Reporter Issue 21
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This month something very dramatic is happening to the Reporter, Commander Shaun Marlin is taking over! Please join me in welcoming him to this important job. He will be sending the Reporter to all COs, who will then forward to their crews. It is simply impossible to keep track of our ever-expanding roster otherwise. The Commander has several changes in mind, so watch for them. And as my farewell, I am interviewing him this month in the INTERVIEW section. Thank you, Shaun.
Secondly, as you all know, we recently had another awards ceremony, where many of us were recognized for our acheivements in simming. Below please find a listing of all recipients. Congratulations to our recipients.
PICARD AWARD -- Admiral Wolf and Commodore Pelletier.
PURPLE STAR -- Commodore Kelly and Lieutenant Commander Strange.
JAMES T. KIRK CROSS -- Captain Randor
SCOTTY CROSS -- Commander Marlin and Lieutenant Commander Strange, Ensigns Hamlet and Ja'lor.
TOSMA I -- Commander Marlin, Lieutenant Commanders Strange and Valeris, and Magaera.
TOSMA II -- Commanders Marlin and Rendary; Lieutenant Commanders Ta'el and Marko; Lieutenants Sall and Saroc; Ensigns Lucid, Maka, Solari, TR, and Unit L-7.
BARCLAY BEAD -- Lieutenant Commander Marko and Ensign Hamlet.
NEELIX AWARD -- Captains Randor and Jolon, Commander Dyson.
Please remember to amend your biographies. If you ask politely, Commodore Pelletier may be moved to amend your online biographies as well.
Fleet Captain Elinor.
Congratulations to the following officers for their promotions.
- Jeff Pelletier, Commodore, USS Freedom-A
- Curtis Arvanon, Captain, Star Base 118
- Valeris, Lieutenant Commander, USS Freedom-A
- Mark (Marko) Anderson, Lieutenant Commander, USS Freedom-A
- Allen O'Malley, Lieutenant, USS Isannah
- Nathan Quinn, Lieutenant, USS Isannah
- Robert Casey, Lieutenant, USS Isannah
- San Aquiss, Lieutenant, Star Base 118
- Valarious T'eft McGregor, Lieutenant junior grade, USS Isannah
- Mara Phar, Lieutenant junior grade, USS Isannah
- 2 of 11, Lieutenant junior grade, USS Isannah
- Xalor, Lieutenant junior grade, USS Ranger
After spending close to a week re-taking Starbase 118 from the Dominion, the crew learns that the Jem Hadar that took the station were not beamed aboard, but were bred within the bowels of the station. While looking into how such a security breach was possible, a Romulan Warbird makes a "routine" visit. Several more security breaches are reported. Soon, the person responsible is found -- Kalendra.
Stardate 9803.31 0900 hrs. The USS Arizona was dispatched to the Gemaris belt to transport medical supplies to the victims of a plague. Also en route are medical ships; USS Astra, USS Hashbro, USS William Penn and USS Stephen Hawking.
The four medical ships were attacked with the Stephen Hawking missing. Upon arrival in the area it was determined that the weapons and warp signatures match those used by Tholians. The Tholians were suspected of having developed a further advanced Web capable of temporal and spacial interruptions and transporting an entire vessel to another location.
Through a circuitous route, Captain Ruach received confidential intelligence that the Tholians were simultaneously attacking vessels along the Federation, Romulan, Jarada & Gorn borders. All but one of these attacks were committed against medical vessels. This communique' immediately fell under suspicion. It became appearant that the Tholians had very little, if any, involvement in these attacks.
Tactics, weapons used and other evidence showed that the Dominion was probably involved in the attacks to aquire the vaccine, utilizing simulated Tholian vessels. The vaccine is used to prevent and treat a virus introduced by the Dominion. It was believed that the Dominion was attempting to change aspects of the virus to negate the effectivenes of the vaccine. Such wide spread attacks would also have the result starting a quadrant wide war, weakening all forces and opening up the Alpha quadrant to Domion conquer.
During the course of the mission it is discovered that Ens Solitaire may be in complicity with Romulans and, having violated multiple Starfleet regulations, is arrested.
