Reporter Issue 26
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I Editors note
II StarBase 118 Statistics
III StarBase 118 News Release
IV Promotions
V Starfleet News Service
VI Starfleet Focus
VII Out of Starfleet
VIII Credits
There isn't a great deal for me to say this month. Make sure you read the Out of Starfleet Section as there are some important articles regarding the IRC Sim and Command opportunities for members.
I'm personally very pleased to see that the membership count is still on the increase, winter is the most popular time for Simming, so tell your friends about us, and lets see how high we can get that figure…
Captain Marlin
The United Federation of Planets is always expanding and this section keeps track of the total number of senior staff, who are associated with StarBase 118. (ooc - in other words the total number of UFOP members. This figure doesn't include the Fantasy branch or the IRC Branch.)
Number of Duty Stations: 10
Number of Senior Staff: 116
The most significant event for this section this month, is the addition of a new Simming station, the USS Ithaca, which is UFOP's Command Training Vessel.
Membership is on the increase still, which is great. Let's keep it going, spread the word, tell your friends about us!
Firstly, I would like to extend my thanks to Captain Merritt out of Star Base 119, who has so generously agreed to help us by filling in for Commodore Pelletier on the Freedom. Her efforts have been greatly appreciated.
Also, Commander Lecrisp has been forced to take a temporary leave of absence. I am sure you all join me in hoping for its brevity.
Finally, I would like to invite you all to attend a short reception Admiral Wolf is hosting on SB 118 on Stardates 9811.10 and 9811.11. Obviously, many of you will not be able to be present due to your ship's schedules, but if possible, please do attempt a com link on those dates.
Fleet Captain Elinor of Kanist
Congratulations to the following officers on their promotions:
- Allen O'Malley, USS Indria-A
- Leigha Jacobs, USS Indria-A
- Nathan Quinn, USS Isannah
- Valarious T'elt McGreggor, USS Isannah
- Colin McHendry, USS Ranger-A
- Lang Vedoc, USS Ranger-A
- Katherine Erikson, USS Indria-A
- Ja, USS Indria-A
- Skye, USS Indria-A
- Diamond Temple, USS Indria-A (later K.I.A.)
- Savik, StarBase 118
- Fairaget, StarBase 118
LIEUTENANT, Junior Grade:
- Kt'Lach, USS Indria-A
- Gabriel Bogeard, USS Ranger-A
- Ka'el Laang, USS Ranger-A
This Section brings us up to date on what has been happening in Starfleet over the last month...
Report Author: Commander Leigha Jacobs
Report Source: USS Indria-A
While enjoying some much deserved rest and relaxation on the pleasure planet Risa, the crew of the USS Indria-A was thrust into yet another adventure without their consent. The senior staff of the Indria, and new crewmember Ensign Kobra, were whisked away to an unknown location known simply as The Point. Once there two individuals who identified themselves as members of a race called the Kohlemari greeted them. The Kohlemari are a race that is responsible for maintaining the continuity of The Strands. Once a person enters The Strands, through one of seven entrances known as The Gateways, they enter what is known most commonly known as one of the countless alternate realities that exist. While there, the individuals became apart of a group called Enchantees.
Upon arrival to The Point, the Indria officers were told by the two individuals who had greeted them, named Acanthus and Tarlenna, that they had been selected as a new group of Enchantees. Without a further word of explanation, the Indria crew found themselves split up and lost amid a slew of alternate realities. While in the middle of trying to find a way home, the Kohlemari returned the Indria crew to The Point. It was then revealed that a part of the ancient Kohlemari doctrine was becoming reality as control of The Strands was slowly becoming lost. The alternate realities were beginning to collide. According to legend, the last group of Enchantees through the Gates were to act on behalf of the Kohlemari in a fight for control of The Strands against the Kohlemari's enemies, the Basooi. First officer Commander Sally Strange was selected as the leader of the Kohlemari's fighters while CMO Lieutenant Leigha Jacobs was forced to act as the leader of the Basooi's minions. A battle then commenced between the teams, also called the Jeteias. The contests were judged by Three Brethren…. Gandalf of White, Jimmy of the Black, and Captain Shaun Marlin who acted as a balance between the two as the Gray Brother. The Jeteias participated in individual combat against one of their alternate evil selves from other Strands. After this, a final combat to the death was to ensue between the two leaders of the opposing Jeteia...Commander Strange and Lieutenant Jacobs. Although the two did not want to fight each other, they were forced to chose between either participating in the combat or facing immediate death due to the collision of The Strands. The victor would determine whether the Kohlemari or Basooi maintained control of The Strands.
