Reporter Issue 25
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I Editors note
II StarBase 118 Statistics
III StarBase 118 News Release
IV Promotions
V Starfleet News Service
VI Starfleet Focus
VII Out of Starfleet
VIII Credits
Firstly I would like to thank everyone who sent me his or her condolences in response to last months editors note. I wasn't expecting any response, and it was a great help. Thank-you
And now for this month's issue, I would like to reiterate how important it is to read Sections III and VII, as this is how we, the High Council, communicate with the UFOP Group. This month in the 'Out of Starfleet' section, there are articles about the new IRC Sim which takes place on Sundays and also one of our two Fantasy sections, Xanthia. Admiral Wolf also takes a look at our newest UFOP addition, the Daris Colony in the StarBase 118 News release.
Captain Marlin
The United Federation of Planets is always expanding and this section keeps track of the total number of senior staff, who are associated with StarBase 118. (ooc - in other words the total number of UFOP members. This figure doesn't include the Fantasy branch or the IRC Branch.)
Number of Duty Stations: 9
Number of Senior Staff: 121
The Daris Colony is now up and running! If you would like more information on UFOP's newest duty station contact Admiral Wolf.
I'm pleased to announce that we have a new addition to the UFOP Community - The Daris Colony is now actively SIMing, feel free to contact me for more information…
The Daris Colony - "Proceeding boldly into a galaxy where hostile enemy ships skim through every few weeks, the new crew of the Daris Colony certainly have an adventurous future to look forward too.
This crew has established a colony on Daris 2, a barren, harsh planet where no life, other than the colonists, exists. The colonists habitat under a large glass dome, which connects to the USS Mantis, an Intrepid class ship which lands on the planet when not in use."
Because of the need to allocate a home for part timers, Admiral Wolf and Fleet Captain Elinor felt it was time for a new SIM. Daris colony seemed like a good option. With a crew of 15, the group SIMs on a regular basis, using it's core full time SIMmers, and part timers, to create a great atmosphere of personal life in the SIM. And, of course, they're all kept in line by their commanding officer, none other than Admiral Wolf himself.
Currently on Daris 2 a pirate's demands for co-operation, and the fact that half of the colonies crew are already lost on a nearby planet, means this SIM looks like it'll be a great time…
Congratulations to the following officers on their promotions:
- Je Eirno Maka, USS Starwind
- Jehrzah Adorakon, USS Freedom-A
- Samar, USS Freedom-A
- Slane Mortalis, USS Starwind
LIEUTENANT, Junior Grade:
- Amakar MaCougar, USS Starwind
- Shenar Rowuul, USS Starwind
This Section brings us up to date on what has been happening in Starfleet over the last month...
Report Author: Admiral Wolf
Report Source: Daris Colony
After the Daris colony crew gathered on StarBase 118, they boarded the USS Mantis, a newly commissioned Intrepid Class ship, for Daris 2. En route, they were contacted by a space pirate (Jash'mak) who threatened to kill Admiral Wolf's father should the Admiral not live up to demands. Jash also notified the Admiral that he had taken control of the USS Adelphi, the ship the Admiral's foster was aboard when it was considered MIA 20 years ago. The crew of the Mantis is shown a pile of freshly killed bodies; the crew of the USS Adelphi. Considering the situation, Admiral Wolf is taken out of command by the crew (because of his emotional involvement). Wolf leaves the Mantis, and takes control of the abandoned Adelphi. The Mantis crew transports over, and repairs the ship's systems. With the pirate's ship gone, the crew continues on to Daris Colony, where they begin to acquaint themselves with their new surroundings. After being assigned to a humanoid observation outpost on the opposite side of the planet, the away team's shuttle crashes in a dense forest, far from the colony. Without a lock on the team, or any way of getting them, the colony's crew is now working to find it's lost members.
Report Author: Captain Kay Dare Merritt
Report Source: USS Freedom
The Freedom had to abandon it's plan to help in colonising Darius II, when it received a distress call from the Klingon ship Q'palk. The Q'palk turned out to be under attack by a ship 'manned' by tribbles, who were trying to get revenge on the klingon empire for attempted genocide. The Freedom attempted to communicate with the tribbles, and when that failed, attempted to intervene. The tribble ship responded by firing upon the Freedom as well. After a brief combat, the tribble ships powerful weapons system overloaded, destroying the ship. The Freedom then discovered and was pulled into a temporal distortion. What details of what happened inside the distortion are sketchy, as most of the crew retained no memory of that time period. What is known, however, is that the crew was somehow transported to what appeared to be a cross between 13th century England and 'middle earth,' as described by J. R. Tolkien, that was invaded by Borg. Little is known of how the crew escaped the temporal distortion, but after they escaped, an unknown being appeared claiming to have 'fixed' everything. After assisting with the repairs of the Q'palk, which was completely unaware of what happened, the Freedom is now on route for a stopover at SB 16, before beginning on its next assignment.
