Michael Soul
Lieutenant Commander Michael Soul is currently serving as Chief Operations Officer on the USS Columbia.
- Full Name: Michael Soul
- Race: Terran
- Date of Birth: 235511.11
- Place of Birth: Earth
- Age: 28
- Gender: Male
- Telepathic status: N/A
- Height: 6'1"
- Weight: In pounds or kilos.
- Hair Color: Black
- Length of Hair: short, he has been none to grow it longer
- Eye Color: Brown
- Skin Tone: Caucasian
- Birthmarks, Scars: one scare, 7cm on left shoulder. All others have been removed.
- Build: Average, well toned
- Face: Located on his head :D
- Eyes: Brown
- Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Very plain. Blue or Black shirts with trousers or jeans
- Shoes: Black shoes, brown and white exercising trainers
- Voice: Deep
- Handedness: Right handed when writing, but able to use both hands for most tasks
- Quarters: Deck 5, tidy for the most part, one small desk. A Romulan sword on mounted on the wall, acquired from his first away mission with Commander Varaan. Michael also has a modal of a FA-150 on his desk.
- Favorite Room/place on the ship: Shuttle Bay, Bridge (Helm consol)
- Habits:
- Mannerisms:
- Religion/Spiritual Devotion: None
- Hobbies and Pastimes:
- Likes: Listening to music, Jerry Lee Lewis and Johnny Cash are his favourite earth musicians at the moment.
- Dislikes:
- Ambitions and Goals: To Captain a Romulan Vessel under the Federation banner
- Achievements in Life: Piloting a Romulan Vessel, Becoming a Lt.Cmdr
- Disappointments in Life: His experince with Captain Blucher in Starfleet Intel, Michael has never spoken about this.
- Temperment:
- Mental problems (complexes and phobias):
- Physical Limitations: Avaerage Human Limitations.
- Marital Status: Single
- Children: None
- Parents
- Father: John Soul
- Mother: Lisa Reeves
- Siblings
- Brother: Nathan Soul
- Step-sister: Lucy Reeves
Personal History
Michael has a troubled childhood that he would much rather forget. At a young age he showed a lot of interest in becoming a musician and practised constantly for many years, however, because he was never able to win the approval of his mother or father he left home at a while still a teenager and became involved in petty crime.
After some contemplation Michael fought that joining starfleet would be the life for him but was worried about his past holding him back, as he was never prosecuted for any of his peety crimes Michael was able to join Starfleet but he was soon informed that people would be watching him closely. Although Michael was not the modal student at the academy he did do enough to finish the training in the middle region of his year and soon realised that he had a nature aptitude for flying.
Michael enjoys flying when ever he can get the opportunity, whether it be a shuttle of a capital ship. Michael also still revels in a good fight and will often go to the holodeck and engage a opponent in unarmed combat to let off some stream, however michael is always careful not to let his violent side take over in his everyday life. Off duty Michael is very laid back and enjoys and joke and a drink with most of the crew, on he is as professional as he can be.
Medical Notes
- 237505.13: Due to Michael's use of the drug Biomimetic Gel at a young age, Michael was almost killed when his left cerebral cortex started to erode. Michael received an implant to repair the damaged.
- 238109.24: Received shrapnel wounds to his upper left face while on Shardeen II while in fire fight with Romulans.
- 238202.03: briefly blinded in left eye due to a firefight with inturders.
Professional History
- Date Graduated from Academy: 238101.01
- Current Rank: Lieutenant Commnader
- Current Assignment: USS Columbia
- Duty Post: Chief Operations Officer
Awards & Commendations
The Barclay Bead - 238110.??
- 238102.07: Michael was sent on a training extension with the Starfleet Marines, where he served aboard the USS VIRGINIA as a FA-150 fighter pilot.
- 238106.21: Michael's first assignment was first on the USS Paladin at the position of Helm/Com/Ops under the Command of Captain Rachel Daninburg.
- 238107.04: Temporarily reassigned to the Romulan vessel Vindera (scout ship) as the Chief Helm officer under the command of Lt.Commander Varaan.
- 238109.24: Injured in a fire fight with Romulan forces on Shardeen II after the Romulan vessel Vindera crashed on the planet. Michael was put of a team that destroyed a Romulan outpost during the firefight.
- 238109.29: field promotion to Lieutenant by Lt.Commander Varaan for "conduct above and beyond, under circumstances of great duress."
- 238110.11: Michael was given the position of Assistant HCO officer on board the USS Paladin.
- 238111.02: Reassigned to the USS Atlantis as the cheif Helm officer under the command of Commander Varaan with no change in rank.
- 238206.01: Reassigned to the postion of Chief Engineering Officer after a mission on the lawless Midway Station.
- 238207.03: Promoted to the rank of Lt. Commander.
- 238208.07: Reassigned to Starfleet Intel under Captain Blucher. Mission status classified File:Micheal soul intel.JPGLt. Cmdr. Michael Soul Intel
- 238301.05: Reassigned to USS Columbia as Chief Operations Officer under Captain Mal Avatar.