However, Commander Strange refused to fight her friend. Turning a phaser on herself, Strange preceded to try to take her own life to end the fight once and for all. Although she did succeed in shooting herself with the phaser, intervention by Marlin kept the beam from hitting the intended target of Strange's head. Unfortunately, the wounds that were inflicted did turn out to be serious enough to result in Strange's death. Thus, Jacobs was awarded victory by default, and the Kohlemari lost control of The Strands to the Basooi.
It was later revealed that the real reason behind the entire adventure was to see if Captain Marlin had been ready to take his place as one of The Brethren. Had he been able to maintain his neutrality during the fight between Strange and Jacobs, the Kohlemari would have known that he was ready to leave behind the vestiges of existence of this plane of awareness. However, Marlin had failed his test when he deflected Strange as she shot herself. He was deemed as not ready to take his place as he was still too attached to his current life. The Indria crew was then returned to Risa minus two officers. Lieutenants j.g. Robert Tomlinson and Benet Bagor were left behind to aid in keeping The Strands from colliding with the help of the Basooi and Kohlemari. All the crew mourned their loss.
Later, just after the crew had returned to Risa, the Kohlemari known as Tarlenna appeared to tell the Indria officers that the Kohlemari had agreed to work in conjunction with the Basooi to maintain The Strands. Tarlenna also told them that she had taken Acanthus' place as leader of the Kohlemari. This was because he wished that his life energy would be used to restore Strange's life as she was not supposed to die in Marlin's testing. With Strange restored to life, Tarlenna left the Indria crew to ponder the events that had just transpired.
Report Author: Undisclosed Starfleet Source
Report Source: USS Obertha & USS Starwind
A mere three weeks ago, Star Fleet Command received news that the sun of the Myrakian system was going nova, and the StarWind and the Obertha were ordered to investigate and perhaps render assistance. En route, it was found that the planet's inhabitants numbered around 30 million, as opposed to the 3 million as recorded. A message, from an undisclosed source, related that the StarWind and the Obertha planned on evacuating the Myrakians to a mid-station, the planet Degned II five light years away. As the rate of evacuation would be minimal at best, other means were being explored concurrently to maximize the number of Myrakians saved.
As yet, no further communication with either vessel was possible, and the fate of Myrakia III remains unknown.
Report Author: Commander Quinn
Report Source: USS Isannah
First officer log: The past few months have been very trying for the crew of the Isannah. I will pinpoint some key moments. My last log indicated that a planet decloaked off our starboard bow. We found out it was a Borg like species which we called Bizarro Borg. They assimilated technology not species. They tried to assimilate the Isannah but we escaped.
Doctor Bartok's father was very ill so he and Quinn took a shuttle, but as we were exiting the Isannah a Romulan warbird decloaked and fired a torpedo at the Isannah. The explosion caused the shuttle to travel into the alternate future. While Quinn and Bartok were in the middle of a Romulan /Changeling and Klingon /Cardassian war, the Isannah faced a new enemy and an unthinkable task, Jolon had to decide whether or not to destroy an entire section of space. Against the majority of her senior staff, she destroyed that section of space. During this time we find out that our Captain (the one who shot Quinn and destroyed a section of space) was not the real Captain, she was an impostor named Gentarra who is now in the brig. Bartok and Quinn barely make it back to normal space and rejoin the Isannah.
While on our way back to Starbase 118 for some needed repairs, the Isannah slips into a void in space and we encounter another unidentifiable ship. People began to disappear from the holodeck. Joe, Yar, Valarious and Quinn wind up in the Revolutionary time at the beginning of the war. At the same time Jolon is injured by an attacking ship. The holodeck situation was resolved when Jolon blow up the entire holo-grid. In doing so the lost crewmembers were returned and we managed to pull ourselves out of the void and back on course to Starbase 118.
