Reporter Issue 18
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Submissions are welcome. Please submit by the 19th of each month.
Captains, please submit plot outlines for your ships by the 17th of each month.
We have a new ship joining us this month: Captain Randor's USS StarWind. Please welcome them!
Declassified Informational Report
According to StarFleet Reg 198.377 we can now declassify the fate of the USS Atlantis, commanded by Captain Maikan Bajim. Captain Maiken, a Bajoran, had always voiced sympathy with the Maquis rebellion. These sympathies lead Admiral Wolf to contact Lieutenants Rendary and Conway, and he subsequently learned of Maiken's intent to defect. When Captain Maiken took the Atlantis and defected to the Maquis, both Lieutenants were well situated to report back to the Admiral on their position and dealings.
The Atlantis was not idle. Lieutenant Commander Dave Weidner, first officer, immediately began a covert mission to smuggle medical supplies the ship was carrying to Maquis ships. To that end, he left the Atlantis for three months on the shuttle Arrow. While on that mission, he wounded several Federation officers who attempted to intercept his shuttle.
Meanwhile, the Atlantis herself moved quickly into Cardassian space and began to offer backup support in various conflicts. It is during those conflicts that Ensign Olaf Rammler and Ensign John Chevalier lost their lives while working on a nacelle leak. Cardassian officials immediately contacted StarFleet to understand the nature of the Atlantis' actions. It was at that point that StarFleet command gave the Cardassians the names of Rendary and Conway, both Federation spies onboard the Atlantis, and they cooperated with the Cardassians to effectuate the capture of the Atlantis.
As a result, the Atlantis was taken into custody on Stardate 9609.25, and the senior officers tried. Several, including Captain Maiken are now serving sentence on the penal colony in Australia, Earth. Lieutenants Rendary and Conway have been reassigned back through Star Base 118 to the USS Ranger after enjoying an extended hiatus. Welcome back, officers.
Of course, in light of the recent Cardassian conflict, it seems awkward that our two peoples cooperated on this mission. But I hope it is remembered that before the Cardassians choose an alliance with the Dominion, we were working on creating and maintaining a cooperative relationship.
Requiem Announcement
I must report the death of Lieutenant Commander Dan of the USS Centris. He was destroyed during our recent skirmish with a Cardassian warship. I am sure you will all stand with me for a minute of silence in honor of my longest serving senior officer.
Congratulations to the following officers for their promotions.
- Cory Corundum, Lieutenant Commander, Star Base 118
- Katrina Ta'el, Lieutenant Commander, USS Ranger
- Unit L-7, Lieutenant, USS Ranger
- Kel, Lieutenant junior grade, USS Ranger
Also, congratulations to Lieutenant Daen Ceinwen who is now cross-promoted to Mission Specialist onboard the USS Ranger.
And to Lieutenant Prexis Sall who is cross-promoted to Mission Specialist on the USS Freedom.
After the base returned to semi-normal, Kalendra, an arch-nemesis of Captain Randor, payed a visit to the StarBase and took hold on Admiral Wolf via a Borg implant. After various attacks on crewmembers by Wolf, and others, on the crew, the crew realizes that they are on a StarFleet created holodeck program, which is being used to capture Kalendra. After Wolf (being the first to have been transported off the deck) begins evacuating the crew from the holodeck, a special team from Earth arrives on the base to bring Kalendra to Earth. Wolf also accompanies the ship, to undergo surgery to remove the Borg implant. First Officer Wilkens arrives on the base as Wolf leaves, and Captain Randor disappears without a trace. After a long surgery, Wolf finds that they were not able to remove the implant, and he returns to the base. Only a few minutes later the base receives a distress signal from a USS StarWind, and the crew finds through the signal that the captain of the ship is the missing Randor.
During a routine star mapping mission, we encountered a Ferengi outpost. Cardassians at this post abducted both Commander Curtis Arvanon and Lieutenant Jo'eb T'an. The USS Arizona was called out to respond to this crisis, and several skirmishes ensued. As a result of these skirmishes, Fleet Captain Elinor was severely injured and med-evaced back to Star Base 118 for recovery. She has since decided to resign her post as Commanding Officer of the Centris and instead to take over as training officer to incoming members. The Centris has been decommissioned and is in dock awaiting repairs.
none submitted
Ranger-A was assigned to investigate the loss of Starfleet Marine Transport vessel USS TRIPOLI, lost in sector 2245 near the galactic rim, to the "rear" of Federation space. She was lost with all hands on a standard "Drop-Look" colony survey of planet RS-G6657-2, also known as "Chigger" for its prolific insect life.
Crew exposed to mutagenic virus carried in TRIPOLI's secret cargo of bio- weapons. Discovered TRIPOLI lost to hostile fire by collective known as "Greenpreserve", the remnants of Terran environmentalists who left Earth before the Federation was founded; they believed Starfleet had been polluting the area.
Conflict resolved, virus destroyed, RANGER returning home.
The StarWind has just survived a battle with an unidentified, organic ship. Nearly destroyed in the attack, the StarWind managed to escape when the alien ship mysteriously self-destructed itself. We are now trying to patch ourselves up while waiting for a ship sent by the Starbase to tow us back to dock.
This month I am interviewing Lieutenant Jo'eb T'an, a Trill male serving as helm on the USS Centris.
Why did you choose a career in StarFleet?
I chose Starfleet because I wanted to see what is actually out here. I wanted a chance to be the first Trill to see things that nobody has ever seen before. Also, with the escalating wars with The Dominion and The Borg, I wanted a chance to defend The Federation from species like these! And so your primary area of interest is tactical? Yes. I suppose that it stems from having grown up with two older siblings around. At times it has it's advantages, having have somebody always there to watch your back. However, there are other times when it is a disadvantage like when we are having discussions with each other. Eventually, discussions turn into arguments and arguments turn into fights. Being the youngest tends to mean being the one that is "Ganged up on" (if you catch my drift). It has been through these "skirmishes" that I learned that I need to learn how to defend myself in the "outside world". After all, my brother and sister aren't going to be around forever.
How did they feel about your decision to join StarFleet?
Actually, they are quite supportive of me. At first, when I told them of my decision, they just laughed. Being the youngest in my family, they thought that I was not cut out to join Starfleet. But after passing the entrance exams, they started cheering me on and gave me great support during my years at the Academy. I guess I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them.
And where do you see yourself in ten years? Still in StarFleet? At what post?
Yes I do see myself still in Starfleet after ten years. That is unless the Dominion or Borg or even some other race we haven't yet met has other plans in mind for me. However, in ten years I would like to see myself as Captain of my own ship or at the very least a Second in Command. I know that sounds a little arrogant perhaps, but ten years is a long time and much can happen in that amount of time. I'm very much enjoying my tour in Starfleet and would like to go somewhere with it. I've heard of many Starfleet officers who just go from posting to posting and not go anywhere up the chain of command. There are quite content to be an Ensign or a Lieutenant. This is not for me. I want to make this a career and not just a job.
Thank you, Lieutenant, for your time.
Announcement - Weekly IRC chat for all members of the UFOP. Saturday evenings, in #starbase118lounge on DALnet. 7pm PST, 8Pm MST, 9PM CST, 10PM EST. Everybody welcome
- Please write and tell me what you like or don't like about the Reporter. I would also appreciate suggestions re: what you would like to see in this newsletter.
- If you wish to be taken off our mailing list, please notify Fleet Captain Elinor.
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