Intelligent Lifeform Index |
Zet | |
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Four Letter Code | ZET |
Federation Status | Unknown |
Planet of Origin | Zet, Close to Karemma Space, Gamma Quadrant |
Encountered | THO: "The Cost of Forever"| |
T/E Rating | T0/E0 |
Current Tech Level | H with discrepancies |
List of Named Zets | |
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- The Zet are an insectoid species that has lived in isolation in a remote nebula in the Gamma Quadrant
Home System
- Quadrant: Gamma
- Location: unknown; somewhere closer to Karemma Space, in a highly energetic nebula known as The Edge
- Proper Name: Unknown
- Star: Binary Star
- Distance from Star: unknown
- Companions: unknown
- Moons: Several natural and artificial.
Home World
- Proper Name: Zet
- Diameter: unknown
- Gravity: unknown
- Axial Tilt: unknown
- Orbital Period: unknown
- Rotational Period: unknown
- Classification: unknown
- Surface Water: there is surface water, but much of it is polluted--for example Lake E’dlik’Sor is reddish-purple and coated in a nearly two-meter froth of halophilic microbes that had grown from years of dumping high-saline waste products into the lake.[1]
- Atmosphere: highly polluted
- Climate: unknown
- Terrain: unknown
- Population: unknown
Early Zet history and mythology are essentially the same, and sorting one from the other is difficult. The Zet developed a market economy early in their history, and it is woven into their mythology.
In 2400, the Zet entered into agreement with the United Dominion of Planets which gave them access to warp technology. Nearly immediately, they began colonizing other worlds, usually through warlord-kings.
The government on the Zet homeworld is mostly symbolic, as the megacorporations control much of the actual laws and policies. The leaders of the most powerful megacorps form "the guild," and are known as Guildmasters. On Zet colony worlds or on more isolated sections of their homeworld, warlords or kings tend to have more direct political power, although the Guildmasters still have some sway.[2]
Universal translators tend to translate Zet political terms in a way that mixes terms associated with Earth feudalism and Earth capitalism, leading to words like "duke" and "executive" in the same title.
On Koreli IV, the king was also known as the Supreme Director, and referred to by his subjects as "my director."[3]
A reeve oversaw groups of specialists. The chief reeve oversaw the employees in the Royal HQ on Koreli IV.[4]
Zet are divided into two distinct castes: the Deathless, the dominant caste, are generally taller, slenderer and have characteristics closer to the ideal of the species. Their bodies are brightly and warmly coloured, especially on the back and top of their heads. Oranges, magentas, pinks and reds are regarded as most beautiful colours.
On the other hand, the working breed or Ephemeral, have shorter and more robust bodies and generally are duller in colour, mostly in shades of brown and greys.
Acute sense of smell/perception of pheromones tied to emotional states. Especially pronounced among the Deathless, less so but still there among the Ephemerals.
The species originally had two genders, but due to extensive mechanical and genetic engineering the designation of one and the other (or neither) often depends on each individual.
Distinguishing physical characteristics
As a general rule, the Zet have a kind of slender body and long, graceful limbs, finished with 3 fingers on the upper limbs and two plus a spur on the lower limbs. Although they generally use a plantigrade gait, many choose a digitigrade locomotion to move faster, with the spur remaining off the ground.
Their skin is soft and smooth, but the back and face are covered with chitinous plaques with small nodules embossed, reminiscent of a protection against ancient predators.
The head is rounded with two bony projections towards the back that are part of the non-verbal communication of the Zet: a healthy Zet will have long, graceful and well-formed horns, while a sickly individual will usually have small or broken horns. These are present throughout the individual's life and grow continuously, so that elderly Zet possess elaborate horns that limit the mobility of their head.
Its head has 6 eyes that give it excellent spatial vision, along a colour spectrum detection that is superior to humans'. In addition, the short vibrissae on their head give them extra information about surrounding conditions.
Innerly, they have copper-based Hemolymph blood, a complex muscular-skeletal system with chitinous complement both internally and externally, overall structure similar to the Andorian one, except for the cupric foundation.[5]
Means of locomotion
Bipedal, plantigrade and short digitigrade; some, especially the military caste, also have wings.