Report Author: Commodore Brian Kelly
Report Source: USS Ranger-A
USS RANGER has been dispatched to sector 831, near the "center" of the pie shaped wedge of the galaxy forming the Alpha Quadrant. This part of the inner spiral arm is filled with mostly population III stars and is densely packed but largely unexplored. The only Starfleet mission to penetrate this far was seven years ago, a Planetary Survey mission which catalogued thirteen systems in this region with life or life-supporting planets.
RANGER's destination was system catalogue number 88-HS-6. The system has nine planets. Planets three and nine support life; on the third, a simian culture on the verge of their industrial revolution. On the ninth, a silicate-based life system, apparently non-sentient.
The PS teams were unable to do close scans because this system and two neighbouring systems were mined with 1.5 million small metallic devices of unknown origin and purpose. Carbon scans placed their age at approximately 14,000 years, so it was clear that they were not placed by life indigenous to the system. The purpose of the mines, however, and the method of attack and defence, remained a mystery. No return mission to the system was attempted due to the outbreak of hostilities between the Federation and the Borg Collective, and then the Dominion. Now that hostilities seem to have ceased for a time, Starfleet Command dispatched RANGER, escorting USM Minesweeper ROGER YOUNG to clear the system and prepare for a colonial mission and StarBase construction.
As RANGER and YOUNG neared the system, however, it became clear that the mines were responsible for psychotropic effects on the brain, manifesting as nightmares, sleep pattern disruption, and cognitive effects such as memory loss, psychotic episodes, etc.
The minefield energy patterns were, however, identified and neutralised due to quick thinking by RANGER senior officers. Now that the mines have been destroyed, RANGER has dispatched an away mission to the third planet to determine if there is any information in the planetary culture, myths or legends to account for why an alien civilisation might have placed the mines. ROGER YOUNG, having swept the field, is surveying planet nine for the same purpose.
This morning, however, after the away team beamed down, a long-range target was spotted on tactical sensors entering the sector. The contact measures nearly 22 km in length and 9 in width, and is headed for the third planet. As of this moment, its purpose and inhabitants are unknown.
Report Author: Captain Skyfire
Report Source: USS Obertha
On information obtained from a DaiMon Qwert of the Ferengi Marauder Blaq, the Obertha was ordered to the planet Klimus VI to conduct a search and recover mission for an item of value. Other parties, including the Romulans, were also involved in the hunt.
The item turned out to be a Romulan artefact, but the nature of this artefact, if it existed at all, was not known. The Obertha is to proceed to Klimus VI, along with the Marauder Blaq. The Blaq was modified such that it could be controlled from the Obertha and flown to Klimus VI unmanned.
An away team was sent planet side on a covert attempt to locate and retrieve the artefact, but their presence was discovered and the crewmembers were captured. Regrettably, Lieutenant Telek, who put up too much resistance for the Romulan's liking, lost his life during the mission. The away team members found that the Romulans were actually part of a group of the underground unification movement dissatisfied with the slow work of Ambassador Spock, whose presence on the scene, ironically, secured the away team members' release.
A Romulan warbird was dispatched to capture the artefact, and attempted to kill Ambassador Spock who was on a passenger carrier. Interference from the Obertha delayed their attempt, although they were ultimately successful in destroying the carrier, though not in killing the Ambassador, who managed to deceive the Romulans.
Upon more 'serious' questioning, DaiMon Qwert disclosed information on the supposed location of the artefact, and another away team was dispatched for its retrieval. The away mission was not successful, as Qwert once again deceived the crew. In the end, the alleged 'artefact' was found on Qwert's ship, the Blaq, when a rescue team was dispatched to the Blaq to search for Ambassador Spock, who made everyone believe that he had transported upon the Blaq for safety.
The artefact in question was a small and extremely aromatic box, with the most mundane descriptions. Our Ferengi Special Envoy Rak, upon attempting to 'examine the artefact up close and personal', was found later as a living golden statue. One or more entities had been released on board the Obertha from the alleged artefact, and the crew is currently in the process of capturing the entity and preventing it from turning more crewmembers into living golden statues.
