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Ensign James Tiberius Kolk - “The Once & Future Kolk, Part II”
((Station Commander's Office, Deck 456, Starbase 211, Dorvan Sector, Alpha Quadrant - Stardate 239109.07))
::By now though, he was much more comfortable in the Commander's Office, and much more comfortable with this Commander. Commander Josephina Pacelli was a dark haired woman, slender and strong, and Jim had come to respect her a great deal since his release into, essentially, her custody for a year, after which time his probation was rescinded and he was made a full Ensign. Now, another year, plus, later he had built friendships, becoming a welcomed member of the crew. He was happy, if a bit bored, doing research on the same station where he'd been born. He was curious why Pacelli had asked to see him, but not concerned; he'd been a model officer for the past two and one-sixth Sol-years.::
::Jim entered quietly, a PADD with the latest report on his research project in his hand, in case she wanted to see it.::
Pacelli: ::gesturing to the chair to one side of her desk:: Have a seat, Ensign.
Kolk: ::He sat, placing the PADD on her desk.:: Thank you, sir.
((Part I Ends Here))
Pacelli: I must say, when I first read your record, I couldn't believe Starfleet planned to release you at all, much less so soon. I expected you'd be a handful to say the least, if not a danger to this station and everyone on it. ... But you've proven me wrong. Very wrong. To be honest, when Khell first told me you'd been helping out in Engineering during your off hours, I had him triple check everything you did to be sure you weren't planting bombs or something.
::Jim shifted in his seat, smiling nervously, not at all sure where the Commander was going with this... and painfully aware that her fears had once been warranted. But then again, the mention of his record reminded him of the day he’d put that life behind him... for good, he hoped.::
((Flashback: Deep Space 17 - 3 Years Ago, Stardate 238808.01)
Kolk: Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It’s been five years since my last Confession.
::On the other side of the screen, the priest’s voice broke through the wonted solemnity of the Confessional.::
Fr. Pat: Jack, is that you?
Kolk: Well, yes, but…
Fr. Pat: ::chuckling:: You were just here a month ago, what do you mean five years?
Kolk: Sorry, I didn’t realize you’d know him.
Fr. Pat: ::chuckling again:: What? Jack, you’re not making sense.
Kolk: I know, Father, but, if you’ll-- ::He stopped himself, sighed and decided to try a different approach.:: He’s - I mean, I’ve told you about my alternate self, right?
Fr. Pat: Yes…
Kolk: Well, I’m him.
Fr. Pat: Oh. … Oh! Well, in that case, I’m sorry to interrupt; I’m sure you’ve got a lot to confess.
Kolk: ::frowning:: Yes, thank you, Father. Uh… where was I?
Fr. Pat: “It’s been five years…”
Kolk: Right. It's been five years since my last Confession. In that time I’ve killed hundreds, if not thousands, of people; I've stolen a runabout, destroyed a starship or two, destroyed a few space stations, destroyed an inhabited star system, terrorized several people, and kidnapped a few people, including a young Vulcan girl.
::He wasn’t sure why he’d so specific about the girl, especially considering she’d simply thought he was her “uncle” Jack at the time, but...::
Fr. Pat: Is that all, my son?
Kolk: Um... Yeah... I think so. ... I mean, Yes, Father.
Fr. Pat: Now, make a act of contrition.
::Jack folded his hands and closed his eyes to pray, making a conscious effort to mean every one of the words he’d known since childhood, especially the ones about firmly resolving to amend his life…::
Kolk: O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You, and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend you, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.
Fr. Pat: God, the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of His Son has reconciled the world to Himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; through the ministry of the Church may God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from your sins ::making the sign of the cross over him:: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
::As the priest said the words of absolution, Jack could feel a great weight lifted off his soul. He had believed in the reality of the grace of the Sacrament before - though not for a long time - and believed far more so after his bridging meld with the Jack from this universe, performed by LtCmdr. Valis, but now he felt the power of God's grace personally, more powerfully than he ever had before. He knew he had a long, long road ahead of him if he was going to get his life back on track, but he also knew that God would help him do it, so with fervor he assented to the priest’s prayer and completed the rite of Confession with joy.::
Kolk: Amen.
