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Romulan Dictionary

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Romulan Language

Edaihtir u'Rhirhalir Abhhilir - Useful Words and Phrases


jolan'tru: semiformal hello/goodbye; most common greeting.

y'hhau: informal hello/goodbye; generally used only between close friends and relatives of similar age.

aefvadh: formal greeting "be welcome".

shaoi ben: formal greeting, superior to inferior.

shaoi dan: formal greeting between equals.

shaoi kon: formal greeting, inferior to superior.

bedah: formal goodbye.

bed aoi: "goodbye forever".

Adverbs & Adjectives & Others

ie: yes

dhat: no.

daie: yes (inferior to superior).

au'e: yes indeed! oh, yes! (emphatic affirmative).

patned pra krsh: never.

ssaer?: why?

fvah?: what?

khnai'ra: thank you (semi-formal; formal, between equals).

khnai'ru rhissiuy: thank you (formal, superior to inferior).

khlinae arhem: thank you (formal, inferior to superior).

iumnau: urgent.

mnekha: correct, right; excellent. (superior to inferior, or between equals).

mnek'nra: correct, right; excellent. (inferior to superior).

rha?: is that so? oh, really? (rather sarcastic).

ta'krenn!: look at that! look!.


hevam: human (derogatory).

klivam: Klingon (derogatory).

khoi-udt: drop dead.

vah-udt?: what rank? (are you to be ordering me).

fvadt: damn it! damn!.

The following insults can be used either alone, or in sentences, or following "hwiiy", which means "you are":

veruul: fool

hhakh: stupid

dyypan: incompetent

ryakna: garbage

nohtho: crazy

knvuk: ugly

kllhe: sh**-eater

fehill'curak: a**crack

hnaev: sh*t

susse-thrai: she-wolf, b**ch

amton'wi-kha: sl*t; promiscuous

Terms of Endearment

jol-ao au: I love you.

e'lev: my love, dear, darling.

sahe'lagge: passionflower.

h'levreinnye: love-devil, lust-devil.

Forms of Address; People; Organisations

rinam: sister

dinam: brother

ri'nanov: mother

di'ranov: father


ke'rhin: fellow Rihanha

Rihan: Romulan (adjective, e.g. the Romulan language)

Rihanha: a Romulan person

Rihannsu: a group of Romulan people

Rihanh: the Romulan nation/race/people as a whole

rekkhai: sir/madam (in Galae)

lhhai: sir (outside Galae)

lhhei: madam (outside Galae)

Khe'lloann'mnhehorael: Klingon Empire (common; informal)

Klling'hann Nneikha: Klingon Empire (formal)

Klling'hann: Klingon (adjective or noun; polite/formal)

Khe'lloann'na: a citizen of the Klingon Empire

Lloann'mhrahel: UFP

Lloann'na: a citizen of the UFP

lloannen'galae: Starfleet

Galae s'Shiar: Imperial Fleet

Tal'Shiar: Imperial Police

Kiith Mevroqq'ghi: Diplomatic Corps

Ilnetha'aihrifv: Economic Corps/Merchant Marines

Rei'kara: Imperial Legion

Khhiu'draao s'Shiar: Imperial Land Army


Ssuaj-ha.: Understood. (formal/military use, inferior to superior)

Ssuaj.: I understand. (non-formal, common use)

Ssuaj-difv?: Do you understand?

H'ta-fvau.: Return at once (to last position).

Hteij'rhau.: Activate transporter.

Hallh'na.: Report to me at once.

Hnafirh'rau.: Let me see.

Ie'yyak-hnah!: Fire phaser!

Hyaa-aifv-hnah!: Fire disruptor!

Ihlla'nh.: That's just enough; That'll do; You'll do.

