Academic Transcript: Alyndra Syrex

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Ensign Alyndra Syrex

Service History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
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Cadet First Class 2396 Starfleet Academy
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Cadet Second Class 2397 Starfleet Academy
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Cadet Third Class 2398-2401 Starfleet Academy
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Cadet Fourth Class SD 240107.15 - 240107.26 USS Centris-A
Medical Officer

Alyndra Syrex
Commissioned on 240107.26
Tristan Wolf Tomas Falt
Academy Commandant
Starfleet Academy
Training Officer
Starbase 118 Campus

Undergraduate-level Classes

Credits Transferred from Degree Taken On Trill
Class Code Class Name Grade
BIO101 Concepts
CHEM101 Concepts
CHEM201 Organic Chemistry 1
CHEM202 Organic Chemistry 2
PHYS201 General Physics 1
PHYS202 General Physics 2
MATH120 Calculus, Advanced
LANG101 Federation Standard
Minor in Helm/Navigation
Class Name Grade
Astrogation I
Astrogation II
Piloting I
Piloting II
Tactics I
Tactics II

Postgraduate-level Classes

Year 1 - Medicine
Class Grade
Medicine I: Beside Manner
Medicine II: Medical Ethics
Medicine III: Clinical Fundamentals
Chemistry: Biochemistry
Xenobiology I: General Physiology
Xenobiology II: Physiology, Major Species
Xenobiology III: Physiology, Minor Species
Xenobiology IV: Genetics, Humanoid 1
Xenobiology V: Genetics, Humanoid 2
Xenobiology VI: Genetics, Non-Humanoid
Xenobiology VII: Microbiology 1 (Bacteria)
Xenobiology VIII: Microbiology 2 (Virii)
Xenobiology IX: Immunology
Xenobiology X: Systems 1, Derm/Respir/Cardio/Circa Systems
Xenobiology XI: Systems 2, GI/Musc/Renal/Endoc/Reprod
Year Average
Year 2 - Medicine
Class Grade
Medicine IV: Epidemiology and Medical Statistics
Medicine V: Diagnosis, Major Species
Medicine VI: Diagnosis, Minor Species
Medicine VII: Pharmacology 1
Medicine VIII: Pharmacology 2
Medicine IX: Surgery, Major Humanoid Species
Medicine X: Surgery, Non-Humanoid Species
Engineering I: Medical Systems and Equipment
Engineering II: Life Support Systems
Xenobiology XII: Pathology
Xenobiology XIII: Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology
Xenobiology XIV: Endocrinology
Xenobiology XV: Reproductive Biology
Xenobiology XVI: Haematology
Xenobiology XVII: Neuroscience
Year Average
Year 3 & 4 - Medicine - Clinical Placements
Class Code Placement Name Completed? Grade (If Applicable) Notes
MED600 Internal Medicine TRUE
MED610 General Practice TRUE
MED620 General Surgery TRUE
MED630 Obstetrics/Gynaecology TRUE
MED640 Paediatrics TRUE A* Did very well, sorry to be losing her

-Nurse Jessica Henry, Lead Matron

MED650 Psychiatry & Mental Health TRUE C+ Needs to get better at following her own advice.

Needs to be more firm with affirmations. -Counsellor Gavin West

MED660 Medical Specialties TRUE
MED670 Surgical Specialties TRUE
MED680 Critical Care TRUE
MED690 Aerospace Medicine TRUE
MED701 Clinical Elective 1 TRUE A- Occupational Therapy
MED702 Clinical Elective 2 TRUE A* Went Back to Paediatrics Dept for further study