Things began to calm down. After repairs at Starbase 118 we were summoned to Starbase 223 to pick up three Ambassadors and take them to Ruunot for trade negotiations. We have Ambassador Alanzo, a nutcase yet super intelligent human male. There is Ambassador Magna Io Knowluh of Betazoid who has to touch everything causing chaos and panic. And last but not least we have Ambassador Oglesby of Halanian, who doesn't believe a single thing anyone tells him. We are currently two days away from dropping them off and I can speak for the entire crew, it's not a moment to soon. Quinn out.
Report Author: Commander San Aquiss
Report Source: USS Ithaca
The USS Ithaca's first mission was to be a dangerous one. The sovereign-class vessel was to lend her aid to Starbase 118 defending against an invasion fleet made up of Dominion-Cardassian forces.
Starfleet had had advanced notice and had sent reinforcements to the Starbase. The attack, however, came sooner than expected.
A minefield of point-singularity mines was laid around a perimeter that would encapsulate the attacking fleet; the plan was to disable the fleet and capture using the Ithaca and the remotely controlled Xanth.
From the start things went badly. Part of the invading fleet requested asylum - only one vessel survived the request. This vessel, commanded by Gul Trevet was instructed to leave the battlefield and take a position behind the Ithaca until Starfleet decided what to do with the defectors. The perimeter mines were programmed to recognize the Gul's ship as friendly and she did as she was told.
The remaining Dominion vessels did the unexpected however and opened a rift that enveloped the Starbase and sent her to a destination elsewhere in time.
The rift had created an area of instability and drained the Dominion vessels. Faced with a battle against tremendous odds if and when the Dominion recovered a daring plan was hatched by Ensign Aron and Commander Aquiss. Aron would take a mine in by runabout inside the area of instability and set it off when he reached a safe distance - the resulting blast should seal the sub-space fracture and disable the Dominion vessels.
The Jem'Hadar were not as helpless as they seemed and the runabout was fired upon. The Xanth under the remote control of Commander Dannen flew to his defense but control was lost as the Xanth entered the instability. His runabout crippled and about to suffer a warp core breach, Ensign Aron set the mine to explode as he attempted transport.
He never arrived aboard the Ithaca. The resulting explosion rocked all vessels and destroyed shields and sent warp and impulse engines off-line.
Gul Trevet's ship was relatively unscathed - simply knocked down to impulse. Lt Voss, the Ithaca's engineer, managed to direct power from the Ithaca's support vessels... but not in time to protect the Ithaca from boarders.
Lt Voss was killed, Commander Dannen taken hostage (for a few minutes) and Commander Aquiss was injured before the invaders were defeated. The crew of the Ithaca receiving covert help from an associate of Ens (Prince) Wilkens.
Horatio, one of Hamlet's robots was able to liberate the Xanth, and the Ithaca was able to recover just in time to stop Gul Trevet having her revenge on her ex-colleagues.
The USS 'Olive Branch' and USS 'Athena' arrived in time to handle the mop up.... the Starbase had not yet reappeared and the Starfleet vessels burdened with Dominion invaders headed toward Deep Space 12.
The Ithaca is currently underway in response to a distress signal to the Daris colony.
Report Author: Admiral Wolf
Report Source: Daris Colony
With most of the colony members situated, everyone settles in for some good ol'fashioned work. Then disaster strikes. Again. Jash'mak reappears with a Nebula class ship, above the colony, and begins firing. Once he has taken out main power, a flood of hostile forces begins to transport to the colony. With half of its troops on an away mission, the Daris team is working feverishly to regain control.
Report Author: Commodore Brian Kelly
Report Source: USS Ranger-A
Ranger has completed mission in sector 831, system 88-HS6. Dispatched mission was to escort Marine Mine Sweeper USM ROGER YOUNG on clearing operations in this system and to complete planetary scans for Starbase construction, terraforming and colonization.
