Casperia Prime

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Casperia Prime is a member of the United Federation of Planets. The planet is billed as the vacation capital of the Horvatian Cluster, and its reputation as a resort destination is on par with that of Risa. It is a popular shore leave destination, as well as a host to innumerable conferences, seminars, political accords, and more.[1]

The Planet is host to innumerable natural wonders from mountains to rain forests and beaches and waterfalls. One such region is Nantahala Valley. Chief among the planet's sights are the rings that orbit the planet which are visible in varying thicknesses from most every latitude on the planet. The rings wax and wane with the season due to the shadow of the planet cast on the rings, forming various brightly-lit shapes such as a laurel, sickle, or full arch. The effects of light occlusion and reflection due to the rings' presence seems to have a negligible net impact on the length or intensity of seasons compared to Earth norms, perhaps due to a differing composition of the upper atmosphere or the wavelengths of light the parent star puts out, but they can intensify or moderate local seasonal conditions, depending on latitude and altitude.

Galactic Atlas