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[[File:Talon patch.png|200px|center|Talon Class Development Project]]

===Talon Class===
*'''Type:''' Scout Ship
The ''Talon'' class scout ship measures just over 24 meters in length and 16 meters across, slightly larger than a standard Starfleet shuttle. Thus, it is small enough to enter a starship's or starbase's shuttlebay, though it can also dock via a ventral docking port. Its aerowing design facilitates atmospheric operations.
*'''Production Base:''' ASDB Integration Facility, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Mars
*'''Accommodation:''' Up to 10 passengers
**'''Length:''' 24.36 meters
**'''Beam:''' 16.26 meters
**'''Height:''' 6.31 meters
*'''Performance:''' Warp 5 for 24 hours
*'''Armament:''' Four type-6 phaser emitters; 3 microtorpedo launchers

The ''Talon'' class includes both impulse and warp engines, with the nacelles encased in the ship's body, taking design cues from the larger {{c|Defiant}}. The cockpit design uses a design similar to the Type-9 shuttlecraft, though it can seat only one. The ''Talon'' class incorporates a miniature version of a long-range sensor dish, making the sensors far more powerful than those of a standard shuttlecraft or runabout. This makes the ship ideal for planetary surveys and scientific investigations. Aft of the cockpit are crew support facilities (including two cabins and a small ward room) and several science stations. Finally, the scout ship possesses formidable offensive and defensive systems: three microtorpedo launchers, four phaser arrays, and a deflector grid.
[[File:Talon.jpg|600px|Talon class]]

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