Qiuu mnekha?: Is everyone well? (superior to inferior)

Qiuu mnek'nra?: Is everyone well? (inferior to superior)

Qiuu mnekha.: Everyone is well. (superior to inferior)

Qiuu mnek'nra.: Everyone is well. (inferior to superior)

Military Ranks

Galae - Grand Fleet

Rihan Rank English Translation Federation Equivalent
galae'Enriov Fleet Senior Commander Admiral of the Fleet
khre'Enriov Fleet Deputy Commander Vice-Admiral of the Fleet
Enriov Senior Commander Admiral
khre'Riov Commander-General Commodore
Riov Commander Captain
erei'Riov Sub-Commander Commander
Enarrain Senior Centurion Lieutenant Commander
Arrain Centurion Lieutenant
erei'Arrain Sub-Centurion Lieutenant JG
Erein Junior Sub-Centurion Ensign
erei'Erein Crewman Midshipman

Tal'Shiar - Imperial Security Service

Rihan Rank English Translation Federation Equivalent
Dhaemnasi Chairman of the Imperial Intelligence Committee -
Khren Police General -
khellrea'Riov General of the Directorate -
Riov Brigadier -
Ssiebh Colonel -
Aendeh Major -
Enarrain Captain -
Arrain Lieutenant -
Erein Centurion -
Lhaell Corporal -
erei'Lhaell Lance Corporal -
Uhlan Private -
ben'Lehrei Agent-Recruit -

Kiith Mrevhoqq'ghi - Diplomatic Corps

Rihan Rank English Translation Federation Equivalent
hru'Kiith Chairman of the Diplomatic Corps -
Llairhi (male form) Ambassador -
Llaudh (female form) Ambassador -
Lleifven Attache -
Auethnen Advisor -
Ehkifv Consul -
Kharifv Mediator -
Kolaes Emissary -
Hmnial Aide-de-Camp -

Ilnetha'aihrifv - Economic Service

Rihan Rank English Translation Federation Equivalent
re'Aefvriha Chairman of the Economic Corps -
Telaet Fvrihai Senior Administrator -
Uhlan Fvrihai Junior Administrator -
Telaet Esael Senior Manager -
Esael Manager -
Uhlan Esael Junior Manager -
Ilnetha Merchant -
Fvehai Worker -
Telaet Arrhai Senior Teamster -
Arrhai Teamster -
Uhlan Arrhai Junior Teamster -
Eredh Cadet -

Rei'kara; Khhiu'draao - Imperial Legion; Land Army

Rihan Rank English Translation British Army Equivalent
draao'Daeus - Field Marshall (Land Army)
kara'Daeus - Field Marshall (Imperial Legion)
Daeus - General
Riov - Lieutenant General
erei'Riov - Major General
khre'Ssiebh - Brigadier
Ssiebh - Colonel
erei'Ssiebh - Lieutenant Colonel
Aendeh - Major
Enarrain - Captain
Arrain - Lieutenant
erei'Arrain - Second Lieutenant
khre'Erein - Regimental Sergeant Major
erhwi'Erein - Company Sergeant Major
Erein - Staff Sergeant
erei'Erein - Sergeant
Lhaell - Corporal
erei'Lhaell - Lance Corporal
Uhlan - Private

H'treain ih'ssouhir - Alien Races

Rihan Planet Rihan Race Adjective Rihan Race Noun Rihan Race Noun Plural English Planet English Race Adjective English Race Noun English Race Noun Plural
ch'Andor Andor Andorha Andorsu Andor Andorian Andorian Andorians
ch'Antikh Antikh Antikh'ha Antikhsu Antica Antican Antican Anticans
ch'Arbhas Arbhas Arbhasha Arbhassu Arbaz Arbazan Arbazan Arbazans
ch'Arkhtur Arkhtur Arkhturha Arkhtursu Arcturus Arcturian Arcturian Arcturians
ch'Arghelh Arghel Arghelha Arghelsu Argelius Argelian Argelian Argelians
ch'Bah'jor Bah'jor Bah'jorha Bah'jorsu Bajor Bajoran Bajoran Bajorans
ch'Brhein Brhein Brheinha Brheinsu Breen Breen Breen Breens
ch'Krehan Krehan Krehanha Krehennsu Bynaus Bynar Bynar Bynars
ch'Kah't Kah'tan Kah'tanha Kah'tannsu Cait Caitian Caitian Caitians
ch'Card'hass Card'hassin Card'hassinha Card'hassinnsu Cardassia Cardassian Cardassian Cardassians
ch'Siallh Siallh Siallh'ha Siallhsu Delta Deltan Deltan Deltans
ch'Denebh Denebhan Denebhanha Denebhannsu Deneb Denebian Denebian Denebians
ch'Feh'reng Feh'rengi Feh'rengha Feh'rengsu Ferenganor Ferengi Ferengi Ferengis
ch'Ghorrn Ghorrn Ghorrnha Ghorrnnsu Gornar Gorn Gorn Gorns
Krhonosh Klling'hann Klling'hanha Klling'hannsu Qo'noS Klingon Klingon Klingons
- Orhyhon Orhyhonha Orhyhonnsu - Orion Orion Orions
ch'Rheiji Rheiji Rheijiha Rheijisu Rigel Rigelian Rigelian Rigelians
Terrha (Sol III) Terrhain Terrhaha Terrhasu Terra (Sol III) Terran Terran Terrans
ch'Trhil Trhil Trhilha Trhilsu Trill Trill Trill Trills
Thaaei Thaes Thaesha Thaessu Vulcan Vulcan Vulcan Vulcans