A request for assistance was broadcast and the USS Obertha arrived
Shorty, the Arizona found herself surounded by entire fleets of ships from the Jarada, Gorn and Tholian ships. Two appearant Tholian ships decloaked and destroyed a Romulan vessel, cloaked and fled. Shortly thereafter a Romulan Warbird arrives offering their assistance.
A vessel from the future, the Yorktown, arrives and urges the destruction of the Warbird, claiming it was a ship from the future attempting to destroy the Alpha quadrant forces and kill Capt. Skyfire because his descendant will prevent the Domion from conquering the Alpha quadrant in the future.
Changelings were found on the Romulan Warbird and defeated, one taken into custody on the Arizona. It was determined that the Warbird Naru was from the future but that the majority of the crew was unaware of the fact. They were convinced to abandoned their vessel prior to its destruction and the crew was turned over to the Romulans. The fate of the USS Stephen Hawking remains unknown.
For the past month, the USS Freedom-A has been cleaning up and repairing it's recent damage as a result of a Dominion attack. The attack started with cloaked mines and then went on to include cloaked Dominion attack vessels. Damage included a hull breach over several decks in the engineering section as well as nanites in the computer and warp core.
Once the Dominion vessels were destroyed, two changling spies were found and flushed out. The repairs are now almost complete and we have already begun our next mission.
Our next mission takes us to the Ferengi Homeworld. We are escorting the USS Hultgreen which is carrying a large amount of Gold Pressed Latinum. It is not well known, but the Ferengi economy has been seriously hurt with this war and their supply of currency is running out. The Ferengi are worried that one remaining faction of the Marquis will attempt to attack and steal this latinum, thereby starting up their group again. The Freedom hopes that this delivery will help seal the deal and bring the Ferengi Alliance into the war, backing the Federation.
The USS Freedom-A would also like to welcome it's two newest crew members; Lieutenant Ian Tyler Bregga and Ensign Solitaire. Lt. Bregga is our Chief Engineering Officer and Ensign Solitaire has transferred from the Arizona as a Medical Officer.
Commodore Pelletier is also please to announce that Lt. Commander Valeris has been promoted to Acting First Officer.
Ens Nathan Quinn Ship's Counselor USS Isannah
Counselor Quinn's Personnel Log: I am sure this has been one of the most interesting and exciting first mission ever recorded in Federation history, and it's not even over yet. We managed to travel through a wormhole into some sort of fluidic space meeting alien cloud beings, then return to our space lightyears away from the Federation. While back in our space we entered a civil war between a species split into two, good and evil. On this mission I had an experience like I have never had. A being know as the Phoraxion, gave me his being his lifeforce. I have his thoughts his experiences in my head. We have become one. It is unbelievable I will never be the same. I look forward to what awaits us. End log.
On a routine survey mission to Weber 519, which, within 24 hours, expands every 16 years to 3 times its normal size for about one week (note: from the report of Ensign Selien, our Science Officer), some of the crew were affected by an unknown source. Captain Skyfire, also affected, was found leaving the ship in a shuttlecraft and heading into certain death on a course set for the sun. The crew was able to retrieve the shuttlecraft and the Captain, but with his return, an insectoid lifeform was also brought onboard. The insectoid turned out to be the pet of a member of the Renubu, arch enemy of the Ar species, of which our Engineering Officer Ensign Beindor'b was a member. The insectoid lifeform was subdued, but not before the Renubu master took notice and came aboard uninvited. It took the body of a security officer as host, and used Doctor Shauli and Lt Selien as hostages in order to negotiate for (read: demand) control of the ship. As the bridge crew overcame this host, the Renubu took the body of a gravely injured Lt Telek and threatened to kill this new host should its demand be not met. At this point, 40 Ar's arrived and, by co-ordinating with the Captain and Ensign Swatz, promptly removed the Renubu from our dimension.
USS RANGER has been dispatched to the Ventri sector near the Dominion border along with the Romulan ECM (Electronic Countermeasures) Frigate VESTA. The mission is to thread the narrow corridor of passive sensor bouys operated by the Dominion in that sector and come through the border undetected. A company of Starfleet Marines is to then take the Dominion monitoring station for that sector and power down the entire border's passive sensor nets. Once this is done, both ships then get out of dodge.