Death among the Zet
The Deathless can die, and in fact it is fairly common for their bodies to wear out after a little more than a hundred years. When a Zet dies, they produce a biomolecular cloud called e’Tezel or “essence.” [6] This cloud is produced by small pockets of gasses that insulate Zet organs the way many humanoid species had meninges.[7]
Prior to the invention of computers, the Zet were able to occasionally “catch” this cloud and place it in new host bodies, but there was inevitably some decay and loss of memory/personality traits. One of the earliest tasks the Zet created computers for was to create a binary code of the biomolecular cloud, producing billions of data points. This code allowed them to then recreate the exact cloud for a new husk with limited data loss, but it also requires an enormous amount of computing power. Still, by this point the Zet can catch the cloud and have it converted to functioning binary in a few seconds--at least on their homeworld where the computers have been designed for this purpose. Although in theory, this means a Zet could live an infinite amount of time, in practice accidents and acts of violence do interfere with the process, and small errors in the data points can add up over multiple rehusks, producing an effect similar to inbreeding.
After a body is no longer used, it is ideally consumed by a swarm of small aquatic beings similar to fish, which are often consumed ritually by the rehusked Zet.[8] This act of consumption provides some nutritional value but is not necessary. Jerky made from (or allegedly made from) the fish of famous Zet is often sold for exhorbitant prices. If a Zet has died permanently, the body is still consumed.
A significant amount of the Zet's emic studies of psychology are focused on consumption and advertising. For example, the psychologist Krk’Eli created the concept of psychotags, which are words and phrases which produce emotional responses due to Zet physiology. [9]The same terms may or may not produce equal reactions in other species.
The Zet are fairly agnostic, but they do believe in the Holy Pyramid, a hierarchical division of society based on ancient Zet wisdom.[10] They don't have gods as such, but this system says there is a sort of universal blessing which is inherent in some Zet moreso than others. The simplest form of the Holy Pyramid is Ephemeral < Ephemeral Soldier < Deathless < Deathless Guildmasters < The Zet State/Economy.
This concept provides the cosmological support to their rigid hierarchical system, although the system was developed before their contact with other worlds and it is unclear how it will adapt to the existence of other species. As of 2401, many Zet considered Federation members to be somewhere above Ephemerals and below Deathless on the Holy Pyramid.
More than 10,000 years ago, there was at least one "epic hero" who may have been a real person but was likely legend: Executive Nik‘ulama’pao’en’bei’yie’Bahb.[11] He is known to have solved a series of challenges through subterfuge, bureaucracy, and deal-making, though one thing he did not do was kill the Great Ghullworm. He paid someone else to do it. (A ghullworm is a vermiform lifeform from the Zet homeworld similar to a leech; the Great Ghullworm was a sort of large-scale, vampiric version of the same.)
The Zet are organized around Corporations run by one or more Deathless, with a multitude of Ephemerals at their service, subject to debts and life obligations. If a Deathless does fail to rehusk and dies permanently, the deceased is typically given a monument on the Zet homeworld that is proportionally based on the wealth and status of the deceased individual.
When Zet warlords conquered planets outside the homeworld, their monument was built on the world where they died.
Zet laws are heavily influenced by the Holy Pyramid concept; an Ephemeral, for example, would be punished harder for harming a Deathless than for harming another Ephemeral. Contract violations are generally treated with a firmer hand than violence. Because escape from prison is a capital offense, Zet prisons are sometimes built in a way to encourage escape as a way of ensuring a legal justification to kill an enemy.[12]
Names of non-immortals are styled in the conventional ‘Given name, Surname’ fashion, i.e. John Smith. In the case of the Deathless, they add a sub name each time they ‘re-husk’ into a new body - mostly to show off. Using the example of ‘Anroc,’ his full name is ‘Pitorian Sal’Lat’Ut’Kel’Tras Anroc,’ indicating he has rehusked at least five times, putting his age in the ~600 year range.
List of Known Zets
- Toal'Dius - King and Supreme Director, the Deathless Dynamo, the Warlord King of Koreli IV, well-known as the most just and wise of all Zet.
- The Rightful Prince Da’ni’Grend of Koreli-Four and the Danni people, Child of the Slain Grand King Ma’det’ain’ths’ng’in’Grend; The Just and Proper King of Koreli-Four.