Mheiset Fvhachhuus Erh'illen - Periodic Chart of the Elements

Atomic Number Terran Symbol English Name Rihan Symbol Rihan Name Name Etymology
1 H Hydrogen A Aekkhwidaehp Water-create
2 He Helium Ei Eihssill Sun-element
3 Li Lithium J Jorrill Stone-element
4 Be Beryllium Akh Akhiyill Black-element
5 B Boron Ea Eahaill Sweet-element
6 C Carbon Ish Ishaeill Burn-element
7 N Nitrogen Nn Nnoihrdaehp Acid-create
8 O Oxygen Lhd Lhaeldaehp Air-create
9 F Fluorine Ghy Ghoyill Poison-element
10 Ne Neon Mll Mollaill New-element
11 Na Sodium H Hillhaill Ash-element
12 Mg Magnesium R Ratleihfill Ra'tleihfi city-element
13 Al Aluminum Mdh Mnaudhill Strength-element
14 Si Silicon Kh Khaaill Sand-element
15 P Phosphorus L Liorill Light-element
16 S Sulphur Lln Llaiirnhaih Fire-stone
17 Cl Chlorine Sy Saiyill yellowish green-element
18 Ar Argon Dae Daeopill Lazy-element
19 K Potassium S Sahhill Destroy-element
20 Ca Calcium Mn Mnihnhaih Bone-stone
21 Sc Scandium Das Dastill Davast city-element
22 Ti Titanium Hi Harienill S'Harien-element
23 V Vanadium Hr Harill S'Harien-element
24 Cr Chromium E Eijill Colour-element
25 Mn Manganese Rl Raleihfill Ra'tleihfi city-element
26 Fe Iron Y Yyhaeih Iron
27 Co Cobalt Lhy Lhaiyill Blue-element
28 Ni Nickel Km Kaehhmneahj False-copper
29 Cu Copper M Mneahj Copper
30 Zn Zinc Aehh Aehrrimtill Metal-salt-element
31 Ga Gallium Dv Davill Davast city-element
32 Ge Germanium Kth Korthrill Korthre region-element
33 As Arsenic Rha Rhaimnill Yellow-element
34 Se Selenium Fv Fvurill Moon-element
35 Br Bromine Do Doakhill Stench-element
36 Kr Krypton Klh Kilhrill Cloaked-element
37 Rb Rubidium Mn Mneanill Red-element
38 Sr Strontium Rht Rhaimtill Yellow-salt-element
39 Y Yttrium Uth Uthill Iuruth city-element
40 Zy Zirconium Is Isaealill Little-gold-element
41 Nb Niobium Kei Kveinnill (fartravel ship) Kveinn-element
42 Mb Molybdenum Dae Diadaehhrr Heavy-metal
43 Tc Technetium Ihh Iahhwilill Technology-element
44 Ru Ruthenium Ys Ysill Ysail planet-element
45 Rh Rhodium Ai Aimneill Hfihar Aimne-element
46 Pd Palladium Ih Ihrhill Asteroid-element
47 Ag Silver Lh Lhohnu Silver
48 Cd Cadmium Bhi Bhihhrill Electro-metal-element
49 In Indium Ihh Ihhlill Ihhliae city-element
50 Sn Tin Aye Ayeirh White-soft
51 Sb Antimony Lhr Lhohrhaaer Silver-crystal
52 Te Tellurium Ei Eisnill Eisn-element
53 I Iodine Shb Shibill Violet-element
54 Xe Xenon Ed Edaolill Strange-element
55 Cs Cesium Ie Iesiyill Grey-element
56 Ba Barium Dd Diadill Heavy-element
57 La Lanthanum Dr Dedrenill Hidden-element
58 Ce Cerium Aev Aevnuill React-element
59 Pr Praseodymium Eh Ehrill Green-element
60 Nd Neodymium Kr Kremollill Two-new-element
61 Pm Promethium Ec Eihsscaevrill Sunheart-element (a Fartravel ship, Eihsscaevra)
62 Sm Samarium Ey Eyivill Helmet-element (a Fartravel ship, Eyiv s'Rea)
63 Eu Europium Rhh Rhehivill Rhehiv'je city-element
