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Back on the Juneau Tito and Arys go together to the Awards Ceremony. They join Commander T'Lea and later Ensign Sival before the ceremony starts. Arys is promoted and he is given several ribbons for his actions during the mission.
Back on the Juneau Tito and Arys go together to the Awards Ceremony. They join Commander T'Lea and later Ensign Sival before the ceremony starts. Arys is promoted and he is given several ribbons for his actions during the mission.

[[The Silent Monster (Juneau)|The Silent Monster]]

The Juneau is sent to survey the planet Anadasa, an M-class world inhabited by a pre-industrialized civilization. Just prior to entering the briefing the Tactical Department detects a crashed Borg ship deep within the planet’s ocean, and that is reported mid briefing by Lieutenant Kendrick.
The Captain chooses to beam down two teams, one commanded by herself to search the city od Da'Al traces of a plasma-based energy source as well as traces of an element called Paralithium (a substance used as fuel for some ion-based propulsion systems). The other by Commander Qinn is sent to the Borg wreckage in the ocean.
Commander T'Lea takes command of the Juneau as Tito stays at the Tactical station. It is after the away team are of ship that a structure on one of Anadasa’s moons is detected. Commander T’Lea orders the ship to set course for the moon to investigate and Tito offer himself to go on a small away team to investigate. Commander T'Lea acknowledges him, but it's her that leads the away team discovering a Cardassian outpost. Now with Lieutenant Stelek in command Tito find a Cardassian ship wreckage on a nearby planet in the system. Indobri gets results back about what's causing her to be sick and finds out she has Rodulan Fire Fever, and only an hour before she potentially becomes delirious or even unconscious. On board the Juneau they find lines of connection between both wreckage sites and the base on the moon as the wreckage starts to power up.
Ensign Dekas informs the Juneau of his unfortunate condition. The ship has to consider the loss of the away team on the moon for the greater good. Lieutenant Stelek ultimately chooses to contact Qinn to get the anti-assimilation medicine to the moon before they set off a magnetic storm to block Borg signals.


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