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==Personal History==
{{Section|Personal History|Gold}}
: ''Full Article: [[/Personal history|CHARACTER NAME Personal History]]''
After a few generations of glacial societal change, Tanin Kelbi still knew that her gender had given her advantages to excel in her chosen profession that many male Cygnians still didn't receive. Raised in a household with lingering matriarchal tendencies, Tanin had been allowed to foster her innate technical proficiency unimpeded throughout her schooling.
Starfleet had been a slight cultural shock for her, seeing how naturally equality came for all, male or female. Tanin found that her penchant for organization led her into Operations, rather than an Engineering major as she had originally intended. Still, she minored in the latter field and dabbled in tinkering with mechanical and electronic systems to this day.
Tanin remains very close to her mother and sister, though her tempered galactic views often leads her to exasperation with their more traditional Cygnian viewpoints.

Introductory text about the character's personal history. Should be at least 5-10 lines. You can give an abbreviated timeline below, if you so desire.


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