64 Gd Gadolinium Wr Wraetill Wraet-element (Wraet tr'Ethien, scientist)
65 Tb Terbium Ur Uruill Iuruth city-element
66 Dy Dysprosium Sp Spoliurrhill Hard-approach-element
67 Ho Holmium Vst Vastill Davast city-element
68 Er Erbium Rth Ruthill Iuruth city-element
69 Tm Thulium J Jullhehill Jullheh planet-element
70 yb Ytterbium Ill Iurill Iuruth city-element
71 Lu Lutetium Isn Isneihill Yellow-element
72 Hf Hafnium Del Delill Del city-element
73 Ta Tantalum Ao Aoifutaihill Forever-dry-element
74 W Tungsten Dnh Diadnhaihill Heavy-stone-element
75 Re Rhenium Gg Galgathill Gal'gaththong region-element
76 Os Osmium Dnn Daennhill Odour-element
77 Ir Iridium Q Qiueijill All-colour-element
78 Pt Platinum Lhl Lhohnal Little-silver
79 Au Gold I Isaehj Gold
80 Hg Mercury Ylh Yhfilhohnu Fast-silver
81 Tl Thallium Urr Urrhillhill Glass-element
82 Pb Lead Iyy Irhyyh Soft-iron
83 Bi Bismuth Mhh Mneanaehhrr Red-metal
84 Po Polonium Thj Theijhoiill Theijhoi city-element
85 At Astatine Lth Llitheyesill Without-stable-element
86 Rn Radon Fae Faetill Ray-element
87 Fr Francium Dvs Davastill Davast city-element
88 Ra Radium Fr Faetorill Ray-element
89 Ac Actinium Fnh Faetenhill Radiating-element
90 Th Thorium Mhv Mhevill Mheven-element (Mheven t'Khev, scientist)
91 Pa Protactinium Nhw Nuhwirfaetill Fisrt-ray-element
92 U Uranium Hv Havrill ch'Havran planet-element
93 Np Neptunium Ys Ysailill Ysail planet-element
94 Pu Plutonium El Eilhaunnill Eilhaunn planet-element
95 Am Americium Aih Aihill Aihai city-element
96 Cu Curium Hr Hrientehill Hfihar Hrienteh-element
97 Bk Berkelium Iur Iuruthill Iuruth city-element
98 Cf Californium Rih Rihanill ch'Rihan planet-element
99 Es Einsteinium Kll Kiellill Hfihar Kiell-element
100 Fm Fermium Eth Ethienill Hfihar Ethien-element
101 Md Mendelevium Aa Aanikhill Hfihar Aanikh-element
102 No Nobelium Arh Anierhill Hfihar Anierh-element
103 Lw Lawrencium Ath Asenthill Hfihar Asenth-element
104 Ku Kurchatovium Lll Lhoellill Hfihar Lhoell-element
105 Hh Hahnium Khv Khevill Hfihar Khev-element
106 Sg Seaborgium Khfv Khufveill 106-element
107 Bh Bohrium Khll Khulliill 107-element
108 Hs Hassium Khth Khutheill 108-element
109 Mt Meitnerium Khlh Khulhiill 109-element
110 Uun Ununnillium Khdh Khudhaill 110-element
111 Uuu Unununium Khhw Khudhahwiill 111-element
112 Uub Ununbium Khdhk Khudhakreill 112-element
113 Uut Ununtrium Khdhs Khudhaseiill 113-element
114 Uuq Ununquadrium Khdhm Khudhamneill 114-element
115 Uup Ununpentium Khdhrh Khudharhiill 115-element
116 Uuh Ununhexium Khdhfv Khdhafveill 116-element
117 Uus Ununseptium Khdhll Khudhalliill 117-element
118 Uuo Ununoctium Khdhth Khudhatheill 118-element
119 Uuv Ununnovenium Khdhlh Khudhalhiill 119-element
120 Ubn Unbinilium Khku Khukralliuill 120-element
121 Ubu Unbiunium Khkh Khukrahwiill 121-element
122 Ubb Unbibium Khkk Khukrakreill 122-element
123 Ubt Unbitrium Khks Khukraseiill 123-element

