and I’ll empty out the room.  Dr. Diamond, a very nice speech.  You’re right, it is our responsibilities to safe guard all personnel and if there is one rouge or ambitious doctor out there, everyone is in harm.  But you are right on another point, as doctors we are obligated to travel all avenues to help our patients, sometimes down the dark and lonely ones.  With that in mind, we have come to our decision.  Dr. Diamond, this tribunal has decided that you did NOT endanger the welfare of your patient and you DID act having her best interests in mind.  You are here by re-instated to full rank and will have all privileges restored immediately.  Congratulations doctor.
Diamond: ::shocked:: Thank you sir.
Blatz: This tribunal is adjourned.  Dismissed.
:: Kays ran up to Diamond and hugged him hard as applause erupted from the spectator’s, including the Admiral’s in front..::
Kays: You did it, you’re cleared, I knew it.
Diamond: I couldn’t have done it without you.
:: As he kissed her, he saw his parents and friends approached.  His parents gave him a funny look but let it be.  There was a celebration of sort’s with everyone.  Looking around Diamond saw Quinn leave but not with out a smile and nod before he did.  Diamond heard more footsteps approaching behind them.  Turning around he saw the 5 Admiral’s heading straight for him.::
Blatz: Congratulations again Dr., and I truly mean it.
Diamond: Thank you sir, you don’t know my relief.
Blatz: We look forward to your lecture on your new procedure.  It already has medical journals making room in their next issue.
Diamond: My lecture?  What lecture?
Brownstone: Why the one we just scheduled for you tomorrow at 1000 hours right next door in the lecture hall.  I am so looking forward to hearing how you use this new serum.  The technical information that was forward is so interesting.
Diamond: I’m confused; I’m not good at lectures.
Weber: Don’t worry doctor; I’ll have everything ready for you tomorrow.  Congratulations again. :: With that they all left except for Admiral Neumann.::
Neumann: ::pulling Diamond aside:: Mr. Diamond, before you go and celebrate, I need to talk to you.
Diamond: Of course sir, what is it?
Neumann: With a talent like yours, it’s being wasted out in space.  I would like you to be here, at Star Fleet Medical, as Head of our Borg
Medical Research Department.  A promotion to full Lieutenant comes with it.
Diamond: I don’t know what to say.
Neumann: Don’t say anything right now, sleep on it and let me know tomorrow after your lecture.  But for now, go and have fun with your friends and family.
Diamond: I will, and thank you sir.
:: Neumann smiled and walked away as Diamond was dragged off by his friends and family for a party that no one will soon forget.::



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