Fr. Pat: Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.
Kolk: His mercy endures for ever.
Fr. Pat: You've made a good Confession. If you recall anything you've forgotten later, I want you to know that it is forgiven, but be sure to mention it in your next Confession.
Kolk: Yes, Father.
Fr. Pat: Now, for your penance, I'd like you to pray daily for a month for the repose of the souls of all those you've killed.
::Jack smiled, that was a terrific idea, and he looked forward to doing it, probably for more than a month, actually.::
Kolk: Thank you, Father. I will.
Fr. Pat: ::smiling:: Good. Now, I'd appreciate it if you'd do me one favor.
Kolk: Anything, Father.
Fr. Pat: Could you find a different confessor next time? I don't know if I can keep you and your... twin separate.
::”Twin.” He liked that. Maybe now they could be more like twin brothers instead of arch nemeses.::
Kolk: Oh, don't worry, Father. I'm being sent home to Starbase 211.
Fr. Pat: Oh, good. I know the priest there, Father Giles. He'll take good care of you.
Kolk: Thank you, Father. ::rising to leave::
Fr. Pat: The Lord be with you, my son.
Kolk: ::smiling:: And with your spirit, Father.
::As he walked out of the Confessional and back into the hall, where the Security officers waited to take him back to his cell, he was already whispering the words of his penance.::
Kolk: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them...
((End Flashback))
Pacelli: But your research has been impeccably conducted, Janx tells me you've taught him more than a few things about multi-dimensional physics, and the station's transporters are the envy of every other Station Commander in the Alpha Quadrant. ::pausing and smiling widely:: I must say, Jim, I don't know what I'm gonna do without you.
Kolk: ::brow furrowing:: Uh... I'm sorry, sir, I don't follow.
Pacelli: I've known for a while now that station life doesn't challenge you; that's why, several months ago, I sent a recommendation to Starfleet Command to have you assigned to a starship. I didn't want to tell you then, in case... well, in case every captain in the fleet took one look at your rap sheet and said, "No way, Jose!" But I just got word this morning that you've been accepted aboard the USS Columbia. Surprisingly, I think I’m actually going to—
::Before she could say another word, Jim had popped out of his chair and tackle-hugged the Human woman of Italian descent. While he did so, he was already speaking excitedly.::
Kolk: Thank you, sir! Thank you!
Pacelli: ::after recovering:: —miss you. ::chuckling:: But then again...
Kolk: ::laughing freely as he released her and sat back down:: Sorry, sir, I... ::stopping himself, resetting:: Well, just... thank you! ... And I’ll miss you, too. It’s been a pleasure and an honor serving with you.
Pacelli: ::smiling at how happy the Ensign was:: As with you, Jim. ::She paused a moment to settle the air and regain her “controlled Commander” demeanor.:: Now, you’d better get packing; the Columbia will only be at Starbase 118 for a few days, and it’s a long way there from here.
Kolk: Oh, yes sir! Right away!
::He popped up again, then stopped himself and gave her a look that said, “May I go?” She smirked, deciding how to play the next bit. When the decision was made, she spoke.::
Pacelli: Dismissed. ::She waited just enough time for him to stand and bound toward the door, but not enough for him to go through it, then spoke “commandingly” again.:: Oh, and one more thing, Mister Kolk.
::He stopped and turned around, one eyebrow raised in a silent query.::
Pacelli: I know it’s two months late, but... ::tossing him a small maple-wood box:: Happy birthday... Lieutenant.
::It took a second to hit him, but as he opened the box, he knew what he’d find: a half-pip. He smiled with glee once more, nodded, and bounded out the door. As the doors closed, she spoke quietly to the empty room.::
Pacelli: Mister Khell, I hope you were taking notes; I do like having the best Transporters in the Quadrant...{{SIMNav
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==Part III==
==Part III==


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