Mnakhao ih'peraere - Number System

The following are the cardinal numerals in Rihan:

(0 - lliu) (1 - hwi) (2 - kre) (3 - sei) (4 - mne) (5 - rhi) (6 - fve) (7 - lli) (8 - the) (9 - lhi) (10 - dha) (100 - khu)

The above are the basic cardinal numbers; all other cardinal numbers are derived from the above; tens and hundreds derived from the above bases by a vowel change, as listed following:

(20 - kra) (30 - seha) (40 - mnha) (50 - rha) (60 - fvha) (70 - lla) (80 - thha) (90 - lha) (200 - kru) (300 - sehu) (400 - mnhu) (500 - rhu) (600 - fvhu) (700 - llu) (800 - thhu) (900 - lhu)

Numbers from eleven to ninety-nine are formed in a regular manner as illustrated by the following examples:

(32 - seha'kre) (53 - rha'sei) (69 - fvha'lhi)

Numbers from 101 to 999 are also formed regularly:

(367 - sehu-fvha'lli) (442 - mnhu-mnha'kre) (980 - lhu-thha)

The word for "thousand" is dhei. Its use is quite regular, too, however its regularity is quite different from English.

(1000 - hwi dhei) (1111 - hwi dhei khu-dha'hwi) (2000 - kre dhei) (43 269 - mnha'sei dhei fvhu-kra'sei) (365 201 - sehu-fvha'rhi dhei kru'hwi)

The illustration above may give the impression that dhei functions almost identically to English "thousand", however, this is not the case, as its function is to represent any group of three zeroes. Millions and numbers larger are also expressed using dhei, like this:

(1 million - hwi kre-dhei) (2 million - kre kre-dhei)

It can be noted above that "one million" is formed as "two dheis" - meaning something akin to "one two-groups-of-three-zeroes", which is exactly what a million is - a one followed by three zeroes. Further examples follow:

(10 million - dha kre-dhei) (1 billion - hwi sei-dhei) (93 trillion - lha'sei mnhe-dhei)

Fractions are formed with the particle erh', with the denominator first, for example seha erh'lli means "seven thirtieths."

The decimal point is represented by the word errah, with numbers after the decimal point pronounced separately. "3.1415" would be rendered as sei errah hwi mne hwi rhi.

Ordinal numbers are formed from cardinals as adjectives are formed from nouns, with the affix-set nu-...-r, e.g. nuhwir, "first", nudha'lhir, "nineteenth", and so on.

Adverbs indicating a number of occasions are formed regularly with the prefix caehh'-, with the exception of "once", which is joaie. The others are all, however, formed regularly: caehh'kre, "twice", caehh'kru-kra'kre, "222 times", etc.

Sien - Time / Hveith - Calendar

Sien - Time

The Rihannsu, as the records of The Arrival state, were extremely lucky when they stumbled upon the Eisn system. The ch'Rihan/ch'Havran pair revolve around Eisn in a very stable orbit, a few degrees off from the 'horizontal' plane. There is very little wobble in their path, and it is less elipsoidal than the Terra/Luna pair which results in less drastic season changes throughout the year.

The two bodies orbit Eisn once every 380 days, as per ch'Rihan's day cycle. Being a decimal (base-10) oriented culture, the day was broken into hours, minutes, and seconds based on factors of ten. In order to maintain some consistency with existing time standards carried from Vulcan (they wanted a 'second' to approximate what they were used to as much as possible), the day was broken up thusly:

   * 1 Year = 380 days
   * 1 Day = 16 hours
   * 1 hour = 100 minutes
   * 1 minute = 100 seconds

For reference, the Rihan 'minute' is equal to 55 Terran seconds, and the Rihan Second is only a few micro-seconds off from the Vulcan Second. Following these comparisons, the Rihan day is approximately 27 Terran minutes longer than Terra's, and the Rihan year is just under 22 days longer than a terran year.

