Reporter Issue 20
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The Admiral is pleased to announce that another ship has been commissioned out of Star Base 118, the USS Obertha, commanded by Captain Skyfire. I am sure you join us in welcoming our newest member ship to our base.
Congratulations to the following officers for their promotions.
- Ruach of Kanist, Captain, USS Arizona
- Skyfire, Captain, USS Obertha
- Shaun Michael Marlin, Commander, USS Isannah
- Jasen Rendary, Commander, USS Ranger
- Saroc, Lieutenant Commander, USS StarWind
- Tiakas Kal'tora, Lieutenant, Star Base 118
- Phoenix Alan Knight, Lieutenant, USS Arizona
- San Aquiss, Lieutenant junior grade, Star Base 118
- Hamlet of Dane, Lieutenant junior grade, Star Base 118
- Reginald Lecrisp, Lieutenant junior grade, USS Arizona
- Seri Malok, Lieutenant junior grade, USS Arizona
- Slane Mortalis, Lieutenant junior grade, USS StarWind
none submitted
Responding to the distress call of a Federation mercy envoy who had been attacked by a Tholian web, we intercepted a Romulan communique demonstrating the same attack strategy. Some of the Arizona crew became convinced that these were in fact Dominion forces imitating Tholian techniques . Acting on this theory, we tracked the vessels moving into Gorn space and followed in pursuit, aided by the Obertha. As we traveled, we were informed that the Tholians had broken a long held cease fire with the Jarada, and with the Gorn, attacking both peoples. The Naru, a Romulan Tal Shayer vessel, requested a joint mission and they joined us in the pursuit, with two Federation officers on the Naru and one each Romulan officer on the Arizona and Obertha.
A Second Romulan vessel, the Hrufner, then quite suddenly appeared, warned us of a the deceit of the Naru, then conveniently disappeared, destroyed apparently by a Tholian web. We quickly dismissed the hoax as the result of a holo trick. But by then our Romulan liaison, a Commander T'rulan, had shown herself to be a shapeshifter and was taken into custody after threatening her mate, an officer on my vessel. She is now in custody and we are preparing to talk to the incoming armadas of Tholians, Jarada, and Gorn in an effort to prevent all out Alpha warfare, causing havoc which would only aid the Cardassians.
The USS Freedom has been involved in the last month or so in a classified mission for Star Fleet Security. We were ordered to the planet known as "Jason" where a Star Fleet research base was located. Thought to be doing routine scientific research, they were actually a highly-classified weapons centre. Recent 'internal' problems forced the closure of the base and the transport of all weapons from it.
During a transport, an explosion occurred throwing the crew into another time line. This lasted only a few days before Q intervened and pulled everyone back to where they belonged.
With that mission completed, they were hailed by the USS Xanth asking to provide assistance. Apparently, Star Base 118 has been taken by the Dominion. At this time, the Freedom and Xanth are joint-simming in an attempt to re-take the base.
On another note, I would like to welcome Lt. Sall and Ensign Jameson to the Freedom. They have joined us recently as CSO and Tac officer, respectively. We also welcome Ensign Mazellan as the new CMO.
En route to pick-up medical supplies, we encountered what appeared to be a Starfleet vessel that had been attacked and was now surrounded by a peculiar orange energy which radiated all around it and interfered with our navigational sensors. We backed away from the disturbance and attempted to analyze it but not much could be gleaned. The ship was suddenly rocked and three smaller energy balls appeared at different locations on the ship.
The crew quickly discovered that these energy balls were what caused the damage on the other Starfleet vessel. It was soon noted that as the energy balls had appeared also had a portion of data in our computer banks. After some clever thinking, a plan was made to establish contact with the energy with the energy balls by the use of a computer unit detached from the main ship's computers.
Contact revealed the energy balls to be Demshai (beings with the task of establishing communication), once contact was established the Demshai were safely removed within any significant damage occurring to the Isannah.
The energy turned out to be a lifeform trying to return to its home in order to hatch its eggs. Our team was able to locate their home as being the planet Kemtis which we had visited on our previous mission. The energy being possessed an enzyme necessary to the Kemtisians' reproductive process. The Kemtisian government accepted the energy beings' return and it was a benefit to all.
The Obertha was carrying out holo-simulation exercise at SB 02 while waiting for several crew members to arrive when a request for assistance from the Arizona was received. Arriving at the Arizona's location, we became involved in a complex plot involving the Tholians, Jaradans, Gorns, Romulans, and possibly the Dominion. A Romulan warbird, the Naru, requested an alliance with the Arizona and Obertha to track down the Tholian vessels, who had been attacking other vessels using an improved Tholian web which could destroy any trapped vessel quickly. Upon investigation, we (both Arizona and Obertha) found the "Tholians" to be fakes, but in fact Jem Haddar impersonating as such to incite conflict in the area. Once the plot was revealed, several Changelings were found (and quickly killed) on the Naru, on which liaison officers from both Arizona and Obertha were placed. The Romulan liaison officer sent to the Obertha turned out to be a Traveller, and only revealed himself as an armada consisting of Tholian, Jaradan, and Gorn vessels, all with "weapons running hot", headed for the Arizona and Obertha. The two federation vessels and the Naru agreed to attempt to get the three hostile forces to listen, and present them with evidence of Dominion trickery.
