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3,795 bytes added ,  18 August 2007
Added section on empathic powers.
m (→‎Stats: added precise telepathic status)
(Added section on empathic powers.)
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* '''Height''': 5' 2"
* '''Height''': 5' 2"
* '''Weight''': 45 Kg
* '''Weight''': 45 Kg
* '''Hair Color''': Black
* '''Hair Colour''': Black
* '''Length of Hair''':  Mid shoulder-blades, prefers to wear in a ponytail though.
* '''Length of Hair''':  Mid shoulder-blades, prefers to wear in a ponytail though.
* '''Eye Color''': Black
* '''Eye Colour''': Black
* '''Skin Tone''': Golden-brown
* '''Skin Tone''': Golden-brown
* '''Birthmarks, Scars''': One large slightly raised scar slanting across her upper back, medium one on upper right arm, medium down back of right leg and multiple small scars from beatings elsewhere. The large scars healed over prior to an infection taking hold, hence causing the ridged formation.
* '''Birthmarks, Scars''': One large slightly raised scar slanting across her upper back, medium one on upper right arm, medium down back of right leg and multiple small scars from beatings elsewhere. The large scars healed over prior to an infection taking hold, hence causing the ridged formation.
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* '''Voice''': Quiet and soft, but light.
* '''Voice''': Quiet and soft, but light.
* '''Handedness''': Right
* '''Handedness''': Right
==Empathic Synaesthesia==
Synaesthesia is when two or more senses are mixed up or connected in the brain, a standard example being that someone can taste colours. Due to a lack of training in her (quite strong) empathic gift her empathic sesnes welded themselves to her normal senses so that she could understand and use it, meaning that she can see, hear, feel, taste and smell emotions. These lay themselves over her normal senses like drawing on transparent plastic and putting it over an image.
Emotions generally follow trends, for example: the stronger the sensation the stronger the emotion, fear and anger are normally heat-based, brighter colours usually mean 'happier' emotions and turbulence with a blend of colours show confusion. In addition to this it seems that there may also be a connection to species, due to the fact most human emotions appear as flowing 'scarves' whereas the Sya-negan appear as sparkles and Betazoid emotions are more inclined to scent.
===Empathic Auras and Signatures===
The emotions of living things perceived in this way by Cara are influenced by her understanding of the individual and the individual's mind itself (leading to the species theory). When Cara does not particularly know an individual their emotions are normally perceived as an Aura around the person. This aura appears to actually be the visible part of a consciousness that extends through the person, as when the minds of several crew members moved to another plane Cara could see their emotional form moving entirely separately from their body.
While in this form each person's Aura is still unique, but it is not possible to explain how as it just 'feels' different, supporting the theory of an empathic 'Signature' that simply cannot be seen at the time, such as in the case of the Kolk's, where Cara could identify the Alternate Kolk from their own, but only recognised their different cloud-like signatures several months after.
When an individual is understood to a greater level there is often a 'sharpening' of perception and shapes made out within the Aura, forming this signature. It is not necessarily just a clearing of sight but an entire change in the way someone is perceived, for example Benjamin Walker is covered in flame with most of the emotions felt as different kinds of heat. The experiences of the person also have a great effect, Admiral Anassasi's emotional form being completely altered by the mutation she underwent, forming a  cat-like beast.
Cara has little control over the intensity of her perception, meaning that she can be overwhelmed by the emotions around her. Normally this results in an 'Empathic headache' where Cara experiences emotions seemingly at random, the first sign of which is normally seeing emotions from non-living objects such as the ship. When a headache occurs the only way to ease it seems to be sleeping, though if she doesn't do this she will fall unconscious anyway. It is possible to delay it by a short period of meditation but it will be more vicious later.
These headaches date from the time her emotions were completely overloaded when a teenager, any instinctive control she had broken to a large degree, though it may have strengthened the intensity of her gift. In order to stop her going insane the conscious mind retreated, locking itself inside the subconscious while the emotions went crazy. Recently she has been able to slightly sharpen her sight when needed, but cannot change the intensity.
When there are particularly strong emotions around her she can be affected by them, though normally she recognises when she may be affected and concentrates on remaining as she was. Fear is a particularly contagious emotion and Cara has to work hard to keep herself thinking clearly.

* '''Quarters''': A picture of her mother and herself, a small portable (and old) music player from Betazed (formerly her mother's) that can sense rudimentary thoughts and plays appropriate songs to fit. However the AI personality seems to have been implanted with a sadistic sense of humour, playing some songs at exactly the wrong moment, creating awkward situations at points, it's thought this is what caused Maria Alenaas to give it to her daughter.  
* '''Quarters''': A picture of her mother and herself, a small portable (and old) music player from Betazed (formerly her mother's) that can sense rudimentary thoughts and plays appropriate songs to fit. However the AI personality seems to have been implanted with a sadistic sense of humour, playing some songs at exactly the wrong moment, creating awkward situations at points, it's thought this is what caused Maria Alenaas to give it to her daughter.  

There is also a communications terminal (the music player sits next to this on the desk) and a reasonable size couch with a small table next to it in the main quarters which she's separated from the bedroom area with a screen. The room itself has a large relatively empty space in the centre in which she can dance and stretch to remain limber.
There is also a communications terminal (the music player sits next to this on the desk) and a reasonable size couch with a small table next to it in the main quarters which she's separated from the bedroom area with a screen. The room itself has a relatively empty space in the centre in which she can dance and stretch to remain limber.
* '''Favourite Room''': None in particular, though likes to be in any reasonably open space, within a building she'll normally stick to the walls.
* '''Favourite Room''': None in particular, though prefers to be somewhere she knows well (and preferably somewhere that's easy to see/hear someone coming).
* '''Mannerisms''': Apologises quite a lot. Tends to fiddle with the end of her ponytail when nervous and rarely laughs outright, usually smiling instead, though she uses many different types of smile.
* '''Mannerisms''': Apologises quite a lot. Tends to fiddle with the end of her ponytail when nervous and rarely laughs outright, usually smiling instead, though she uses many different types of smile.
* '''Physical Limitations''': Physically weaker than most crewmembers, but flexible and agile, preferring speed over strength.
* '''Physical Limitations''': Physically weaker than most crewmembers, but flexible and agile, preferring speed over strength.


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