Rigelian (Chelon)

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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Rigelian (Chelon)
Four Letter Code CHEL
Federation Status Members
Planet of Origin Rigel III
Encountered Star Trek: The Motion Picture
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N
List of Named Rigelians

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"The world turtle was the beginning and we are the future."
a Chelon proverb.

The Chelon are a turtle-like species native to Rigel III. They are part of the Rigelian Assembly, and are branded under the Rigelian name.

Home World

See also: Rigel III


They are descended from a race of saber-toothed turtles who evolved to walk upright in the tropical swamps of their planet. A species that quickly became the dominant life form on their planet. The only thing they had to worry about was a large and extremely aggressive reptile that also inhabited many of the swamps on their world.

In the early 10th century, the vulcanoid species known as the Rigelians invaded and conquered what is now known as Rigel III. They were forced to conform to the Rigelian way of life, known from then on as 'Rigelian'.

The Chelon Rigelians would only gain independence from their counterparts when a plague decimated vulcanoid Rigelian numbers. Their vulcanoid masters desperate, the Chelon sought to help the Rigelian people, lending willing aid. Once the plague had run its course, the surviving Rigelians formed a new society, more rural and decentralized, and found reconciliation with the Chelon. The two cultures would work together as equals, under the same banner.

They grew in numbers, settled new communities, expanded to other areas of their world, usually close to shallow water but as their population continued to grow and their technological knowledge and needs continued to progress they built near those raw resources that they needed, even if there was no shallow water nearby. It just meant that one of the first community buildings that they built in these communities was a very large pool. Eventually they learned to build space craft and explored their system. Almost immediately they settled some of their people on Rigel II.

The Rigelian Assembly would be formed after the Jelna began trade agreements with Rigel V.


Though their planet is part of the Rigelian Assembly, Rigel III itself has no system other humanoids would consider governmental. Instead, most matters are resolved through mutual agreements.[1]


The Chelon Rigelians range in height - from 5'9" to 7" - and wear manufactured exoskeletons.


Descended from a race of saber-toothed turtles, the Chelon Rigelians learned to walk upright eons ago. They are a unisex species, reproducing by laying eggs.[2]


As a species they tend to be quiet, laid back, patient and less prone to aggressive tendencies than most other species. This has suited them well in their dealings with others. In fact it takes a lot to trigger any form of rage in them.


In the beginning they believed in the world turtle and that the land that they lived on rested on the back of his shell but as they developed and evolved their beliefs changed. Now the world turtle is the spirit of their world, the essence of nature, the weather and the creator of all that lives on their world.


They have a wide ranging and fairly diverse series of myths, fables and tales that explain the origins of their world, the influence of the world turtle on that and them as a species and their early interactions with the world around them and their environment.


The Chelon are broken up into two distinct social groups. The nobles who are larger, stronger and more powerful than the servant class who do more than 96% of all the work. This includes acting as attendants who serve, feed, and care for the nobles of the noble house they are attached to. In some ways the nobles have become more a kind of figurehead, one that is paraded before other species to impress or influence their reactions.

All of their communities are built near shallow water of inside swamps. Most of these communities have at least half of their streets being actually canals so that the people can swim from place to place. Most buildings are low and wide with larger, taller structures in the heart of each community.


The Chelon as a species tend to prefer sculptures and other works of art that has depth, width and will appear different from different angles. Most experts agree that this may be a reflection of their spending so much time in shallow water among colorful coral formations or in swamps where unusual shapes can be seen everywhere underwater.

While they will listen to quiet, melodious music they do not seem to like most other types. They also have only a basic interest in most other forms or types of the various different kinds of visual arts.


All Chelon undergo a rite of passage on their 16th birthday. This is essentially merely a test, one that while no longer essential to them as a people has become so interwoven into their traditions and beliefs that it is still faithfully observed and undertaken by all.

Every Chelon on their 16th birthday is taken to one of the nature preserves and left to survive on their own for two weeks. They are constantly monitored and the preserves are constantly being restocked with fish and other marine wildlife to ensure an ample supply is present for these tests.


The Chelon have never had any military or really any need for any. While they have and still do use heavily armed freighters, this is more to ensure the safe arrival of their cargoes than through any need for any military vessels. Modern, civilized Chelon had very little skill using their natural weapons in combat. Also during times of stress or combat they can emit a deadly contact toxin through their skin, which could be transmitted via a claw strike.

Now days they have developed a training program that can instil the proper skills needed to use their natural weapons to their best advantage.

Federation Intelligence Files


  1. Rigel III, Memory Beta
  2. Chelon, Memory Beta