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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code Gret
Federation Status Non-Aligned
Planet of Origin Unknown/Waystations
Encountered by the USS Independence-A
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level WR
List of Named Greeterss

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  • Proper Name: GSHI (Greeter Sentient Holographic Interface)
  • Pronounciation: gree-ter
  • Catelog/Common Name: Greeters
  • First Contact: Stardate 238406.12

Short Description: An advanced holo-matrix interface of a certain sentience detected (may or may not be a part of the programming) that first greets ships about to enter docking range. Described as Terran-like in appearance wearing robes.


Restricted. The Greeter holo-matrix is believed to be a part of the Waystations design and not a participating member of Starfleet located outside of the Galactic Barrier. While neither friend or foe, the Interface is to be treated with caution as it has demonstrated a design and purpose that may or may not clash/compliment the views and regulations of Starfleet in its high moral/ethics testing nature.


Unknown. Lt. Allen Cruise reported a sighting of a silicon-based Greeter rather than a holo-matrix-based one on Odyssey Station.

Physical Characteristics

Terran-like in projected appearance, notably wearing white-robes that cover the body and the face.


Unknown holo-matrix-type.


  • Social

As the name suggests, they are believed to have been designed as an official welcoming committee to docking ships. Each Greeter has its own distinct personality, however, usually aloof and utilizes Galactica in its common speech

  • Government

Unknown at this time.

  • Ethics

Adheres to a body of work entitled the Wayfarer’s Code, at minimum over 2000 pages partially downloaded from Odyssey Station.


WR – Galactic. Not much is known to date regarding the technology of the holo-matrix design, other than it is ancient technology.


Unknown at this point.


Unknown at this point.


Unknown at this point.


Unknown at this point.

Interstellar Location

Odyssey Station, located just outside the Milky Way Galaxy near the Alpha-Beta Quadrant border. Additionally at Leximinos Station, believed to be located somewhere near the Alpha-Delta border of the Milky Way.

First Contact

It was shown they are testers of incoming visitors who lay out the Wayfarer’s Code and the conditions which are expected to be followed while visiting the station, particularly in the grounds of moral values that is suggestive of certain criteria from visitors.