Empirical time is constant throughout the Empire, based on the offical clock as positioned in the Empire's capital, Ra'tleihfhi, on ch'Rihan. There are no timezones, however other occupied planets do maintain 'local times' based on the particular planet's orbital/time system. All clocks and time-display devices are synchronized to Empirical Time as well however, to assure consistency.

Hveith - Calendar

As with most cultures that divide their year into 'months' based on seasonal patterns or orbitting bodies, the Rihan Month system is based on the orbital path of the ch'Rihan/ch'Havran pair, which completes a full cycle every 20 days. Therefore, the Rihan year is divided into 19 months, each consisting of two ten-day 'weeks'. Since seasonal changes are minimal on the homeworlds throughout the year (a fluctuation of +/- 12° celsius on average between their 'winter' and 'summer'), months are determined by the orbital path of ch'Rihan's sister-moon, ch'Havran, and where it appears in the sky. The first week of the month, Eisn appears higher in the sky than ch'Havran, and lower in the second week (coincidently, using Eisn as reference from ch'Havran, the same holds true on ch'Havran: Eisn will appear 'higher' in the sky than ch'Rihan, and vice-versa). The first day of a new month is easily noticed on ch'Rihan's capital city, since it involves a partial eclipse that lasts a couple of hours during the day. The months and weeks are named thusly:

   * First Month of Fire Khaidoa nuhwir s'Okhala (Fire representing the warmth and light of Summer)
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 1-10)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 11-20)
   * Second Month of Fire Khaidoa nukrer s'Okhala
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 21-30)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 31-40)
   * Third Month of Fire Khaidoa nuseir s'Okhala
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 41-50)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 51-60)
   * Fourth Month of Fire Khaidoa numner s'Okhala
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 61-70)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 71-80)
   * First Month of Air Khaidoa nuhwir s'Jaeih (Air representing the colder winds of Fall)
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 81-90)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 91-100)
   * Second Month of Air Khaidoa nukrer s'Jaeih
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 101-110)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 111-120)
   * Third Month of Air Khaidoa nuseir s'Jaeih
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 121-130)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 131-140)
   * Fourth Month of Air Khaidoa numner s'Jaeih
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 141-150)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 151-160)
   * Fifth Month of Air Khaidoa nurhir s'Jaeih
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 161-170)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 171-180)
   * First Month of Earth Khaidoa nuhwir s'Avilh (Earth representing the darker and harder soils of Winter)
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 181-190)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 191-200)
   * Second Month of Earth Khaidoa nukrer s'Avilh
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 201-210)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 211-220)
   * Third Month of Earth Khaidoa nuseir s'Avilh
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 221-230)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 231-240)
   * Fourth Month of Earth Khaidoa numner s'Avilh
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 241-250)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 251-260)
   * Fifth Month of Earth Khaidoa nurhir s'Avilh
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 261-270)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 271-280)
   * First Month of Water Khaidoa nuhwir s'Ihhuein (Water representing the rains and frost-melting of Spring)
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 281-290)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 291-300)
   * Second Month of Water Khaidoa nukrer s'Ihhuein
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 301-310)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 311-320)
   * Third Month of Water Khaidoa nuseir s'Ihhuein
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 321-330)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 331-340)
   * Fourth Month of Water Khaidoa numner s'Ihhuein
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 341-350)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 351-360)
   * Fifth Month of Water Khaidoa nurhir s'Ihhuein
         o First Week Dhaei nuhwir (Day 361-370)
         o Second Week Dhaei nukrer (Day 371-380)

Dates are written in the format of: 'Nth day of [month]-[high/low]Eisn, year AS (After Shipfall)'; there are three ways to write the date -

formal, common, and short:

Formal Written

Shad nudha'lhir khaidoam nuseir s'Avilh, Eisn ihfv, fvheisn hwi dhei llu-thha'lli aihkh Khhiuhiera. Nineteenth day of the third month of

Earth, low Eisn, year one thousand seven hundred eighty-seven after Shipfall.