The reason: A joint Romulan and Starfleet task force is crossing the border to destroy all Dominion installations and a fleet massing in the Dentrius system; the sensor nets must be disabled for this task force to achieve strategic and tactical surprise.
Starfleet Research & Development and Followup Team Progress Report
MISSION: Sensor upgrade
VESSEL: USS Starwind
CAPTAIN: Captain Randor
Ens's Vk'Pel & Grakkos arrived at the IP with Starwind in the shuttle Rainmaker without incident.
Diagnostic evaluation of existing sensors began, verifying compatability of existing equipment with hardware and software to be installed.
While making hardware changes to the starboard sensor array, Grakkos triggered a proximity fuse on a Carbrodine and Infernite bomb. It was not detected previously due to a field of Acetin particles. The bomb was in such a position to do extreme damage and casue a hull breach. Grakkos and the bomb were transported to a cargo bay.
A level 10 containment field was errected and Grakkos walked away from the bomb, detonating it. It was a sustained blast device and compramised the containment field shortly after a second was errected, which held the blast. It was determined that this type of explosive would have caused approximately 65% greater damage than a bomb of standard configuration. The Starwind had prior contact with someone named Kalinda, who had evidently set other booby traps about the ship.
The new sensors and buffers were successfully installed giving higher resolution in both long and short range sensors. With the increased information provided by the enhanced sensors it may become necessary to write a sub routine program to assist the operator in sorting out the information.
In an attempt to gain further insight to a power source 10 KM below the surface of a planet being explored by the Starwind, Grakkos initiated a sensor burst through the active sensor emitters for a deep penetration scan of the planet. The new buffers held the overload successfully and a wealth of information was obtained pending analysis by the science department.
CONCLUSION: It is the opinion of these officers that the sensor upgrades will be successful. After close monitoring over a 12 hour period no malfunctions were noted. Before fleetwide installation, however, we recommend a 12 week evaluation period with all anomolies being reported.
STATUS: Ens Grakkos & Ens Vk'Pel have concluded their assignment and are prepared for assignment.
Ens Vk'Pel
Ens Grakkos
This month I am interviewing Commander Shaun Marlin, a terran male who is the USS Isannahs First Officer.
Why did you choose a career in Starfleet?
To be honest I dont ever think there was a time in my life when I consciously sat down and decided to join Starfleet. I have grown up on starships with either my mother or father, who both served in the fleet. From the days when I used to sit at the foot of my fathers desk and watch him fill out reports, or Id be with my mother in her sickbay and Id terrorise her nurses, right through to today, Starfleet has just sort of been there. Like someone standing in a room who you dont ever really consciously notice but who is nevertheless always there. And so I considered going to Starfleet academy not so much as a conscious decision but more a natural progression that came with time. I didnt join the academy specifically to defend the weak or to explore the galaxy like a lot of people do, I just joined because it seemed like the natural thing to do I suppose.
And now that you are here, what do you plan to accomplish with your StarFleet career?
To be perfectly honest Im not really sure. When I entered Starfleet my aim was to obtain the position of Tactical Officer and Chief of Security, as the Marlin family has a history of tactical officers stretching way back. That part was to satisfy my father who I think would have been secretly disappointed if I had not continued in the family footsteps as it were. So I suppose I wanted to make my parents proud. My other aim was to reach the rank of commander, as no Marlin has ever done that. Now Ive done that and I have achieved the position of First Officer, which makes me the highest ranking Marlin in Starfleet ever. However those targets were mainly personal targets for prides sake. My aims have changed recently. Rather than just reach a set rank I am now more concerned with personal development. I believe Starfleet has a lot to offer me and I still believe I have a lot to offer the fleet too. However I no longer set myself specific targets, I tend to take each day as it comes now. That is one way in which I have changed in recent years.
I know that doesnt really answer the question, but Starfleet has been all around me my whole life, so much so that I know consider Starfleet as the main factor in my life, so to me the question you asked was more what do I want to achieve with my life, and that I dont know. Maybe the answer is I want to find out what I want to achieve with my life.
Have you done anything outside of StarFleet which you are particularly proud of?
By the time I graduated the academy both of my parents had decided to retire from Starfleet, and they moved to Earth to set up the farm they had been dreaming of for years. It was by no means an easy task and so, after I graduated, I moved back to Earth to help establish the farm. It was very hard work but we did it. I stayed their for just over a year before I decided that the hardest of the work was over and they wouldnt need me there anymore, thats when I returned to Starfleet and started my career. I was really proud of that, because we really transformed that place.