Report Author: Captain Sierra Randor
Report Source: USS Starwind
With the aided help of the newly captured Alliance ship the USS Destiny, the StarWind escaped the Dominion-Federation dominated dimension and safely returned home. Under the watchful eyes of an escorting Romulan ship, the Destiny and StarWind warped across Romulan space and proceeded toward the Federation.
Now just off StarBase, a strange mystery begins to unfold. While out on damage tests, an unidentified person stole the Captain's Yacht. When sent out to investigate, Cmdr Dyson finds two bodies hidden in the ship: One murdered, one unconscious and barley alive.
This edition focuses on Lieutenant Commander L-7, who serves as Chief Engineering Officer on StarBase 118.
MARLIN -- Firstly could you tell our readers a little about yourself?
L-7 -- Certainly, Captain. I am Neutronic Prototype Leiutenant Commander Lambda-Seven, a robot created by Doctor Hamlet of Dane to serve in the capacity of a Federation StarFleet Officer. I am more commonly called L-7.
MARLIN -- Commander, did you have a choice about joining Starfleet, or were you programmed to do so
L-7 -- There is really no distinction. I can only make choices I was programmed to make. In this case, I was specifically programmed to join StarFleet, and in fact was submitted to StarFleet by my creator. However, if I had not wished to remain in StarFleet, I have had opportunity to leave. StarFleet is what I was made for; it is my 'calling', so to speak. Does that answer your question?
MARLIN -- Yes it does, Thanks. Do you feel you have fitted into the fleet well? And do you feel your peers treat you as an equal?
L-7 -- I believe I have integrated myself acceptably. There are still sources of friction, of course. Many people expect me to be a carbon copy of Data. I am not. Or, if you prefer, I'm not. Aside from these unfortunate stereotypes, I fit in quite readily. As for being treated as an equal, I am usually treated as such. It is unfortunate, for I am not an equal. I am a robot; a machine; a non-sentient being; and a tool. I should be treated as such, not as another humanoid
MARLIN -- However Commander you are a Starfleet officer and a citizen of the United Federation of Planets are you not. If you weren't, you would not be Lieutenant Commander L-7 but you would be a tool stored in Engineering. Do you not feel that as such you deserve to be treated as an equal?
L-7 -- In correction, Captain, I am not a citizen of the United Federation of Planets. I am a possession of an ally to the Federation, on extended loan to the Federation. As for storing me in Engineering, it is unnecessary, as I am a capable of continual work.
However, I see no need for the assumptions that I am a sentient being; that I have some form of feelings; or that I 'wish to be human'. I have been human for a short period of time, and found it a most distressing experience. I do not wish to be human; I do not wish to be treated as such. I am L-7, a robot. That is my identity.
MARLIN -- I didn't try to assume you were sentient, I was trying to make the point that as a Starfleet officer you deserve to be treated equally.
L-7 -- Perhaps I do. But equal, not same.
MARLIN -- I would not be so pompous as to imply you would want to be the same as us. I respect fully your identity, as I'm sure your colleagues do. Moving on. What would you say was the highlight of your career and why?
L-7 -- The main highlight of my career occurred shortly after leaving the Freedom for the Ranger. I had been 'estranged' from my creator for some time, but had made my way back to StarBase 118 when I heard an official report that he was deceased. Fortunately, it was not true; but it forced the two of us to be reconciled. It was a relieving experience... It also began the process whereby I came to hold rank. As for why; it was the... end of tension. As a robot, I am not built to go against my creator's wishes... and I knew I was, although I was not contradicting any command. I do not function well while in such tension. ::shrugs:: It gave me the ability to function in an increased manner, and thus is a highlight.
MARLIN -- Why had you been estranged from your creator?
L-7 -- It was his intention to upgrade my Brain with a higher, better system. I did not wish that to happen, as it would necessitate the loss of my personality, to be replaced with another. As he had not told me about this, nor ordered me to comply with it, I left the station and went to another posting; The Freedom. I was then afraid to contact him in fear that he would order my destruction.
MARLIN -- Does your creator still intend to 'upgrade' you now that you are reunited?
L-7 -- No. The Brain unit he had for me has already proven itself useful outside of a body. He has also seen that I am quite functional without the upgrade. There is no need.
MARLIN -- That is good news Commander. Moving on, where do you see yourself being in five and ten years time?
L-7 -- I find it difficult to say. I have worked for the Special Operations division of StarFleet Command on occasion, and have reason to believe that they would like me to continue working with them; I also wish to remain on StarBase 118, so I can be near Doctor Hamlet. There are many possibilities; I do not pretend to anticipate what is most likely. I can assure you that I will still be in StarFleet, although I do not anticipate my rank going any higher than it already is.