Common Written

Sh. nu19r kh. nu3r s'Avilh, Eisn ihfv, fvh. 1787 aK 19th d. of 3rd m. of Earth, low Eisn, y. 1787 AS

Short Written

13-3-Avilh, E.i., 1787 aK 13-3-Earth, l.E., 1787 AS

Fvullhanhir - Substantives

Taekhosir - Nouns

Rihan nouns decline for case and number. There are two numbers, singular and plural, and three cases: Nominative-Accusative (also sometimes called 'common'), Genitive (possessive) and Dative (indirect object).

The Nominative-Accusative is used for both subject and direct object; the difference can be easily discerned by context, as Rihannsu has a fixed Verb-Object-Subject or Subject-Verb-Object word order; if no subject is present, the order is Verb-Object, and if no object is present, the order is Subject-Verb. An exception is the imperative: the object of the imperative always immediately precedes the imperative verb.

There are four regular declensions of nouns in Rihan, one for proper nouns and three for common nouns.

Proper nouns decline thusly:

Singular Plural Example: Singular Plural
Nominative-Accusative (-ha) -su "a Romulan" Rihanha Rihannsu
Genitive s'- ch- s'Rihan ch'Rihan
Dative -(h)'ri -su'ri Rihanh'ri Rihannsu'ri
Note, that before the -su or -su'ri suffix, a final 'n' or 'm' is doubled.
There are some special prefixes used only with proper nouns. These prefixes cannot be used with common nouns.
  • e- : Common prefix indicating departure from one's hfihar (used in second name). For example, if a certain Galan i-Mhiessan tr'Khellian were to marry a t'Lhoell woman, his name would change to Galan e-Khellian tr'Lhoell - the married name generally replaces the locative second name. Optionally, the locative can remain (often used on formal documents or formal situations), giving a name such as Galan i-Mhiessan e-Khellian tr'Lhoell. However, if the male in question is hru'Hfirh of his hfihar, he does not take this name, because as hru'Hfirh, he cannot leave his hfihar. The case of a male hru'Hfirh marrying is one of the few cases where a woman would leave her hfihar, and in such a case it would be the woman who takes the "e-" second name. Marriage is the most common way of leaving one's house, but there are other situations in which a name such as this would be used. If Galan tr'Khellian were adopted or fostered into s'Lhoell, his name would be as described above - Galan e'Khellian tr'Lhoell. Although becoming outcast from one's hfihar is another way of leaving it, in that case the use of this name would be unacceptable, as this form of name refers to an honourable departure from one's hfihar. The outcast individual becomes an unperson in Romulan society, and would simply be called Galan, or in the unlikely event that clarification would be necessary, Galan i-Mhiessan, however this is unlikely to happen, either, as most Romulans would commit suicide almost immediately upon becoming outcast.
  • ei- : If the person is from a specific part of a city, this is used; or, Common elder-name prefix (used in second name); also used when one changes names due to an important event. If Galan i-Mhiessan tr'Khellian was riov of a warship in a victorious battle in the Usubau system, for example, he may decide to change his name to Galan ei-Usubau tr'Khellian. In formal situations and on formal documents, his full name would be listed as Galan i-Mhiessan ei-Usubau tr'Khellian. One could have several "ei-" form names, in fact, but would generally use only the one most appropriate to a given situation.
  • i- : This is a very common locative-name prefix indicating that the person was born in the city (not town or village) named.
  • ir- : This is another very common locative-name prefix, differing from "i-" in that it indicates the person's origin as being from the district, province or planet indicated. If the person in question is from a town or village, he would use this prefix with the name of the district or province in which his town is located. If he is from an unincorporated area of a planet, he would use the planet name with this prefix.
  • S'- : Male honorific prefix, used very commonly in older (Vulcan) firstnames.
  • t'- : Female clan name prefix (used in third name).
  • T'- : Female honorific prefix, used very commonly in older (Vulcan) firstnames.
  • tr'-: Male clan name prefix (used in third name)
Common nouns - that is, everything besides proper names - fall into three groups, based on the ending of the root (Nom-Acc) form of the verb.
  • Group I nouns are those which end in -i or -e;
  • Group II nouns are those which end in -a, -o or -u;
  • Group III nouns are those ending in a consonant sound.
Common nouns are declined as follows:
Group I
Case Singular Plural Example: Singular Plural
Nominative-Accusative -- -in "arrival" oali oaliin
Genitive -n -en oalin oalien
Dative -vha -vher oalivha oalivher
Group II
Case Singular Plural Example: Singular Plural
Nominative-Accusative -- -r "device" aisha aishar
Genitive -m -(')en aisham aisha'en
Dative -vha -vher aishavha aishavher
Group III
Case Singular Plural Example: Singular Plural
Nominative-Accusative -- -ir "road, way" latas latasir
Genitive -ai -en latasai latasen
Dative -evha -evher latasevha latasevher