And now that you spend your time onboard starships, do your parents send you non-replicated food from that farm?
- Marlin smiles::
My mother does, as much as she can, which isnt all that often given the fact that the Isannah tends to move around so much. However when she does manage to track it down she tends to send large crates of produce. A few weeks ago she sent me a box of cakes she had baked especially, however the bio stasis field was ruptured during transit and the whole cargo ship that the box had been brought on had to be put under quarentine because the cakes went mouldy. Apparantly Strawberry Jam Cake is an ideal breeding ground for a certain type of Vulcan bacteria which also escaped when the cargo hold was damaged. I believe the whole cargo ship crew were quarentined for six months after the incident, although they were all OK. Since then my mother hasnt sent me quite so much.
Most unfortunate, Commander. What is a strawberry jam?
You've never tried it? Ill have to get my mother to send you some, without the quarentine of course. Its delicious, its made from Terran Strawberries.You can have lots of flavours, my favourites are Cherry and Strawberry. I dont normally get to eat it though because its one of those foods that I believe replicators just cant do justice to, so I only eat it when my parents send me it, and, since that little accident, my mother is a bit hesitant about sending it out.
I am glad she is. Before we close up, you are to receive the next commission out of 118, the Indria. Any thoughts on that?
I havent thought of much else recently. I am obviously tremendously excited, although I am sad at the same time. I will miss the Isannah, I know I havent been there for the longest of times but I feel as if I am leaving a part of my family behind, she has a wonderful crew. However as I said I am really looking forward to the challenge of commanding a vessel. Ill be the first ever Marlin to do so and I think my father may be as excited as me about it all.
I hope I make a good Commanding officer, I know I have had some of the best available role models in Commodore Pelletier and Captains Ruach and Jolon. By the way, I have an opening for a First officer if you are interested Captain
- Marlin smiles::
Those days are long behind me, Commander. Thank you for your time, and good luck in your upcoming commision.
As you have no doubt gathered the running of the reporter has now changed hands. I am currently reviewing the structure of the newsletter and am looking for ways to improve it. I have several ideas in mind but have decided not to begin implemeting these immediately, as you can see, this month I have pretty much stuck to the old format. I would love to hear from any of you regarding your thoughts on the Reporter, what would you like to see? Now is the time to send your ideas, and opinions, even if it is only to say you think it is fine as it is. I would really like to hear from as many of you as possible as I would like as many members as possible to have a hand in the format of the Reporter.
The UFOP IRC chat takes place every Saturday, and is hosted by Captain Randor on DALnet. The Chat has been a success and lots of members attend every week. However many non-US/Canadian members are unable to attend due to the time differences, for example the UFOP Chat is 3am my time. Ideas are now in the works for a second UFOP chat. This chat would be aimed at the non US/Canadian members and also US/Canadian members who cannot make it to the Saturday Chat. However there should be no reason at all why you cannot go to both if you so wish!
Would everyone who would be interested in attending a second chat please write me OOC. The chat will only be started if enough people reply to this article. It doesnt matter if you do not know much about IRC as it is quite easy to get the hang of. If you do reply could you please state any times when you are or arent available, this way we can sort out which times will suit the most people. The initial idea is to try and hold this second chat on a different time to Saturday night, however this depends on the reponses I receive.
Also if the second chat does start up, it will be moderated on a rota system, rather than just one person having to moderate it week in and week out. Anyone who would be interested in moderating the chat on a rota basis, please indicate so in your reply.
This Out of Character section is a space for UFOP members submissions of anything that they would like to share with their fellow members. This section is one of the only ways that you can communicate to the whole of UFOP at once, and so is a very useful feature. If you would like to submit anything for this space, whether it be a story/question/observation or anything else you want the whole of UFOP to see, send it to me at before the 19th of each month. Thanks
- Please write and tell me what you like or don't like about the Reporter. I would also appreciate suggestions re: what you would like to see in this newsletter. Send all suggestions to Commander Marlin
- If you wish to be taken off our mailing list, please notify Fleet Captain Elinor
- Tell your friends about us!