MARLIN -- Why do you not anticipate a rank promotion in that length of time?
L-7 -- A great many people believe it is illogical to put an artificial being in Command; a remainder from the Frankenstein Complex of years ago. At any rate, I do not believe that they, nor the crew, will be ready to accept commands from artificial intelligences at that point. ::shrug:: It is easier to accept me as a peer than as a superior, I suppose.
MARLIN -- That would not be the case under my command Commander and I doubt it would be so under many other Commanding officers. Sadly, I will have to bring the interview to a halt here. Thankyou for agreeing to be interviewed, and for taking the time to answer these questions.
L-7 -- It was a pleasure, Captain. May all go well with you and your crew.
MARLIN -- Thankyou. Please pass on my regards to Captain Arvanon. It was nice speaking with you again Commander. Safe journeys.
This Section contains Out of Character Information...
The IRC branch of UFOP has re-launched. Every Sunday at 2pm EST (7pm UK Time) the crew of the USS Eagle gather on IRC to act out live, action packed Sims. The Eagle is an Intrepid class vessel under the command of Captain Priest (a.k.a. Captain Marlin).
If you would be interested in participating in the IRC Sims please contact myself or Admiral Wolf . Experience in IRC Simming is NOT necessary nor do you need to know anything about IRC, Admiral Wolf or I can help with that.
For more info on the USS Eagle visit its WebSite at
The UFOP RPG Group is not restricted to Star Trek Simming, we also have two fantasy branches, Xanthia and Faerin. Here is some information about one of these branches, Xanthia.
"Imagine a world apart from tricorders and turbolifts. A place where "Klingons" are unheard of, phasers are likely to get a look of consternation and the federation holds no sway. This is a land where magic exists, having been forced upon the inhabitants of this planet, along with a great war that encompasses the entire planet in a global fight between order and chaos.
This is a harsher world, where guilds have formed to train the curious in a wide range of arts and abilities. A world populated by a great variety of different species, some of them a result of natural conditions, but most sprung out of the minds of wizards and their magic. Or perhaps from the magic of the very planet itself.
But foremost in Xanthia, there is adventure to be had. Whether you are a lowly minstrel eager to see the world or a guild-fresh warrior wishing for her day in battle.
Join us, if you dare: "
Sound interesting? If you answer yes to this question then contact Admiral Wolf for more information. To give you a taste of what it would be like to live in the world of Xanthia, here is the most recent plot summary:
" After being confronted with a previously unknown race, Panbarrr'l and his adventurers were entreated, and agreed, to find four objects. These objects being necessary to open a permanent gate to the world of these strange creatures.
On a quest for the first of these objects, the adventurers headed for Acrinok, the capital city of the Acrinox people. On the way to this city, the newest member of the Pantheon, Pilan, God of Entropy, commanded the groups priest, Jaled, to kill Panbarrr'l. The intended tool of this murder, a mask created to suffocate, would have turned the hapless Quest Leader into a zombie. Jaled was foiled, and after the mask was smashed, most unceremoniously, by the magic-illiterate warrior of the group. And as the mind-controlling properties dissipated, the group could not imagine what Pilan would gain in their demise.
Upon arrival in the capital city, the group was sadly disappointed to find it a den of corruption, being the home of the Thieves guild. Arriving most unfortunately during tax season, the group was last seen lost in a stampede in Jacob's Tavern. It seems the Emperor has started an extremely unfair taxing process, which was turning the few previously moral persons left in Acrinok to a life a thievery."
Programmer, with skills to create a Windows '95, free standing program which can be used by one or many users. Contact Admiral Wolf. IRC Programmer capable of programming IRC Bots. Contact Admiral Wolf
Plans for the 'Euro-chat' have been postponed for a few weeks. This is because of the new IRC Sim that has started. The most appropriate night for the Euro chat was Sunday, which coincides with the USS Eagle Sim, so we will re-examine the best time for the chat once we have settled into the IRC Sim and have a regular routine worked out.
Captain Marlin
The USS Eagle is the newest addition to our growing collection of UFOP WebSites!
We now have two new WebSites of note, the USS Ranger and USS Obertha are now on the net! Please support these Sites with a visit.
Also the Arizona has moved location and changed Webmasters. Please support the site with a visit!
Each CO would appreciate any feedback on their site!
- Comments/Submissions for the reporter (all welcomed): Capt. Marlin
- Unsubscribe from the reporter: Capt. Marlin
- UFOP WebSite:
- UFOP Admin Queries: Com. Pelletier