During clearing operations, it was discovered that the minefield was not placed by the indigenous population of planet three in the system; that people had not yet reached their nuclear era and the mines were determined to be between 11 and 14 thousand years old. The mines were armed with conventional warheads but their chief danger lie in their alpha-band attack mode, which presented a significant threat to humanoid brain activity, sleep patterns and judgment.
After learning to somewhat deflect the minefield's primary weapon, and after the field had been cleared, RANGER and ROGER YOUNG proceeded to determine why the field had been placed.
System scans revealed the following data: System contained nine planets. All were unusually rich in ferro-metals, fusionable material and organic life. Planets two, three, seven and nine contained life. Sentient life was confined to planet three. Bacteria and other primitive life was present on the other planets; on planet nine, all life was silicate based.
Planets one, four, five, six and eight were all amenable to terraforming.
Planets four and five contained rich deposits of dilithium crystals and gandolinium.
In short, this system was a veritable treasure trove of resources and planet-surface. Starfleet priorities for colonizable worlds convinced me to send an away team to planet three to see whether the local culture could produce myths, art or any other explanation for why the system was mined by an ancient alien intelligence.
During the away mission, a non-indigenous silicate race called the VORASH sent a vessel to the system; it became obvious that the Vorash were guiding the development of the culture and that they had set up an installation on the ninth planet, which explained the anomalous life readings.
The Vorash were using the Simian based culture to breed; they had worked the harvesting of bodies into the collective religion and civil myths, and thus is became clear that the culture on the third planet would be artificially stifled from further development when they reached a certain point.
RANGER was fired upon by nuclear and psychotropic weapons and severely damaged. 34 crew and officers are dead and 45 more were injured. A small fleet of Vorash vessels returned. RANGER determined a way to neutralize the psychotropic weapon. Partial power and shields were restored and RANGER was able to successfully engage the Vorash, destroying or damaging seven of the nine vessels.
Since the vessels were also drawing power from the installation on the ninth planet, FS-9 Crossbow and Longbow were dispatched to attack along with ROGER YOUNG.
A cease-fire was reached and an arrangement made with the Vorash. We will share technology with them, which will allow non-parasitic reproduction, and in return they have yielded system 88-HS6 to the Federation.
We are currently making repairs and expect to be underway to SB118 within ten days (but back within two days real time, folks). I would recommend the following actions be taken at this time:
1. A Colonial mission should be sent to set up on planet two; it is a jungle world and with minimal alteration to environment should be suitable to fast-track colonization. A Colonial mission to planet seven will need to prepare for arctic conditions but should also benefit from geothermal energy. Terraforming missions should be dispatched for the other planets.
2. A Prime Directive Discreet Survey Team should be sent to investigate the impact of the Vorash withdrawal from planet three and to recommend appropriate action.
3. A Diplomatic mission should be sent to the system to make contact with the Vorash envoy remaining there.
End Report.
Report Author: Commander Leigha Jacobs
Report Source: USS Indria-A
While en route to a new destination, after leaving the planet Risa, the USS Indria-A began to suffer from a slew of ship wide malfunctions. Due to unknown causes, system after system began to crash beginning with the turbolifts. Not long after, other systems began to follow such as the holodecks and replicators. Primary systems such as shields, weaponry, sensors, communications, transporters, and propulsion all began to fail. Various crewmembers had to deal with inconveniences ranging from being stuck in turbolifts to being trapped in running holodeck programs. Most notably, Captain Marlin, Commander Strange, and Lieutenant Ivrel were all stuck in one simulation leaving Lieutenant Commander Allen O'Malley in command of the Indria. Not long after, the Indria encountered bioships from what appeared to be an alternate reality of sorts as they attacked the ship. Once the Indria hailed the ships, the crew of the bioships mistook O'Malley for their leader. They were about to follow orders he gave to leave the Indria alone when suddenly the crew found themselves all in an empty holodeck. Somehow, several crewmembers had managed to end up in a simulation of the Indria without them knowing that what was happening was not real. Details are sketchy, but the Indria has since proceeded on with its next mission.
Report Author: Captain Curtis Arvanon
Report Source: StarBase 118
Things took an interesting twist a couple of weeks ago when a Dominion attempted to destroy the Starbase with a subspace rift. However, the Starbase was instead sent 400 years into the future. The crew suddenly found themselves in a bind on two fronts. They were without and XO, and they were caught in the middle of a Borg/Dominion war, with no Federation reinforcements in sight.