- Grand Zet King Ma’det’ain’ths’ng’in’Grend, the wisest, kindest and most benevolent of all the kings
- Shipmaster Pitorian Sal’Lat’Ut’Kel’Tras Anroc, Owner & Guildmaster Extraordinary, First Eternal, President for Life of the Saldanian Corporate Hegemony, Beloved & Benevolent, Everlasting & Magnificent
- Nenni Nokzu, Acting Shipmaster
- Saulan Ket’han, Deputy Director of Daily Operations
- Shaggee Rod'gurs, Vice Associate Director Of Crew Fulfillment & Disposal
- Galat Zhkrg, Second Grade Associate of the Sub-division 88 of Redistribution of Workers of Mid-Lower Profile
- Frizikh
- Jowel
The Zet have a strongly capitalistic culture with an emphasis on hierarchy. Much of their communication, even formal corporate and government communication, happens over social media such as TidBitter. A TidBitter admin account is a high honor. Corporations and governments often encrypt messages within messages when it comes to social media posts.
- Guildmaster - one of a small group of Zet that make up the most powerful megacorporation leaders.
- Shipmaster - Captain /Skipper [13]
- Vital Treatment Technician - Doctor /physician [14]
- Click - Time measure
- Hexaclick - 60 clicks
- Rotation - Year, circumvallation of Zet's main planet around its star
- Gratuitous Rigidity Amplification System - structural integrity field [15]
- Voidships - Starships [16]
- Nullgrav - Zero gravity / Zero G [17]
- Flosflus. - an obscure part of Zet anatomy. Perhaps vibrissae. [18]
- Reeve - an overseer of workers, usually in government positions.
- Panacleum - Zet stringed instrument
Zet elite government officials participate in a number of formal ritual activities as heads of state. These differ from group to group, but in the case of the dynasty at Koreli IV, one such ritual was a steambath using Gessygrass, a plant native to Koreli IV that produced a mild psychotropic effect in the Zet and was said to inspire dynamic thinking.[19]
Rem’trell’s Law -
One of the laws in which Zet's science is based. It states that matter could not travel faster than the speed of light. [20]
Massive Corporations in an aggressive Capitalist System.
The leaders of the military are typically Deathless generals.
Many of the military caste have more robust bodies, and some have wings.
Federation Intelligence Files
Members of this species were encountered by the crew of the USS Thor after receiving a distress call while in orbit around New Bajor on 239801.10
The crew of the USS Thor attempted to save the starship on distress.
UPDATE 2400: The Zet have acquired warp technology apparently through entering into a tentative alliance with the United Dominion of Planets. UPDATE 2400: The Zet are confirmed to have been complicit in the destruction of the Caboto, an Intrepid-class starship.
- The Cost of Forever (first appearance)
- Missing In Action (USS Oumuamua)
- ↑ https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/7dNWZWuOoYI/m/buBplgWTDgAJ
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/2a1h8pUgb9U/m/skHoyNhWBQAJ
- ↑ https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/2a1h8pUgb9U/m/skHoyNhWBQAJ
- ↑ "In The Halls Of The Mountain King (part 1)", "Lt. Alieth ", USS Thor), 239801.13
- ↑ https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/gMY41la0RHo/m/hFdPkopKAQAJ
- ↑ https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/rUBifvbYa-w/m/viIyvGNDAgAJ
- ↑ https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/xKjL0rS0SzM/m/JiGMlz1VAQAJ
- ↑ https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/2a1h8pUgb9U/m/skHoyNhWBQAJ
- ↑ https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/abYdqrcjiKg/m/vqxkSUpRDwAJ
- ↑ https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/C6s0FGlIAUQ/m/V7ONv6OxDgAJ
- ↑ https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/b0aKtTWIgCM/m/3dQCqzYzEwAJ
- ↑ "Shipmaster Anroc & The Pitiful Little People - The Cost Of Forever - PT1", "Shipmaster Anroc", USS Thor, 239801.03
- ↑ "Save the future", "Deputy Director of Daily Operations Saulan Ket’han ", USS Thor, 239801.16
- ↑ "No title", "Cmdr. Geoffrey Teller", USS Thor, 239801.18
- ↑ "What Have You Done For The Corp Today?", "Vice Associate Director Shaggee Rod'gurs", USS Thor, 239801.18
- ↑ "What Have You Done For The Corp Today?", "Vice Associate Director Shaggee Rod'gurs", USS Thor, 239801.18
- ↑ "A bad sci-fi history", "Deputy Director of Daily Operations Saulan Ket’han", USS Thor, 239801.13
- ↑ https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/2a1h8pUgb9U/m/skHoyNhWBQAJ
- ↑ " On a Gilded Surfboard", "Acting Shipmaster Nokzu", USS Thor, 239801.21
This is an original Starbase 118 species created by the crew of the USS Thor
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