Face List: Difference between revisions

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4,802 bytes removed ,  10 March 2015
Garuda, SB118Ops, and Victory upgraded to integrated Manifest/Face List roster. Other ships can let their respective wiki ops crewmembers upgrade if they wish.
(Updated Alana on Gemini, removed Alana from Alantis, should be up to date now.)
(Garuda, SB118Ops, and Victory upgraded to integrated Manifest/Face List roster. Other ships can let their respective wiki ops crewmembers upgrade if they wish.)
Line 26: Line 26:
==''[[StarBase 118 Ops]]'' Crew==
{{Face List|SHIP=StarBase 118 Ops|{{:StarBase 118 Ops Crew}}}}
==''[[USS Garuda]]'' Crew==
{{Face List|SHIP=USS Garuda|{{:Garuda Master Crew List}}}}
==''[[USS Victory]]'' Crew==
{{Face List|SHIP=USS Victory|{{:Victory Crew Roster}}}}

==''[[USS Apollo]]'' Crew==
==''[[USS Apollo]]'' Crew==
Line 558: Line 567:
==''[[USS Garuda]]'' Crew==
{| border='1' cellspacing='0'
!  style="background:# F8F8FF; width:600px;" |<font color=#000000>'''USS Garuda'''</font>
{| border='1' cellspacing='0'
! style="background: #6495ED; width:50px;" |'''Picture'''
! style="background: #6495ED; width:200px;" |'''Character'''
! style="background: #6495ED; width:200px;" |'''Species'''
! style="background: #6495ED; width:200px;" |'''Face'''
| [[Image:Roster-eganmanno.jpg|80px]]
| {{n|Cassandra|Egan Manno}}
| [[Terran]]
| Danai Gurira
| [[Image:Bakari.jpg|80px]]
| {{n|Msafiri|Bakari}}
| [[Human]]
| Boris Kodjoe
| [[File:Meikonda-roster.jpg|80px]]
| [[Mei'konda]]
| [[Caitian]]
| N/A (STO)
| [[Image:TristamCore3.jpg|80px]]
| {{n|Tristam|Core}}
| [[Rodulan]]
| Jimmy McGhie
| [[File:Roster-delano.jpg|80px]]
| {{n|Evan|Delano}}
| [[Vulcan]] / [[Terran]]
| Wentworth Miller
| [[Image:Roster-deveau.jpg|80px]]
| {{n|Alora|DeVeau}}
| [[Terran]]
| Jennifer Connelly
| [[Image:Roster-saveron.jpg|80px]]
| {{n|Saveron}}
| [[Vulcan]]
| Cillian Murphy
| [[Image:Ian_Dunross.jpg|80px]]
| {{n|Ian|Dunross}}
| [[Terran]]
| Sean Connery
| [[Image:Ltjgskyfire.jpg|80px]]
| [[Skyfire, Chythar|Chythar Skyfire]]
| [[Terran]]
| Alexander Skarsgard
| [[File:Moonsong.png|80px]]
| {{n|Raissa|Moonsong}}
| 3/4 [[Human]] / 1/4 [[Betazoid]]
| Tonantzin Carmelo
| [[File:Roster-reynolds.jpg‎|80px]]
| [[Reynolds, Quinn|Quinn Reynolds]]
| [[Human]]/[[Deltan]]
| Amy Acker
| [[Image:AlleranTan1.jpg|80px]]
| {{n|Alleran|Tan}}
| [[Trill]]
| David Adams

==''[[USS Gemini]]'' Crew==
==''[[USS Gemini]]'' Crew==
Line 719: Line 652:

==''[[USS Victory]]'' Crew==
{| border='1' cellspacing='0'
!  style="background:# F8F8FF; width:600px;" |<font color=#000000>'''USS Victory'''</font>
{| border='1' cellspacing='0'
! style="background: #6495ED; width:50px;" |'''Picture'''
! style="background: #6495ED; width:200px;" |'''Character'''
! style="background: #6495ED; width:200px;" |'''Species'''
! style="background: #6495ED; width:200px;" |'''Face'''
| [[Image:Nugraimage.jpg|80px]]
| [[Nugra]]
| [[Gorn]]
| Star Trek Online
| [[Image:Eeriecrew.jpg|80px]]
| [[Eerie]]
| [[Brikar]]
| N/A
| [[Image:EnsMannin.jpg|80px]]
| [[Mannin, Chloe|Chloe Mannin]]
| [[Terran]]
| ''Unknown''
| [[Image:Vess.jpg|80px]]
| [[Vess, Alucard|Alucard Vess]]
| [[Terran]]
| Johnny Knoxville
| [[Image:Lieutenant Paul SharpeAvi.png|80px]]
| [[Sharpe, Paul|Paul Sharpe]]
| [[Terran]]
| Sean Bean
| [[Image:JaxonMcGhee.jpg|80px]]
| [[Mc Ghee, Jaxon|Jaxon Mc Ghee]]
| [[Terran]]
|  Jonathan Taylor Thomas
| [[Image:Kajiimage.jpg|80px]]
| [[Kaji, Talia|Talia Kaji]]
| [[Rodulan]]
| Gabrielle Union
| [[Image:Sevo.png|80px]]
| [[Sevo, Ayiana|Ayiana Sevo]]
| [[Trill]]
| User Created
| [[Image:BishopDutyWiki.png|80px]]
| [[Bishop, Leland|Leland Bishop]]
| [[Human]]
| David Bowie
| [[Image:TarsiiAsmara.jpg|80px]]
| {{n|Tarsii|Asmara}}
| [[Angosian]]
| ''Joseph Gatt''
| [[Image:JanelTarna.png|80px]]
| {{n|Janel|Tarna}}
| [[Trill|Trill(Unjoined)]]
| ''Asher Monroe''
| [[Image:Lael7.jpg|80px]]
| {{n|Lael Elizabeth|Rosek}}
| [[Human]]/[[Al-Leyan]]
| ''TBD''
| [[Image:RickHudgens.png|80px]]
| {{n|Rick|Hudgens}}
| [[Human]]
| ''TBD''
==''[[StarBase 118 Ops]]'' Crew==
{| border='1' cellspacing='0'
!  style="background:# F8F8FF; width:600px;" |<font color=#000000>'''Starbase 118 Ops'''</font>
{| border='1' cellspacing='0'
! style="background: #6495ED; width:50px;" |'''Picture'''
! style="background: #6495ED; width:200px;" |'''Character'''
! style="background: #6495ED; width:200px;" |'''Species'''
! style="background: #6495ED; width:200px;" |'''Face'''
| [[Image:Roster-handleypage.jpg|100px]]
| [[Handley-Page, Leo|Leo Handley-Page]]
| [[Terran]]/[[Byzallian]]
| Himself
| [[Image:Taybrimcrew.jpg|80px]]
| [[Taybrim, Sal|Sal Taybrim]]
| [[Betazoid]]
| Domhnall Gleeson
| [[Image:Kaitlyn_Off_Duty.png|80px]]
| [[Falcon, Kaitlyn|Kaitlyn Falcon]]
| [[Human]]
| Erica Durance
| [[Image:Trk.jpg|80px]]
| [[S'Lone i-Ra'thleifl tr'Khellian|tr'Khellian]]
| [[Romulan]]/[[Betazoid]]
| N/A
| [[Image:Stevenstiger.jpg|80px]]
| [[Stevens, Rocko|Rocko Stevens]]
| [[Caitian]]
| User Created
| [[File:Trellis.jpg|80px]]
| [[Trel'lis]]
| [[Human]]/[[Betazoid]]
| Natalie Portman
| [[File:NessaAvatar.jpg|80px]]
| [[James, Necessity|Necessity James]]
| [[Human]]
| Emma Watson
| [[File:Rode Mitchell.jpg|80px]]
| [[Mitchell, Rode|Rode Mitchell]]
| [[Human]]
| Josh Duhamel
| [[File:MikkToral.jpg|80px]]
| [[Mikk Toral|Mikk Toral]]
| [[Trill]]
| Unknown
| [[File:Tiamsabina.jpg|80px]]
| [[Tiam, Sabina|Sabina Tiam]]
| [[Betazoid]]
| Eva Green
| [[File:Rix.JPG|80px]]
| [[Rix, D'yer|D'yer Rix]]
| [[Trill]]
| John Shepard (Mass Effect)
| [[File:Matthews-plain.jpg|80px]]
| [[Matthews, Richard|Richard Matthews]]
| [[Terran]]
| Ivan Sergei
| [[File:Clayus Vell-Colton-Haynes-human form.jpg|80px]]
| [[Vell, Clayas|Clayas Vell]]
| [[Trill]] Unjoined
| Colton Haynes
| [[File:sheridanbio.jpg|80px]]
| [[Sheridan, Vance Felix|Vance Felix Sheridan]]
| [[Terran]]
| Grant Gustin

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