As Hamlet takes his ship and goes in search of the RSC headquarters, Arvanon, Savik, and Fairaget work to keep the heavily damaged Starbase in one piece. Rather undramatically, however, the rift engulfs the Starbase again, sending it back to the past.
Now, with the arrival of Lt Commander Treetus as the new XO and the marriage of Hamlet and Lt Kal'tora on hand, the Starbase crew is taking a well-deserved break.
Report Author: Lt. Robert Falcon
Report Source: U.S.S. Freedom-A
It all starts when we find a cylindrical tube spinning end over end in space. There is something organic inside, but we don't know if it is alive or not. We bring in into Cargo Bay 3. While Solkar and his engineering team are working on prying open the tube, Samar and her medical team pick up a life form. As soon as the pod is open, a creature as grotesque as a creature could become jumps out and breaks Samar's wrist. The creature is shoved back into tube and ejected into space. We think it's over, but then a shuttle appears on our sensors. This is a cover for Kalendra's entrance. While we are sorting out the problem in sickbay, Kalendra is looking for a uniform and finds Lt. Sarah Ryun's quarters. Guess who came in? Ryun herself. She asks Kalendra who she is, and when going for the comm unit, is intercepted by Kalendra, who is holding a knife and presses it to Ryun's neck. She pushes Ryun to the bed and tells her to be good. Ryun acted like she'd obey, but them leaps for the comm unit... and gets her neck slashed. Kalendra takes a shower, gets a uniform, and begins to research info on the crew. At the same time she transfers Ryun from science to security. She then takes Ryuns place on the ship. While the senior staff is in a meeting, Kalendra in using her knife to hack up Captain's piano. This brings another unlucky ensign. He gets strangles with a piano wire and get's shoved into the piano. Now we start to wonder some more, but Captain Merritt falls unconscious due to drinking and hyposprays. Meanwhile, Ambassador Treleste Jallayne enters on a shuttle. She is soon brought to the Freedom. At this time, Kalendra is getting instructions on being a security officer. Soon, we start to suspect that Jallayne is another psycho. Merritt encounters Jallayne the guest quarters. At this time main power fails, due to a virus that is still in the main CPU. Beta, the super-computer built by Lt. Falcon, is currently working as a temporary CPU. Kalendra picks this time to attack Ens. Saren. She forces Saren into a Jefferies tube while wearing a flimsy dress, but Saren soon escapes by sliding down a ladder. Jallayne has yet to be found. Saren was able to make it to someone elses quarters and get a uniform, as well as a knife. At this time people are working on finding Kalendra, following Merritt's orders, or looking for Jallayne. Kalendra find Saren. Saren attempts to "take on" Kalendra by plunging a knife into her arm. No help. Kalendra leads Saren to the brig. Kalendra releases Merritt, who was put into the brig by Lt. Adorakon for acting strangely, and kills Saren. She also injures a security officer. Kalendra leaves, and is soon pursued by Lt's Falcon and Jameson. Lt. Com. Marko and Lt. Adorakon soon join them. In the ensuing battle, Falcon's main database is wiped by a magnet and several main chips are pulled. Jameson also get a foot in his gut. Falcon's back-ups come on-line and the chase begins again. In the next battle, Falcon head is chopped off and is rolled down the hall like a bowling ball. It gets kicked by several people until it is picked up by Petty Officer Billy-Bob Foxworthless. Falcon is repaired. At the same time, Kalendra is jumped by 130 copies of Marko. Somehow, Samar gets killed by Kalendra at this time. Kalendra and Merritt struck a deal. Kalendra kills Jallayne, she gets off the ship. She and the now operational Falcon are working together to find and kill Jallayne.
This edition focuses on Commander Nathan Quinn, who serves as First Officer on the USS Isannah.
MARLIN -- Commander Quinn, could you please tell our readers a little about yourself?