::Kelly is already there when the others start to file in, those from the bridge stations coming in last as they wait for their replacements to arrive to relieve them for the briefing...::
::Commander Rendary is also there, chatting quietly with Kelly. That conversation ends when the cast is complete...Kelly looks them over...impassive L-7, his android face belying nothing by way of curiosity or eagerness. Doctor Ta'el, looking concerned and distracted all at once. What was it Commander Hege, Kelly's wife and Rendary's predecessor, had said about Ta'el? Ah yes. "Brian," she'd said, "I'd trust Katrina to deliver the baby in a heartbeat, but stow the breakables if she's thinking about a problem." Kelly grins at the affection in Alis' voice when she'd complemented their ship's doctor during a private moment.::
::Here too, Lt. Solari, still getting used to helm, and clearly excited at the prospect of driving one of the fastest tactical instruments in Starfleet; Ens. Xalor, quiet as always. Ensigns Tomlinson, McKay and Sharpe, each looking eager and interested, still finding wonder in their new jobs, and of course, Commander Jasen Rendary, still warming to his own new job of First Officer...::
::The last takes her seat, and Kelly stirs in his chair.::
KELLY: Some of you may have heard we're headed for the Romulan Neutral Zone to test a new Starfleet fighter (You've all seen Starfleet's new fighters in the DS-9 episodes where the fleet retakes the station, they are not shuttles, they're real fighters). That's half right.
::A few grins, a few thoughtful looks...::
KELLY: As of now, no non-military traffic leaves RANGER till the mission is over. We've been given routine traffic written to look like some personal stuff, and we'll transmit that periodically. L-7, you're to see to that. We're headed to reference point ZZ-9-2-A, in a low density region near the Romulan neutral zone called the Wastes. Lt. Solari will have seen some entries on this area in her Helm reference materials. It's empty, untrafficked, and perfect for our meeting.
Solving an ancient riddle, the StarWind was pointed to a mysterious and uninhabited planet known only as Troy. Using long range sensors, our ship detected warp signatures as well as indications of a recent battle. While making experimental upgrades, the StarWind's sensor system mysteriously shut down. Now traveling blindly at maximum warp, the StarWind must reach this strange planet and uncover what has happened.
This month I am interviewing Acting Ensign TR, engineer on the USS StarWind. TR is not actually a member of StarFleet, but Captain Randor has permitted him to work as a Federation officer onboard her vessel.
You are not a StarFleet officer. Please describe who you are.
I am a dimensional traveler who is stuck in your universe at the moment. I am working for Randor in exchange for the use of the ships resources to repair my D-teleporter/AI named TOD. I like to earn what I need. The only reason I can see that she is allowing this is because I saved her life in the adventure where we first met. I am nearing completion of the repairs and hope to go home to my love soon.
And your home?
My home is a planet called Mobius in another dimension. Which is currently at war with a tyrant. Thats why I am currently using all my free time to repair TOD, so I can get back there to help...and get back to Damia.
ELINOR: What is Damia?
TROBBINS: not a what, a who. She is the one I love. ::heavy sigh::
ElinorKani: And there is no way you can bring her here, to this time frame? How did you arrive, then?
TROBBINS: To answer both of your questions, I'm stuck here at the moment. You see back on my world we are at war with a tyrant, during an attack on him our group was taken by surprise. During the fight TOD, my AI and means for traveleing between dimensions, was damaged. There was a power surge and the D-teleporter was activated sending me here. I'm trying to repair him so I can get back......
ElinorKani: And how then did you end up on the StarWind?
TROBBINS: Well, do you remember the incident where all all of the crew of the StarWind where teleported off of her? Well I was on the planet that Captain Randor landed on. I found her in the snow during the dead of winter on that planet, I took her to the friends house I was staying at and helped her get to the local starfleet settlement. Well I asked her if I could use the resources her ship has to repair TOD and work for her until TOD was fixed. I think the only reason she agreed was that I saved her
ElinorKani: And how close are you now to repairing your device?
TROBBINS: About one or two more days...the damage was not as bad as I thought.
ElinorKani: And then you will leave. What will you tell your people about us?
TROBBINS: I usually keep the places I visit, even the fact of what I can do a secret from them....Damia is probably the only one I will tell. And she already knows about your society from what I have told her before this incident.
ElinorKani: How did you know of our society before this incident?
TROBBINS: I have been here before. Thats why I know so much about the engineering of your starships, did you know that of all the places I have visited only 2 other dimensions have warp technology, its really fasinating material.
ElinorKani: And have you enjoyed your time on the StarWind?
TROBBINS: So far yes. Its been a little rough but nothing that would make it not enjoyable, the work has taken my mind off of worring what is hap pining back home.
What will you remember the most of your experience on the StarWind?
The people. The people I meet through my travels always leave a mark on me.
Is there anything else you wish to say before we close?
The one thing I have learned during my travels is that 'looks can be decieving'
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