Taekhosir Emael Dyyh'kraiin - Irregular Nouns

There are a small number of nouns in common use that decline irregularly. These are:

hfai, "servant"
Case Singular Plural
Nominative-Accusative hfai hfehan
Genitive hfeham hfehen
Dative hfaevha hfaevher
hfihar, "house, clan"
Case Singular Plural
Nominative-Accusative hfihar hfihrnn
Genitive hfirh hfirhin
Dative hfihevha hfihevher
ravsam, "sibling"
Case Singular Plural
Nominative-Accusative ravsam ravsai
Genitive ravsem ravsen
Dative rasevha rasevher
Like this are also declined all nouns ending in -sam in their dictionary (Nom-Acc) form.
rhadam, "person"
Case Singular Plural
Nominative-Accusative rhadam rhadai
Genitive rhadem rhaden
Dative rhaevha rhaevher
Like this are also declined all nouns ending in -am (but not -sam!!) in their dictionary (Nom-Acc) form.

I'hhaemn'iut'hilledh Taekhosen - Derivation of Nouns

Nouns can be derived from other words in several ways, notably

  • from verbs, with the suffix -elh, to create a deverbal noun, e.g. plhere'elh, "entrance (place to enter)" from the verb plhere, "to enter";
  • from verbs, with the suffix -sam, to create a deverbal noun, similar to -elh above;
  • from verbs, with the suffix -(i)fv, to create a deverbal noun, similar to -elh and -sam above. The i is inserted if the verb-root ends in a consonant; from verbs, with the prefix tem-, to create an action noun, e.g. templhere, "entry, entrance (act of entering)";
  • from verbs, with the suffix -lai, to create an action noun, similar to tem- above;
  • from verbs, using the affix-set i- ... -edh, to create an "-tion"/"-sion" noun, e.g. ivuinedh, "permission" from the verb vhuin, "to permit, to allow";
  • from verbs, using the suffix -nen, to create an agent - one who does the activity specified by the verb, e.g. kholhnen, "defender"; the same can be created with the suffix -asi (kholhasi), this is a more poetic form, however. Further rarely-used or poetic ways of forming the agent include the prefixes ra'-, ro- and la- or the suffix -an;
  • from verbs, using the affix-set la- ... -(e)ri, to create a noun which is the object of the root verb, e.g. larhudheri, "employee", from the verb rhudh, "to employ, to use" (The e is dropped if the verb root ends in e or a. Meaning the same thing is the suffix -hai, but this is less-commonly encountered than the ra-...-eri affix set;
  • from nouns, with the suffix -asi or -a, forming an agentive;
  • from nouns, with the suffix -ma, which corresponds to the English suffix "-ship";
  • from nouns, with the suffix -'dhenn, which corresponds to the English suffix "-y", as in "agent > agency";
  • from nouns, with the prefix eir-, which corresponds to the English suffix "-ate";
  • from adjectives, using the suffix -'le, corresponding to English "-ness", e.g. eiheu'le, "calm, calmness", from the adjective eiheu, "calm";
  • from adjectives, using the suffix -sam, corresponding to English "-ance" and "-ism";
  • from adjectives, using the suffix -no, corresponding to English "-ity", e.g. aledno, "ability", from the adjective aled, "able".
There are a number of other affixes that can be used to form new nouns; these are generally affixed to other nouns, but can be added to other words too, sometimes:
  • al'- indicates an improvement in the root;
  • d'- is an honorific, giving the meaning "grand, great" to the root;
  • ehl'- indicates a loss, a lack, or a deficiency in the root;
  • el'- indicates an increase in the root, or a more advanced or superior level of the root;
  • ne- indicates a decrease in the root, or a less advanced or inferior level of the root;
  • di'- indicates a male gender of the root (generally used only with nouns denoting living beings);
  • ri'- indicates a female gender of the root;
  • -al is a diminutive;
  • -hwy indicates that the root is tamed, or in some way held or restrained.

Ssiun'taekhosir - Pronouns

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