QUINN -- I was born in San Francisco, California, Earth. I am half Betazoid (father) and half El Aurian (mother). I do have very strong Telepathic and empathic abilities, depending on the species. I enjoy classical music, mythological studies, writing, and astrophysics. I have always enjoyed exploring new places and things. I also enjoy helping others that is why I became a counsellor.
MARLIN -- Thank-you. Why did you choose to pursue a career in Starfleet?
QUINN -- Starfleet is in my blood. My father and mother both teach at Starfleet Academy. My older brother and younger sister are both in Starfleet. When I was young my father use to take me to the Academy, and I remember thinking to myself "I want to go here" The excitement of exploration and visiting worlds that we've never been too. I have never wanted to do anything else.
MARLIN -- The transition from Counselling to Command is unusual, how did you come about making it and did you find it a difficult transition to make?
QUINN -- It really wasn't that hard of a transition. Being a Counsellor you have the entire wellbeing of the ship's emotional state in your hands. As the First Officer and a Commander you have not only the wellbeing of the crews emotional state but their physical state as well. I have always thrived on the challenges of life and this is just one more I will meet head on.
MARLIN -- Commander, what would you say has been the highlight of your career and why?
QUINN -- Well becoming First Officer of the USS Isannah is definitely the highlight of my career. I was ships Counsellor for four months than managed to catch the eye of our Captain, who saw something in me that I myself didn't even see. I was very thankful for the opportunity to Command
But on a personal highlight, while in the beta quadrant we encountered a dying alien. Before he died he transferred his life force into me. When our two minds joined I gained a lifetime of experiences. I found that this alien was an ancient Changeling that left the founders centuries ago to explore space. I not only gained the thoughts and memories of this being but an inner strength that I have never known before.
MARLIN -- How do you think this 'bonding' has effected you?
QUINN -- Well for one thing it saved my life. Recently I was fatally shot but somehow I managed to heal myself. A voice within me told me that I couldn't die. I still have to fulfil my destiny. I am unsure of the meaning of this but I am looking forward to finding out. The bonding has also helped me to find an enlightenment that I have never felt before.
MARLIN -- To gain a lifetime of memories from another being must be an awesome thing, is it not somewhat overpowering to have been given such an awesome amount of knowledge and experience? And did this knowledge contain information that had previously been unknown to the Federation?
QUINN -- Well being a counsellor, I have learned to control my thoughts. Hearing every-bodies thoughts in my head can be distracting but with proper training. I have managed to control it. I have done the same with this being's thoughts. There was so much information giving to me that I haven't had the time to process it all. The information that I have processed is unbelievable and hard to put into words. This being has been to places, yet I have no words to describe. It's truly amazing.
MARLIN -- It must be a remarkable thing indeed, and I believe you have been given a very valuable gift. In closing, where do you see yourself being in five years time?
QUINN -- In five years I hope to be in command of my own ship, exploring places we've never been, unless my destiny lies elsewhere. All I know is that I am enjoying the ride.
MARLIN -- That sounds like a good philosophy Commander. Thank-you for your time and agreeing to be interviewed. Please pass on my warmest regards to Captain Jolon, and also to the crew of the Isannah, who all hold a special place in my heart.
QUINN -- Will do, Thank you
This Section contains Out of Character Information...
Attention All SIMmers!
If you have helped out UFOP in any out of character way, such as creation of graphics, web page design, etc., please contact Admiral Wolf immediately with your e-mail address, and what you did. Thanks!
The IRC SIM that has been taking place on Sundays will be rescheduled in the near future, until this time the SIM has been postponed. This change in the schedule arises from a lot of interest in the Sim from US/Canadian members who couldn't attend at the original time slot.
Anyone who wishes to can "audition" for the role of Captain or First Officer aboard the USS Eagle, our IRC ship. Due to our lack of available commanding officers, we will allow officers of any rank to try out as a captain. Please note that the rank of captain will not carry over to the e-mail branch. Anyone interested should contact Admiral Wolf at for information on scheduling a meeting time.
Each CO would appreciate any feedback on their site!
- Comments/Submissions for the reporter (all welcomed): Capt. Marlin
- Unsubscribe from the reporter: Capt. Marlin
- UFOP WebSite:
- UFOP Admin Queries: Com. Pelletier